該酒店的服務水平打破了我入住酒店最差的記錄印象。所有入住者必須等到三點準時才能入住,14:59分都不行,不管你什麼時候到酒店的,統一三點辦理入住手續,然後三點入住者排長隊,即便房間是準備好的哦,你不能佔它的一分鐘的便宜!而第二天早上11點必須退房。想多付錢早點入住,前台一莽漢大手一揮,表示不行。 一個字都懶得給你説,等到排隊時,兩個中國女孩子又被指責不排隊,我親眼見到是排隊了的,衹是這個莽漢前台**罷了。等拿到房卡去房間,小的連個行禮箱都放不下。 外部環境尚可。Hotel check in time is 15:00pm, can’t early check in with additional pay. All guests must be waiting till 15:00 clock and line to check in no matter when you’re come here. The man at reception is very rude to use body language to guests and no any explanation or discussion, poor service overall from beginning to finish. The room is very small even no place for put luggage, shame to recommend such hotel to guests from ctrip as prepaid that can’t change anything when having this issue there.