Breakfast is not really included as such. Only the continental buffet. This is cereal, fruits, cereal bars, baked items and a large selection of cakes, including mince pies, which was odd for breakfast. The hot breakfast requires a surcharge to be paid, something I’ve never experienced before. The full English would be best described as part English breakfast, with no sausages, tomatoes, or mushrooms included which is a bit of an insult when you’re paying a surcharge. I can’t fault the service, or anything else, but this felt a bit naughty to be doing.
奎丘丹斯通鴿子草原民宿提供給探索這座城市的旅客一個理想之地。 奎丘丹斯通鴿子草原民宿是您遍覽登斯通美景與感受城市之聲的理想選擇。
Uttoxeter距離這間飯店約10km。 附近地區擁有許多景點,包括Denstone Contemporary Art Gallery,Farm on the Hill Camping和Lower Micklin Touring Park。 經過漫長的一天的觀光後,這家飯店是您放鬆身心的好地方。 這家登斯通飯店的客人可以使用停車場設施。 根據值得信賴的客人推薦,這家飯店的設施是一流的。
入住畢金希爾酒店,您將可以在結束一整日忙碌的行程後好好放鬆身心。 The Old Cheese Shop與酒店相距2.58 km,距離Arbor Low Stone Circle and Gib Hill Barrow亦不過是4.08 km。所有客房均嚴禁吸煙。這裡有餐廳,為您的住宿提供各種餐飲選擇。 不想外出?享用由住宿內的餐廳精心準備的客房服務和美味佳餚。 到酒吧小酌一杯,為忙錄的一日畫上完美句號。此酒店更設有花園。曼徹斯特機場距離機場僅64 min車程,是最近的機場。 如果您打算開車前來,可以考慮停泊在免費停車場。