

4.2/56 評價
4.5/554 評價
喜來登算是一家很安心的國際連鎖飯店,他有一定的規範,在萬豪體系裡,是高級品牌的定位。 在神戶喜來登,他的裝潢頗具年代感,距離市區也有段距離,然而但人員素質基本在標準線上,對於萬豪會員也算是不錯,白金待遇ㄧ項不落,不過延遲退房需要商量,這一次還有別的行程,所以就沒有延遲退房了。 對於亞裔且不諳日語的客人,也會認真用英文解說飯店設施,並且拿一張英文版的說明紙給客人,對於單獨入住的女性客人,也會重視女性客人在意的安心感、安全感。 早餐在一樓餐廳吃,菜色比較一般,但足夠吃飽;行政貴賓廳比較狹隘,HH時間座位全是滿的,所以作罷,外出覓食。 神戶喜來登本身是一個很大的建築量體,他與鐵道交通共構,建物裡面還有一些商鋪,裡面的設施亮點應該是温泉,誰不愛温泉呢?不用外出就有溫泉泡,真是太棒了! 我喜歡這裡,因為很難得的,我一個人在日本旅行,這家旅館的人沒有歧視我這個單獨入住的亞裔女子(——查閱了網路資料,日本人對外國人真的有差別待遇!原來不只是我在大原民宿、大阪麗思卡爾頓和東京文華東方遭受到而已) 在神戶喜來登,我這次遇到的一切都是文明有禮的,謝謝他們讓我持續喜愛喜來登這個品牌。
神戶有馬溫泉 陶泉 御所坊
4.7/555 評價
Pros: service, amenities, Western and Japanese style rooms, food, location Cons: there is no elevator in this old Japanese building, so prepare to walk up stairs; the wifi reception in our room was not reliable We had an absolutely amazingly relaxing stay during our 3-day-2-night trip, enjoying the peace Tocen Goshobo had to offer, as well as their exceptional customer service. I searched high and low to finally find this ryokan with very specific amenities. Since my elderly parents had issues with getting up from the floor had we stayed in a traditional ryokan only, while I wanted to enjoy the full traditional ryokan experience, the Deluxe Suite with Private Hot Spring and Sauna was the perfect compromise for both our wants and needs. The Deluxe Suite has both two full sized western beds that were perfect for my parents, and the tatami sitting room that could be closed off for me to sleep in with my super comfy futon bedding. By no means is the room and experience itself a compromise, as my father kept calling it the ‘Presidential suite’ since it was on the top floor, and we had abundant space with our own onsen attached to the room! The room can fit 6 total guests, and has a secret playroom, a seating nook/area with perfect natural light, a dining room with regular table and chairs (in other ryokans, my tall Caucasian husband commented on how much he missed having actual chairs with space for your legs to stretch when seated), an office, a powder room, two bidet toilets rooms, a space to prepare tea with its own sink in the tatami room, and let’s not forget the massage chair. The room was clean, tastefully appointed, had everything we needed and plenty of space to either gather, or spend some ‘me time’. We opted for breakfast and dinner at the inn, which we looked forward to each day. The breakfast was pleasant and filling, while the kaiseki dinners were amazing. Kobe beef was featured as well as plenty of seafood both nights. We had a great time with our host, Yoshinori Tatebe-san, who tolerated my many questions of ‘what is this?’ or ‘how do we eat this?!’; his professionalism absolutely made our meals a tremendous delight! The location of the ryokan/onsen is ideal, walking distance to everything and right next to a bus stop. It’s in the heart of the Arima area, which has many temples, restaurants, and shops to explore. One cannot deny the outstanding customer service Tocen Goshobo’s team offers. Shout out to Hatsumi and Matsu at the front desk, making sure we were well taken care of, offering absolutely above and beyond service! When Hatsumi was helping me get settled on my first day arrival, I had asked her about the beautiful tokonoma (alcove) that was in the wa****su (tatami room). Unfortunately, I had asked so many questions she couldn’t quite answer me fully! A few days later, she showed me a note where she apparently took the time to think over my question and write it out in English so I would understand the importance of the a
Negiya 陵楓閣
4.6/546 評價
和朋友一起來,門口熱情迎接,前台什麼都給講解,入住後,女士給我們展示和講解普通房以及洗澡,房間很好。咖啡館區也很好。嗯,我可以永遠這樣下去。長話短說我非常推薦這家酒店,特別是情侶。只是價格使得不可能更頻繁地來這裏^^.他們也有班車服務,即使車站離日岡步行5分鐘。但我想對於老年人或行李重的人來說可能是幫助。早餐很棒,和服的女士講解了一點,景色一流。大多數餐館晚上關門,所以我們可以看到很多人在衝便利店^^.對於大多數酒店來說:工作人員是什麼原因造成的。在這裏我給他們一個特別的感謝。非常親切,友好和樂於助人。我希望他們下次來時還會再去。改進提示:溫泉之一沒有儲物櫃。手機也沒有描述,所以連日本人也不知道撥什麼號碼 - .- .另外對我個人來說,我希望咖啡廳區的開放時間更長。那裏太舒服了^^.
3.9/533 評價
女兒的開放校園巡遊,全家一起去泡溫泉旅行 只是,時間相當嚴厲的盆景假期最後的週末 除了溫泉以外,也無奈...和顏色々在尋找中,以1晚的早餐計劃,這個時期的設置比較便宜,所以如果不費勁去的話,想去溫泉!於是決定在這裏住宿。①外觀 樸素,不覺得陳舊,沒有旅遊酒店的豪華,有點像商務酒店的氣質②停車場 很小很小。雖然是升降式停車場和平面的並用,但是停車和鑰匙的管理都是由工作人員負責的。因爲是交貨一個月的新車,所以很擔心③房間 因爲是一家五口人住的一間房間,所以是一間和式房間,有被子和牀。和室一側的被子有嚮導自己準備,鋪了3人份...餐桌比較大,鋪3人份相當的妨礙。從日式房間看不到電視的位置,只能從西式房間一側看,所以我想會對喜歡電視的家庭很在意吧。另外,房間的照明沒有帶牆的開關,日式房間是老式的繩子,西式房間只能用牀間的開關操作,感到困惑。我平時用大〜特大,我自己比較緊。④ 洗澡 好像有馬,金湯和銀湯都拉着,期待着......不過...先說...浴缸很窄...金湯邊3個人,銀湯邊5個人泡澡的話會很飽的洗手間也只有10個座位,整個浴室也感覺很窄。在大浴場洗澡後,必須重新穿上浴衣移動 而且,移動目的地是通往大浴場的通道前側,如果有人去洗澡的話,一定要穿過的地方 沒辦法沒有...浴衣和浴巾都溼了...不知道怎麼辦...只有一個入口通向野天浴池,還有一個室外鋪設的走廊,到達的地方分男湯和女湯...的磚穿過浴缸就到了,旁邊就是個很抱歉的脫衣所 浴缸和5個人進去後,好像不能動彈...泡在浴缸裏,可以看到有人在走路⑤休息午餐自助早餐。因爲是5人家庭,所以我們用了3張2人桌,但是桌子之間很小。如果有人坐着,橫穿去取菜也是很吸引人的。總體來說沒有大的負點,好壞都像老式企業的療養所一樣的感覺。
角之坊 日式旅館
4.1/516 評價
首先,我不知道為什麼其他評論如此糟糕。說實話,去之前看到口碑還挺擔心的,但是實際入住的時候,建築本身很舊,但是打掃得很好,房間裡還擺滿了鮮花,做起來的感覺就是傳送。大浴場理所當然地提供洗髮水、護髮素和沐浴露,男士和女士都可以使用乳液和乳液。還有一個吹風機。有人說房間裡的廁所、洗手間和浴室都很小,有一個單元浴室,但這是一家旅館,假設你可以在大浴場使用溫泉。一晚兩餐不到兩萬日元。)而且如果房間是昭和時代建造的,那也沒什麼好大驚小怪的。他們還準備了一壺冷水讓你睡。現在來說說這次入住有什麼特別好的地方。 1.因為在新冠危機期間我擔心自助餐,所以我可以在房間裡吃晚餐和早餐。味道很好,演示也很好。 2. 公共浴池裡有一個按摩浴缸。 3. 大浴場的飲水機是名為神戶湖水的礦泉水服務器。 4. 旅館裡的人都和我們打招呼。 5. 這次我把孩子的年齡訂錯了,花了我很多時間和精力,但他們很誠懇的回應,讓我不至於吃虧。 6.位置非常靠近阪急高速巴士站、金之湯、溫泉寺、紀念品商店、有馬川等。基於以上,我認為這是我想再次入住的日式旅館。



最低價格AUD 86
最高價格AUD 5,469
平均價格 (週末)AUD 881
平均價格 (平日)AUD 800