首先前枱客服日本女生服務態度非常差、待客人態度瞄咀、語氣助詞不友善、我預訂了2天1夜的,因為我乘搭飛機是零晨機,所以打算先訂好前1晚酒店房,待抵達旅店後,可以馬上check in 安睡,料不及知道,坐機場鐵路時遇上意料事故(當天有人跳路軌),故此差不多11:30am多才抵達旅店,(即已消耗了19小時半、但我是訂了這間房型2天1夜,所以這間房型依然是我真金白銀付),抵達前枱時這位女生做前枱態度很傲慢,我身心已經很疲累又着急,她不為以客之道不馬上安排我訂的房型給我,她還很像在想東想西,打一個電話給公司經理在想辦法給我第二種房間類型,想草草了事,此刻我只想快快睡一個覺,她意然草草安排一間窗戶西斜、房平方比我之前訂的房型較小及空調是壞的房型給我check in, 我check in 了進入此房型,
最後因為我感覺太熱(時間不夠10分鐘,我沒有弄髒過房間)我都是要求她盡快還給我訂的房型,前枱小姐不解決,她還要我在此房間內等她消息(天啊,當然太熱是靠走廊的空調作涼)我待在2:00pm, 我跟她討論,前枱女生回應不懂得修理空調(其實主要原因現在是她的lunch time) 她問了經理,經理已跑到外面吃午飯,她說要待到4:00pm等經理回來處理,:足足花了我5 個多小時,我先到外面吃飯,差不多5:00pm左右回旅店,終於我遇到旅店經理,經理說我已經為你修理好空調,(即是我之前訂的房型跟他們現在給的房型是兩碼子事,我馬上很怒氣,為什麼我訂的房型在前1晚已給予其他客人入住,而且花了了那麼多時間,沒結果,還在等待他們安排入住另一種房型的結果,在討論期間,經理還告訴我說要小聲一點,很怕被其他外藉旅客聽到我們的對話,最後經理要我待到6:00pm才收拾好我本身預訂的房型,明天依舊是10:00am check out,
How come treat the customers like this ? And whats the bad arrangement for this ********th hostel ? They totally wasting my booking time, also this front desk girl dunno how to handle her job and impolite attitude and communication~!!!!
Thjs hostel manager ask me Don’t complain this front desk girl call : yui, how come??
This is the first time I met impolite Japanese youth hostel and people~#XYXZ#%%
住宿方回覆: Thank you for the review.Thank you for your compliments about our rooms. We apologize for the inconvenience regarding the shower. We have rooms with showers in our hostel, but some rooms, such as the family room you stayed in, do not have showers.We are looking forward to seeing you again.
住宿方回覆: Thank you for your review.Thank you for your compliments about our location and lounge.As for the room type, we have a room type with a private bathroom, so please refer to it the next time you stay with us. Also, please contact us in advance by e-mail or phone so that we can arrange a quieter room for you, depending on the room availability on the day of your stay. As for breakfast, the reception desk is open from 8:00 a.m., so the earliest we can serve breakfast is 8:30 a.m. Thank you for your understanding. We look forward to welcoming you again.
住宿方回覆: Thank you for your review. Our check-in time is from 4:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. We close the front desk at 11:00 p.m. We do not accept check-in after 11:00 p.m. unless we got message or call from guests in advance(bedore 11:00 p.m.). Please note that all guests are required to check in according to the above rule.