查看我們在小長島的頂級評價 4星飯店,給您絕佳的舒適度及便利性


4.5/545 評價
We eloped and had our ceremony at 9 hornbills because of the beautiful views and the serenity this place offers. The tent has an AC above the bed so we were very comfortable at night. The staff went above and beyond to make sure we were comfortable and enjoying ourselves. The restaurant at the resort below is shared, and offers delicious food and drinks. We would absolutely recommend this place to anyone who wants to feel that they are in true paradise, and who has some sense of adventure. The best of both luxury and adventure. The views are exceptional. The interior, furniture, and styling of 9 hornbills tents is quite lovely as well.
4.1/52 評價
真的很值得的一家酒店,看照片並不覺得很好,但是到了之後覺得比照片好很多,很適合懶懶的住幾天放空一下,酒店很小隻有五間villa五間family,獨立泳池夠大,早餐很一般,但是和後來住的tree house比,好像也都那樣。那隻貓從一進酒店就跟着我們,除了游泳時在旁邊看着,其他時候一直跟着我們撒嬌,還毫不客氣進房間爬到牀上,好想把它拐了帶回來
4.5/512 評價
We stayed 3 nights at 9 Horn Bills in February and enjoyed every minute of this unique experience. We loved the privacy of our tented pool villa and the view was absolutely breathtaking. The staff was also so nice and accommodating . The food at the restaurant down at Koyao hotel was tasty. We had a special bbq dinner organized for my birthday and it was super romantic and the staff took such a great care of us. 9 Horn Bills also organized a private guided tour for us to Hong Island and we loved it! We always seek for unique places to stay and 9 Horn Bills was definitely one of those we will never forget!
4.4/559 評價
酒店我很喜歡!雖然離普吉稍微有點點遠,坐船要五十分鐘左右,但是島上環境是真的好,而且很安靜,非常適合度假。酒店裡基本上全是歐美遊客,我們還和一對德國來的情侶聊了會,他們說是回頭客了,特別喜歡這裏,所以又來度假了。 沙灘上有個大鞦韆,超級受歡迎!房間裏也有小鞦韆,中午在上麪晃悠着睡個午覺,那感覺愜意得不行。餐廳要加服務費,整體價格有點小貴,但菜的份量很大,而且在島上,所以價格貴一點這也很正常,有泰國菜也有西餐,味道我覺得是很不錯的,好吃!晚上還有駐唱歌手,氣氛一級棒。 整體非常滿意,以後有機會要帶爸媽再來一次!



最高價格TWD 29,126
最低價格TWD 868
平均價格 (平日)TWD 6,662
平均價格 (週末)TWD 6,620