查看我們在關丹的頂級評價 4星飯店,給您絕佳的舒適度及便利性


4.5/574 評價
這是馬來西亞頂級建築師之一擁有的小型度假村。該物業僅由23個單位組成,包括Kasturi會所內的各個別墅和套房,位於彭亨州彭亨州的Chendor海灘,就在Cherating北部,與登嘉樓州接壤。 整個酒店位於海灘和森林中。整個物業佔地15英畝。入口處設有安全門,您將被檢查是否有保留,然後才允許進入。 物業的最前麪是到達大廳和停車場。員工宿舍也位於停車場區後面。工作人員將在這裏歡迎您,並在高架森林步道上帶您乘越野車。人行道經過所有單獨的別墅,然後進入最後的建築,即Kasturi會所。 會所是接待處。這也是餐廳的所在地,酒吧/酒廊,體育館,游泳池和排球場都麪向大海。一樓還設有一個水療中心。 我們住在一樓的海景套房。套房衹有一個字,非常大!它配有一張大號特大號床,一張沙發床,電視,冰箱,寫字檯和一個戶外陽台,陽台上配有躺椅和麪向大海的小餐桌。浴室同樣大,有自己的淋浴間,洗手池,室內保險箱和衣櫃。空調很涼爽,也很受歡迎,但是整個住宿期間,季風也帶來了宜人的微風。還提供了Wi-Fi。 我們逗留的利弊: 缺點:可以改善家政服務,沙發床織物,附加天花板和電動百葉窗上有一些污漬。衣櫃門有時會卡在導軌上,床旁的閱讀燈不工作。房間基本上顯示出一點磨損。 儘管度假勝地位於海灘上,但整個海灘仍建有岩牆,可能是為了保護海灘免受侵蝕。度假村似乎也吸引了當地人,他們穿着衣服跳進游泳池。 優點:工作人員都很友好和樂於助人。早餐很可愛,如果有足夠的人,則提供自助餐,否則可以點早餐。環境優美,高架人行道蜿蜒穿過森林。如果幸運的話,您甚至會看到一羣猴子,我們做到了。當那裡的客人很少時,這家酒店是田園詩般的,非常適合休息和恢復。大部分房間都麪朝大海,您會早日出來。儘管我們不是呆在海灘前的別墅中,但每棟別墅都帶有自己的游泳池,這對於那些想要隱私的人來說很有吸引力。儘管上麪提到了一些瑣碎的細節,但我們住的套房還是寬敞舒適的,我們仍然很喜歡。 離吉隆坡僅3小時車程,如果您想要遠離喧囂的都市生活的海濱度假勝地,何不考慮The Kasturi。僅有一些小細節可以阻止這成為完整的五星級體驗,但是仍然值得一游。
4.4/51281 評價
酒店位於海濱,雖然沒有自己的沙灘,但臨海很近。酒店屬於高層,視野好。訂的是市容房,可以俯瞰城市。 酒店房間相對較寬敞,而且可以收到中文台。但房間衞生有待進一步提升,特別是浴室簾子,需要好好洗刷,床睡上有些癢,燒水壺被以前客人煮過咖啡,還有印記。
4.4/548 評價
It was a very relaxing holiday for my family despite us travelling in a big crowd of 3 families. Stayed in one of the chalets. PROS: 1) enjoyed what nature could offer. The plants, tress, beach was such a relaxing, de-stressing sight. 2) service - very good i would say. They would respond immediately on the request of food or beverages. Upon checking in the chalet, was given glasses of welcoming drink. 3) chalet - love the concept of ”kampung” chalet. The whole structure is made of wood, which i felt was quite sturdy and didnt make much of funny noises when walked upon in the living room and hall. 4) swimming pool - as we had stayed in the chalet, there is a private pool next to to it. Water was prescient, with minimal to no insects seen. The common swimming pools on the other hand, they were fabulous. There is the kid's pool and the adult pool, which was kept very clean and my kids enjoyed tremendously playing in it. Cons: 1) being next to nature, you cannot avoid the annoying mosquitoes feeding on you. - best to have apply some mosquito repellent patch especially during the evenings. 2) food at the cafeteria however was quite a big let down in my honest opinion. Food options are not quite to my expectation. The plates and cutleries were dirty with visible stains. 3) the wooden stairs leading up to the chalet needs a major upgrade. It looks like it will give way anytime soon. We were really concerned as in our crowd, my aunty was walking with a walking stick. 4) not many options of food stalls except for a few local Malay restaurants down the road. 5) there are two rooms in a chalet. Unfortunately these rooms are separated and one needs to pass through a door to exit and another door to enter the room. Family with young children would not benefit staying in such design. Overall, i would give this place a 7/10.
4.1/590 評價
I booked a pool terrace room facing the kids' pool. It's very convenient, allowing kids to play at the waterpark with direct access to the room. However, the air conditioning in the room is leaking. The room looks quite outdated, but cleanliness is ok. The view from the adult’s pool is great, facing the beach and I enjoyed it a lot. The food could be improved, and the staff service is not really friendly. Perhaps they can work on that too. The terrace pool room is not suitable for a peaceful stay because it's noisy due to the waterpark in front of the room, and the room is not soundproof. Overall, it’s a great stay place for kids to play at the beach and waterpark.
4.4/5521 評價
酒店擁有美麗又寧靜的沙灘,有小孩專有的戲水池,房間冷氣很足,服務人員態度很好,早餐中規中矩。酒店外麪也有很多吃飯的,走不遠還有便利店,是短途旅行不錯的選擇。 有一點不太滿意,酒店住客並不太多的情況下,並沒有給我們海景房,給的是看樹林的房間,這個有點不太滿意。
4.5/5178 評價



最高價格TWD 16,975
最低價格TWD 745
平均價格 (平日)TWD 3,208
平均價格 (週末)TWD 3,469