





4.1/5122 評價


倫敦城 倫敦|距離弗利特街0.46km
這是我第二次入住聖保羅俱樂部宿舍。這家酒店坐落在倫敦市中心,毗鄰聖保羅大教堂。觀光巴士的跳上跳下就在大門外。其他巴士站,帶你去滑鐵盧或特拉法加廣場或利物浦街,在一兩個街區內,而連接蓋特威克市泰晤士河站僅兩個街區之遙。隔壁是一家併購雜貨店。從必勝客快遞(Pizza Express)或紅日(Rouge)到高端常春藤亞洲(Ivy Asia),漢堡店和龍蝦店到可愛的酒吧,都位於幾個街區之內,聖保羅地鐵站也是如此。位置,位置,位置。我和我的小女兒呆在一個行政臥室的套房裏,在頂樓的後院裏,有一個可愛的風景,那是聖馬丁斯·盧門的螺旋。不錯,乾淨,安靜,寬敞,有很好的交流電,兩台電視和一個帶冰箱、微波爐和基本餐具的廚房。我們從隔壁的 M&S 買了零食、早餐和外賣,所以可以吃點飯。酒店面向商務旅客,但我發現帶孩子入住非常方便,每層樓都有過濾水站,房間內有茶咖啡牛奶用品,還有怡人的大堂24/7。我喜歡住在這個城市地區,因爲它不像西區那麼狂熱,但離這裏很近。在城市工人離開的晚上和週末,這裏相當擁擠,但仍然有很多地方開放。千橋是一塊石頭扔的,我們能夠愉快地漫步到河岸另一邊的泰特現代美術館。大堂工作人員令人愉快,效率很高。酒店有一個行李寄存服務,這非常有幫助,因爲我們週末去郊區拜訪朋友,無法管理我們所有的國際行李。我唯一的批評真的是房間沒有保險箱。酒店餐廳Cote相當不錯。





4.4/5111 評價
I feel it is important to post this review since I benefited greatly from previous reviewers in order to pick this gem of a hotel for our recent trip to London. One of the things I was drawn to initially was that payment was not due for our reservation until 3 days before arrival and that cancellation could be up to 24 hours before arrival. This was an advantage to other hotels I had been looking at before. Also, The Lincoln Suites gave a discount for extended stays, of which ours was 10 days, so any discount in London is much appreciated. Before our arrival I had several questions for the staff. Each time I emailed (I think 4 times) I received a response in less than 24 hours. We arrived on Wednesday, May 17th between 9-10 am from an overnight flight from the States and were enthusiastically welcomed by Klaudia at the front desk. She gave us an option for early check-in as a room had just been vacated and then kindly called housekeeping to quickly ready the room for us. This was unexpected but a very welcome surprise as we did not think we would get into a room early. We opted to leave our bags with reception anyway and headed off to familiarize ourselves with the area to give them the time they needed. Klaudia kindly offered to call us when the room was ready. This was a lovely thing to do and we greatly appreciated her efforts. When we came back our room was ready, and Klaudia had called us as she promised, although we did not hear the phone, our fault. We stayed in the lovely Room 311 which had a large window facing Kingsway so we had a nice view of the street but were high enough to avoid any noise issues. I believe this room is called a Kingsway Studio. Things not mentioned in the description online include: Each side of the bed had a nightstand with 3 shelves for stowing essentials, and a lamp, there was a small round dining table with 2 chairs, large built in closet (with a safe, ironing board and iron, 8 hangers and cubbies for folded items as well as 2 large top shelves to stow luggage or other large items), 1 luggage rack, a convenient side table beside the closet that we used as a drop zone for purses and day bags. Kitchen also had a sink and the fridge was larger than a normal hotel room fridge. They also provided two cold water bottles in the fridge at no charge. There was dish soap and a tea towel for washing up under the sink. Cups, glasses, bowls, cookware and cutlery were provided. The bathroom had a large shower with nice hot water supply, large sink with shelves beside and below for toiletry items. Plenty of towels were provided both in the bathroom and extras were found in the built in closet. Our bed was comfortable and noise was minimal from outside although you could occasionally hear doors of other rooms closing but it was not bothersome. HVAC worked well our entire stay. I read in advance that the rooms are only cleaned every 4th day at The Lincoln Suites and Klaudia kindly reminded us at check-in. We were on a 10 d
4.5/5112 評價
我經常在Apex酒店住過,總是會推薦。與其他Apex酒店一樣,我發現Temple Court的工作人員熱情好客。這家連鎖酒店似乎正在與他們的員工做對的事情!在入住酒店時,我要求是否提供升級服務,並使用小型套房辦理入住手續-我再次認為,Apex Hotels的定期入住對此有所幫助:-)辦理登機手續的人員在他們面前有此信息! 我們的房間很棒,內斯派索咖啡機和浴袍,拖鞋等非常寬敞,非常舒適! Fleet大街上附屬的Lazy Ballerinas葡萄酒吧值得一遊;精美的小盤食品和奶酪,以及精美的葡萄酒供您選擇。 早餐很忙,正如預期的那樣,但總體來說還可以。我對美國煎餅感到失望,就像煎餅被深火過熟一樣?這也不是一個孤立的事件,我周圍的其他人以及我在那裡的那兩天,提出了同樣的投訴並將他們的車牌發回。培根也煮得很好。不確定簡單的事情怎麼可能做錯了?這是阻止我離開5星的唯一項目。 除了以前,我會推薦這家酒店;也許不吃早餐?
4.3/530 評價
Our stay was more than fantastic the flat is really outstanding and Malgosia offer us a free upgrade made our stay unforgettable! All in Red Lion is outstanding the apartment the furniture the position but above all the Staff (Malgosia and Andrea) You cannot find nothing better even paying much more. value for money is simply unbeatable I can’t stand to be back ! Thanks to again you all for your professionalism you kindness patience …..
The Z城市飯店
3.9/544 評價
2.8/510 評價
A brilliant location with a incredible view of St Paul's cathedral. Reasonable facilities, some of quirks to the apartment that is growing tired in some areas. They require a security deposit which isn't indicated in our initial booking and I am still awaiting its return. The shower was blocked but after an email they came and unblocked it. Overall, I would definitely stay again and rate the apartment a positive 9/10.
倫敦黑衣修士普瑞米爾客棧 - 福利特街店
4.4/543 評價




有著兩千多年歷史的英國首都倫敦,是極具魅力的大都會。路上是保有歷史記憶的傳統建築,而巷弄間又隱藏著現代藝術、新潮時尚的精神。準備來趟倫敦旅遊?交給 Trip.com 為您蒐集旅途中的各種玩樂資訊,舉凡交通、住宿、景點等實用攻略一次看,或是瞧瞧有哪些必去的熱門倫敦景點與一日遊行程,隨時隨地輕鬆展開倫敦之旅!


透過 Trip.com 預訂飛往英國倫敦機票,輕鬆比價、查看航班時刻表。倫敦交通非常多元化,以下的倫敦交通指南你千萬別錯過!

倫敦地鐵分九區,初訪倫敦的朋友最常前往的便是 Zone 1、2,因為知名景點大笨鐘、倫敦眼、倫敦塔橋、白金漢宮等皆集中在 Zone 1、2區。只要簡單弄懂分區,就能知道怎麼看單程票價與區域票價!入住鄰近這兩區的倫敦飯店對行程安排也會更方便!

倫敦自由行最常使用的交通卡有兩張:Oyster Card 與 Travelcard。Oyster Card 類似悠遊卡,先儲值後搭車,是倫敦自由行必備之一。Oyster Card 還有每日收費上限,在 Zone 1、Zone 1-2,Oyster Card 不分時段,每日都會有固定的收費上限;相較於 Travelcard,Oyster Card 較為划算。但若你想用特定 Travelcard 景點優惠,推薦購買特定版的七日 Travelcard,可以省下不少景點門票費用。




1. 倫敦眼

2. 大英博物館
成立於1753 年,作為世界三大博物館之一,大英博物館館藏來自世界各地的豐富藏品,喜愛歷史、參觀博物館的旅客絕對不可錯過的倫敦景點!其收藏的瑰寶足以讓人大開眼界。博物館的鎮館之寶就是紀錄三種語言版本的羅塞塔石碑 ,喜歡埃及歷史的朋友一定要來!

3. 泰晤士河


還沒安排倫敦自由行的住宿嗎?不妨透過 Trip.com 搜尋目前仍有空房的倫敦飯店,從頂級舒適的五星級飯店、知名連鎖飯店品牌到高CP值的平價民宿或青年旅館等應有盡有,輕鬆比價、篩選符合需求的房型,並以超值價格預訂倫敦住宿!
