無論是商務出差或休閒娛樂,聖克魯斯德拉謝拉萬豪飯店均可為您打造耳目一新的住宿體驗。飯店地理位置優越,靠近維魯維魯國際機場和Manzana Uno Espacio de Arte,採用精緻雅觀而又趣味盎然的設計,為您打造愜意非凡的玻利維亞住宿體驗。眾多精彩紛呈的室外活動,帶您愜意感受當地文化。之後到我們的水療中心享受按摩或面部護理,暢享非凡呵護。飯店時尚客房和套房配備豪華睡床和平面電視等設施,提供客房送餐服務,為您打造自在放鬆體驗。升級至行政酒廊禮遇客房,飽覽聖克魯斯迷人美景,暢享卓越住宿體驗。如需獲享更多升級體驗,歡迎預訂飯店專享優惠。Toborochi餐廳供應各式國際美食,為美食愛好者打造非凡舌尖體驗。您還可到Blue Macaw酒吧小酌手調雞尾酒,享用美味壽司。閒暇之餘,您可於室外泳池中享受陽光,或到我們的24小時健身中心愜意揮汗放鬆。
Great food, excellent service. I went three times and never got disappointed. Even though there was a special price 2x1 the quality of food and service 5 stars. Highly recommend, definitely coming back soon. A plus they have valet parking.
Un hotel muy cómodo con una vista impresionante de la ciudad, la atención es excelente y con mucha amabilidad. Los ambientes son atractivos y tienen medidas de cuidado del medio ambiente. Una excelente opción para hosped**** y disfrutar la estadia. FELICIDADES
About as high-end a hotel as you'll find in Bolivia, though it's beginning to show its age (for instance there are a lot of cracked windows, and the rooftop pool/bar would provide an even more wonderful view if the perspex screen around it wasn't in so much need of a good cleaning). Most clients appear to be in tour groups or on business trips. I showed up after 3 days in the jungle covered in sweat and mud, and they seemed keen to get me out of the lobby as quickly as possible. It's at the end of a cul de sac and a bit of a slog from the nearest shops, restaurants, etc, but as a place to unwind after some hard trekking it fit the bill. I suspected (later confirmed) I had broken two ribs while trekking, and want to give particular props to the masseur who did absolutely the right thing by declining my appointment request and advising me to just take it easy - his professionalism probably saved my back further damage and I don't know too many in his position who would have made that call. Thank you.
O hotel tem um quarto bem limpo, com um bom espaço e ar-condicionado. Tem um frigobar com algumas bebidas que custam bem mais do que comprar no supermercado. O banheiro é bem completo, tem secador, shampoo, condicionador e sabonete líquido. Não tinha muitas opções no café da manhã, senti falta de uma sanduicheira para fazer um misto quente, já que a máquina que tinha lá só “transformava” o pão de forma em torradas. A localização do hotel é boa e da para ir caminhando até a praça 24 de setembro. É uma área mais residencial e tem poucas opções de restaurante e bares para ir à noite, então você vai precisar pegar um transporte para ir para bares e restaurantes. O Wi-Fi era um pouco lento, o que pode ser ruim para quem tem intenção de viajar de home office.
The service was fantastic. Dalma who was at the front desk was super fantastic as was the owner Fernando balderrama palacios. It was extremely clean and modern looking. The location was great as well. Overall it was our best experience in South America over past 6 weeks of traveling. We would both highly recommend it. Most including the owner spoke English very well. If we come back I would stay here. Also talk to the owner for he is well educated and traveled. He can make some great suggestions for food and other places to go in Bolivia.