Karuizawa Prince Hotel飯店提供健身房、7家餐飲場所、含240家商店的大型購物中心以及各種高爾夫球場,內設滑雪場,距離JR Karuizawa Train Station火車站約5分鐘車程。飯店還提供前往該火車站的免費班車服務。顧客從輕井澤火車站(JR Karuizawa Station)乘坐子彈頭列車約70分鐘即可抵達東京火車站(JR Tokyo Station)。Prince Hotel Karuizawa飯店距離庫莫巴湖(Lake Kumoba)約10分鐘車程,距離Shiraito Falls瀑布約25分鐘車程。飯店提供腳踏車和雪具租賃服務,內設投幣式自助洗衣店。顧客可打網球、乒乓球和保齡球,還可在冬季滑雪和滑板滑雪。所有客房均提供平板電視、安全保險箱、帶綠茶包的電熱水壺、日式浴袍以及牙具。連接浴室設有吹風機。晚餐供應壽司、壽喜燒和涮涮鍋(配有當地的Shinsyu高級牛肉)。飯店內的餐廳供應義大利和中國美食。顧客可在Sakura and Maroon酒廊/酒吧享用飲品。早餐供應日式套餐或當地特色自助餐(可選)。“MOMIJI HOT-SPRING”(西溫泉設施)是入住西館的顧客專用設施。入住東主館和東小屋的顧客無法使用此設施。入住西主館的顧客從入住到退房均可免費使用此設施。入住西小屋的顧客需要付款使用費用,成人2000日元/人,孩童(3至12歲以下)每次需付款1850日元。
對於想要捕捉輕井澤町城市風采的旅客來說,輕井澤王子飯店是一個理想的選擇。飯店距離JR輕井澤站僅有300m。在該地區觀光很容易,Karuizawa Station Building Memorial、軽井沢プリンスホテルウエスト和Amici Adventure Karuizawa都在飯店附近。從飯店出發可方便前往市內的眾多著名景點,包括Karuizawa Shukaido、Church Street Karuizawa和舊輕井澤銀座通。服務人員會提前為您準備好電熱水壺和瓶裝水,以滿足您的飲水需求。倘若您在忙碌的一天後想在自己的客房內放鬆,提供24小時熱水的客房浴室是不錯的選擇。您可以到大廳吧與朋友暢飲聊天度過閒暇時光。如果旅客願意,飯店可以提供滿足需求的客房送餐服務。若是覺得飯店的餐飲無法滿足您挑剔的味蕾,不妨去附近的村民食堂(日本料理)、Chez Kusama(シェ草間)(法國菜)或Cypress Karuizawa(其他)品嚐下一流的推薦美食。房客可享受飯店內的休閒設施,包括按摩室和Spa 。外國旅客可以通過多國語言工作人員瞭解當地風土人情的相關訊息。
入住皇家皇子位置在East n West 再上,雖然有shuttle bus, 但每次外出或去hot spring 都要夾好時間坐shuttle bus, 是不方面.
但係皇家皇子入住後可到1/f 自座休息的地方, 那裡免費提供生啤、果汁和咖啡還有日本零食. 最讚👍😄
AAdamI stayed at this hotel with my wife and two children during a two-night trip to Karuizawa in early February. The hotel is around 100 years old and its claim to fame is that John Lennon has stayed there. The piano that he played on is still in the bar.
Location: The hotel is near Old Ginza Street and around a 15-minutes drive from Karuizawa station. It was not difficult to find, but you must navigate a narrow approach to the hotel which is icy at this time of the year, so you must drive carefully.
Cleaniness: The staff told me that the hotel was only recently and everything was very clean and in good condition.
Service: The receptionist that conducted the check-in was probably the Japanese that spoke the best English that I had encountered on this trip. He spent a lot of time explaining the hotel to our family. The porter was also very helpful and polite. When we asked for extra toothbrushes and slippers for the children, housekeeping was very prompt in delivering them and even brought some children's robes for my sons.
Facilities: The hotel did not have many facilities. There is a small shop, a bar and a french restaurant but not much else. Some rooms had private hot springs in them and they gave us the opportunity to upgrade. Our room, had a small balcony even though we were on the ground floor. It looked onto a wooded area so there was not much to see, especially at night. However, when it snowed the next morning, my kids loved going out and playing in the snow. I was particularly impressed by the breakfast. It was a simple American breakfast very well presented. It was very pleasurable to look out into the inner courtyard with it was snowing.
Overall: I like this hotel as it has a lot of character. It is architecturally attractive and has kept a lot of its charm despite renovation. The staff are very professional and polite. I would stay in this hotel again.
訪訪客Hotel Marroad is just a few minutes by the shuttle bus from the station , and it can also be reached on foot. We booked a room for 4 people and the room size is good at a very reasonable price (include breakfast). The fixtures are a bit old. However, the room and the amenities are very clean. We come to skiing and the hotel has a rental service (much cheaper than you rent at the ski field) which is very convenient. Also, they send us to ski field every day.
Staff can speak little English, but they are all very friendly and helpful. Breakfast is delicious, and it is a must try.