





4.3/558 評價
5/51 評價
為了看長安及一系列名勝古迹選了這家 房間麪積大 自帶的陽颱風景不錯 老闆會說中英雙語 作為不通越南語的我 難得在異國感到親切 最後回河內的時候 因為叫的巴士晚了 老闆還很熱心幫忙聯繫 說如果不行可以幫我們再叫一輛 不經常寫評論的我這次必須好評
4.6/53 評價
4.4/57 評價
10/10 Detailed review from an American. Room: clean, modern, upscale. Western-style furniture. Spacious beds. Nice furniture, free toothbrushes and combs, lovely bathroom facilities. Noise level: PEACEFUL and QUIET! Relaxing, if you want to escape the city noise. It is the countryside after all. You can see water buffalo herds in the fields nearby if you take a walk outside the hotel. I can watch them from my hotel window. Staff and service: AMAZING! So friendly and helpful and honest hardworking staff. Won't cheat or scam. Use google translate if needed. Honestly the staff made our stay so good we extended the stay an extra day. Ask them for local recommendations (they don't get a kickback from any recommendations so its all genuine) Food: RECOMMENDED! Especially for travelers afraid of getting food poisoning or upset stomach from street food. Restaurant quality, home-cooked/cooked-to-order meal. Clean kitchen facility. Good prices, cheap. Made with love, the manager herself cooked a lot of the meals for us and they were delicious (for reference, im vietnamese-american so in my humble opinion, the authenticity is excellent and pleasing to a western palate as well. Personal Recommendation: Want a nice dinner thats still authentic? Order your food and eat outdoors in the cool of the evening, try the barbeque-it-yourself beef and goat. Delicious, hand-marinated quality beef cuts and goat, and they give you a little tabletop BBQ pit for you to bbq your meat just how you like it. Order some side dishes and its a great and fun family meal. If you want to and the staff aren't busy, they can bbq it for you if you want, but I think its fun to do it yourself. The location is out in the countryside but don't be alarmed because the hotel is a short drive from the main city center and tourist spots. The bad: - The beer is warm lol. They should refrigerate it. - Tip: if you ask for ”wine”, note that its vietnamese hard liquor, not the western understanding of wine (grapes). - There's a stupid rooster nearby from one of the local farms and it likes to crow all day. If you stay in the downstairs rooms you might be able to hear it, but if you stay in the upper floors you can't hear it. Would stay again.
4.4/53 評價
全新的酒店,房間乾淨,大,位置完美在Tam Coc和Trang An之間。您可以從酒店租自行車,可以相當容易地前往城市或觀光。Tam Coc非常商業化,我更喜歡Tang河邊安靜的午餐。早餐是自制的,非常好吃,工作人員超級好,樂於助人。我住了5晚,覆蓋了寧平的大部分地方,這是一個非常合理的價格隱藏的寶石。物超所值,也是安靜,放鬆的住宿。
4.7/516 評價
不久前,我們在這個美麗的地方住了三個晚上。但我們喜歡回想在寧平的這些日子。我們從寧平火車站一路步行過來,我們已經很餓了,並且擔心我們有機會吃晚飯,因為時間已經很晚了。但飯店熱情友善的歡迎讓我們的擔憂煙消雲散。可愛的工作人員為我們烹製了美味的越南菜,這是我們住宿的開始。飯店房間就像自己的平房一樣,設計精美,非常乾淨舒適。整個區域維護得很好,有一個漂亮的游泳池、花園,甚至還有棕櫚樹。我們住宿期間經營飯店的兩個女孩都非常友好,是越南人熱情好客的典範。他們為我們提供自行車租賃服務、目的地解釋,甚至在我女朋友在旅行期間患了一點流感時還提供了當地的健康植物。這是一個田園詩般的完美場所,適合探索寧平令人難忘的風景。我們祝福 Ninh Bình Rustic Hotel 一切順利,並非常感謝在那裡度過的美好時光。


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