





4.6/511 評價


We had the most wonderful time at Ochiairo! I came here for a birthday trip with my husband and best friend and we stayed in the spacious Aofuji room overlooking the river. The spatial arrangement offered more than enough space and privacy for 3 people and probably 2 couples or a family and kids. The white noise lulled us to sleep every night and it was simply magical. The international staff was so helpful to us. While we don’t speak Japanese, they did their best to understand and attend to us and it all worked out. They went above and beyond making my birthday feel very special. It was the small details that really mattered - ensuring that we had bikes and activities arranged the night before, coming to our room to teach me how to wear my yukata when I asked them to help, and even cleaning out and lovingly packaging some souvenir bento containers we arrived with when they saw them in our mini fridge! Everything about this place is just so beautiful. A few notes: - THE BATHS! When I tell you that I screamed when I saw the cave and private onsen in particular - just trust that they cannot be missed. - We are all tattooed - one of us significantly so. They have small tattoo covers but ask that you do cover them in the main bath areas (I only know this because I asked and they were incredibly polite about the advice) - We brought tattoo cover but in case you don’t want to bother, please take advantage of the absolutely stunning outdoor private baths - The food is great and eat dinner in sitting rooms upstairs (not served in your room) - You get unlimited drinks (alcoholic and otherwise) and snacks which was another pleasant surprise because they are so tasty! - The koi fish in the front swim up to you and follow you around with such enthusiasm. It’s as if they’re little pond puppies. The staff allowed us to feed them so if interested, please ask. - Don’t miss the swing next to the suspension bridge! - While I loved our room - please note that there is an abandoned hotel directly across the river from it. Kind of ruined the “I am communing with nature” vibes but it was fine in the long run. I could go on, but just trust that this place is just exceptional!





4.6/548 評價




■ 地點 從修善寺站乘坐巴士(只收現金220日元),在御幸橋下車,2-3分鐘。另一邊是沿著桂川新橋。乘坐路線巴士從修善寺溫泉站步行約7分鐘。大型高層旅館。秋葉時的風景可能很美。 ■周邊景點推薦免費電動自行車前往虹之裡。這輛自行車也是松下製造的,而且很新,即使在斜坡上也很強勁。您可以在大約 20 分鐘內到達那裡。在虹之裡,您可以享受蒸汽機車和富士山的美景。此外,如果您有入住修善寺溫泉的收據,虹之裡將給您30%的折扣。 ■ 房間 房間很寬敞,床鋪在榻榻米上,睡起來很舒服。有加濕器真是太好了。 ■ 餐點 自助餐風格,具有競爭力的項目數量。如果您有孩子,您可以在娛樂的氛圍中享受它。如果你把它做成一個公平的規格,比如棉花糖,它可能會更有趣。反而是亂七八糟的,所以不推薦給想慢慢欣賞或強調氣氛的人。 ■ 便利設施 在日式旅館的Daily Yamazaki便利店前,您可以隨心所欲。我認為減少人員和維護成本的管理努力是合理的,僅適用於奧巴科酒店。我認為選擇浴衣的服務非常好。付費擁有一件特別的浴衣不是很好嗎?如果有在 Instagram 上看起來不錯的設計。 ■ 招待  入住時間是17:00左右,所以提前聯繫了他們。當時只有18:00和18:30兩頓晚餐,19:45兩制這時候還沒做,所以沒吃午飯就匆匆趕到酒店。客棧前台說,18:00以後,19:30分兩制,電話和時間有出入。儘管我對此進行了投訴,但接待處的女士卻無動於衷,沒有道歉或確認,投訴是否每天都在發生。可能是電話裡的人聽錯了,告訴了時間,但我問有沒有19:45,雖然我堅持說不是,但很遺憾我說錯了時間。。我忍不住犯了一個錯誤,但我很失望,因為接待處沒有跟進。
4.1/516 評價


【2晚3天1萬日元。所以服務很好,位置很好。好嗎⁈】 2晚3天住(約10,500日元一個人)讓我住宿。伊豆半島西側,沿着土肥的海邊立着的“西伊豆土肥溫泉 碧的旅館 明治館”。我認爲,所有房間都是海景,即使在低層也能看到海的漂亮旅館。[房間] 8榻榻米和4榻榻米寬邊,是一間獨立的洗手間,有浴室廁所。從昭和時代開始,這是一家經常配置的THE旅館房間。這是一間有年份的房間,但是由於清潔乾淨,所以沒有“舊的”印象。由於電源較少,如果充電或充電大量的IT設備,建議帶上電源水龍頭等。最重要的是,寬邊是牆面的窗戶,所以可以看到海。特別適合在房間享受日落時光,這間客房非常舒適。晚上,在同一個寬邊,關掉所有的燈光,打開一點窗戶,讓外面的燈光和波音聽得清清楚楚,一邊小小地喝着酒,一邊小小地享受着。這是很久沒有這麼奢侈的時光了。[溫泉] 老字號旅館,但設施和空間都乾淨。當然,我感覺老化的部分,但是這是一個很好的空間,可以看出它被清理得很乾淨。外面的光線被眼睛滿眼的洗澡裏吸收的地方也是很不錯的。水是透明的,溫度也不太熱,不太溼的適溫。早上在租借狀態下使用,這是奢侈的時間。租借露天浴池有“烏拉拉之湯”和“ぬくみ之湯”兩種。收費,45分鐘2200日元,但我覺得可以體驗一次。設施更漂亮。木製的空間裏還有內湯,在外面的露天可以一邊看海一邊度過優雅的時光。當然,洗手間也挺好的,這邊和大浴場不同,因爲澆水的熱水,有點熱。您可以根據自己的喜好加水量,稍加熱,或是緊緊地溼潤,享受。[餐食]※這次是未使用的。下次,我一定會讓您體驗一下。[館內大堂] 1F大堂有很多活動,包括紀念品店和糖果店,遊戲區(※參觀時因日冕禍而關閉)等,讓孩子們也享受樂趣。還有大車可以搬行李,帶孩子的行李也安心。[接客] 因爲沒有吃飯,所以沒有太多的接觸點,但是在寄存車時,租借露天車時,非常明亮和溫柔。非常令人愉快。[其他] 對於帶子的人來說,這是非常值得感謝的服務。無論是大浴場還是租借露天,嬰兒巴士,嬰兒椅和玩具都提供。客房內有嬰兒牀墊和尿布等媽媽非常安心的設施,而且每件都統一爲造型和可愛的物品,非常開心的服務。在接待處,如果不夠的話,會提供尿布,這對帶孩子來說是無懈可擊的服務。[整體] 總的來說,可以悠閒地度過的客棧。而且,在眼前的海里,無論早上還是晚上都能玩的興奮。在早晨的光線下能醒來的感覺很好。帶着孩子也很高興歡迎你。真是太棒了。房的“漂亮”因人而異,與最近的新旅館和酒店相比,不得不說是有年份的房間。我個人覺得這是從昭和和平成時代起就活下來的THE旅館,其中即使不進行翻新和翻新,也保持得很乾淨。另外,服務和地理位置很好。而且,2晚3天1人約1萬日元。cospa是不是太好了?笑 ,非常感謝你度過了非常緩慢的假期。謝謝。#旅館#酒店#西伊豆#住宿#高科斯帕#明治館#土肥溫泉#帶孩子大歡迎#包車露天溫泉#露天溫泉#溫泉#Ryokan #Hotel#Nishiizu #Accommodation#HighCostPerformance#Meijikan #TohiHotSpring #ChildrenWelcome #租用露天浴#露天浴#溫泉







4.6/548 評價




■ 地點 從修善寺站乘坐巴士(只收現金220日元),在御幸橋下車,2-3分鐘。另一邊是沿著桂川新橋。乘坐路線巴士從修善寺溫泉站步行約7分鐘。大型高層旅館。秋葉時的風景可能很美。 ■周邊景點推薦免費電動自行車前往虹之裡。這輛自行車也是松下製造的,而且很新,即使在斜坡上也很強勁。您可以在大約 20 分鐘內到達那裡。在虹之裡,您可以享受蒸汽機車和富士山的美景。此外,如果您有入住修善寺溫泉的收據,虹之裡將給您30%的折扣。 ■ 房間 房間很寬敞,床鋪在榻榻米上,睡起來很舒服。有加濕器真是太好了。 ■ 餐點 自助餐風格,具有競爭力的項目數量。如果您有孩子,您可以在娛樂的氛圍中享受它。如果你把它做成一個公平的規格,比如棉花糖,它可能會更有趣。反而是亂七八糟的,所以不推薦給想慢慢欣賞或強調氣氛的人。 ■ 便利設施 在日式旅館的Daily Yamazaki便利店前,您可以隨心所欲。我認為減少人員和維護成本的管理努力是合理的,僅適用於奧巴科酒店。我認為選擇浴衣的服務非常好。付費擁有一件特別的浴衣不是很好嗎?如果有在 Instagram 上看起來不錯的設計。 ■ 招待  入住時間是17:00左右,所以提前聯繫了他們。當時只有18:00和18:30兩頓晚餐,19:45兩制這時候還沒做,所以沒吃午飯就匆匆趕到酒店。客棧前台說,18:00以後,19:30分兩制,電話和時間有出入。儘管我對此進行了投訴,但接待處的女士卻無動於衷,沒有道歉或確認,投訴是否每天都在發生。可能是電話裡的人聽錯了,告訴了時間,但我問有沒有19:45,雖然我堅持說不是,但很遺憾我說錯了時間。。我忍不住犯了一個錯誤,但我很失望,因為接待處沒有跟進。


修善寺自然公園 もみじ林



4.6/511 評價


We had the most wonderful time at Ochiairo! I came here for a birthday trip with my husband and best friend and we stayed in the spacious Aofuji room overlooking the river. The spatial arrangement offered more than enough space and privacy for 3 people and probably 2 couples or a family and kids. The white noise lulled us to sleep every night and it was simply magical. The international staff was so helpful to us. While we don’t speak Japanese, they did their best to understand and attend to us and it all worked out. They went above and beyond making my birthday feel very special. It was the small details that really mattered - ensuring that we had bikes and activities arranged the night before, coming to our room to teach me how to wear my yukata when I asked them to help, and even cleaning out and lovingly packaging some souvenir bento containers we arrived with when they saw them in our mini fridge! Everything about this place is just so beautiful. A few notes: - THE BATHS! When I tell you that I screamed when I saw the cave and private onsen in particular - just trust that they cannot be missed. - We are all tattooed - one of us significantly so. They have small tattoo covers but ask that you do cover them in the main bath areas (I only know this because I asked and they were incredibly polite about the advice) - We brought tattoo cover but in case you don’t want to bother, please take advantage of the absolutely stunning outdoor private baths - The food is great and eat dinner in sitting rooms upstairs (not served in your room) - You get unlimited drinks (alcoholic and otherwise) and snacks which was another pleasant surprise because they are so tasty! - The koi fish in the front swim up to you and follow you around with such enthusiasm. It’s as if they’re little pond puppies. The staff allowed us to feed them so if interested, please ask. - Don’t miss the swing next to the suspension bridge! - While I loved our room - please note that there is an abandoned hotel directly across the river from it. Kind of ruined the “I am communing with nature” vibes but it was fine in the long run. I could go on, but just trust that this place is just exceptional!



4.6/511 評價


We had the most wonderful time at Ochiairo! I came here for a birthday trip with my husband and best friend and we stayed in the spacious Aofuji room overlooking the river. The spatial arrangement offered more than enough space and privacy for 3 people and probably 2 couples or a family and kids. The white noise lulled us to sleep every night and it was simply magical. The international staff was so helpful to us. While we don’t speak Japanese, they did their best to understand and attend to us and it all worked out. They went above and beyond making my birthday feel very special. It was the small details that really mattered - ensuring that we had bikes and activities arranged the night before, coming to our room to teach me how to wear my yukata when I asked them to help, and even cleaning out and lovingly packaging some souvenir bento containers we arrived with when they saw them in our mini fridge! Everything about this place is just so beautiful. A few notes: - THE BATHS! When I tell you that I screamed when I saw the cave and private onsen in particular - just trust that they cannot be missed. - We are all tattooed - one of us significantly so. They have small tattoo covers but ask that you do cover them in the main bath areas (I only know this because I asked and they were incredibly polite about the advice) - We brought tattoo cover but in case you don’t want to bother, please take advantage of the absolutely stunning outdoor private baths - The food is great and eat dinner in sitting rooms upstairs (not served in your room) - You get unlimited drinks (alcoholic and otherwise) and snacks which was another pleasant surprise because they are so tasty! - The koi fish in the front swim up to you and follow you around with such enthusiasm. It’s as if they’re little pond puppies. The staff allowed us to feed them so if interested, please ask. - Don’t miss the swing next to the suspension bridge! - While I loved our room - please note that there is an abandoned hotel directly across the river from it. Kind of ruined the “I am communing with nature” vibes but it was fine in the long run. I could go on, but just trust that this place is just exceptional!



3.7/55 評價
酒店建築較舊,但經過重新裝修,內部乾淨。 On the beach 非常適合夏天游泳的人。在房間裡是看海和看日落的最佳位置。瞭望台浴場早晚男女交替,女性可以邊泡溫泉邊看夕陽。離駿河灣渡輪碼頭很近,可以邊看渡輪邊悠閒地泡個溫泉。自助餐自助餐和酒精飲料無限量供應。它並不豪華,但內容通常很美味。總體來說性價比還是蠻不錯的。您也可以步行到附近的土肥金礦。
4.5/56 評價
我選擇泰山莊是因為評價很高。我喜歡吃東西,所以食物的評論很好是第一位的。由於電暈病,除了米飯和甜點外,所有的菜都排在桌子上。本來,黑米是最後上的,但白米是作為開胃菜。晚餐的黑米飯和早餐的芥末飯都很好吃。我認為這道菜如果是電暈對策菜就沒有幫助,但我認為這是一道非常普通的菜,既不能接受也不能接受。如果平時的懷石料理更好,我可以再次訪問嗎?公共浴室並沒有我想像的那麼小(圖片來自口耳相傳)。溫泉的質量很好,可以永遠保持溫暖,但似乎並不自由流動。由於電暈危機,兩個大型公共浴場保留至 22:00,然後成為男女浴場。普通日式房間的浴缸很深,鋪了瓷磚,感覺不到大氣。是二樓的房間,不過我覺得老人和殘障人士還是小心樓梯和房間洗澡比較好。免費的咖啡和茶非常好。我認為員工的客戶服務很好。客棧看似很有歷史,但乾淨香嗎?的氣味也令人舒緩。從房間看不到風景,但是離修善寺的中心很近,散步也不錯。
牧水莊 土肥館
4.3/57 評價
3.7/520 評價
3.5/552 評價
4.1/516 評價
【2晚3天1萬日元。所以服務很好,位置很好。好嗎⁈】 2晚3天住(約10,500日元一個人)讓我住宿。伊豆半島西側,沿着土肥的海邊立着的“西伊豆土肥溫泉 碧的旅館 明治館”。我認爲,所有房間都是海景,即使在低層也能看到海的漂亮旅館。[房間] 8榻榻米和4榻榻米寬邊,是一間獨立的洗手間,有浴室廁所。從昭和時代開始,這是一家經常配置的THE旅館房間。這是一間有年份的房間,但是由於清潔乾淨,所以沒有“舊的”印象。由於電源較少,如果充電或充電大量的IT設備,建議帶上電源水龍頭等。最重要的是,寬邊是牆面的窗戶,所以可以看到海。特別適合在房間享受日落時光,這間客房非常舒適。晚上,在同一個寬邊,關掉所有的燈光,打開一點窗戶,讓外面的燈光和波音聽得清清楚楚,一邊小小地喝着酒,一邊小小地享受着。這是很久沒有這麼奢侈的時光了。[溫泉] 老字號旅館,但設施和空間都乾淨。當然,我感覺老化的部分,但是這是一個很好的空間,可以看出它被清理得很乾淨。外面的光線被眼睛滿眼的洗澡裏吸收的地方也是很不錯的。水是透明的,溫度也不太熱,不太溼的適溫。早上在租借狀態下使用,這是奢侈的時間。租借露天浴池有“烏拉拉之湯”和“ぬくみ之湯”兩種。收費,45分鐘2200日元,但我覺得可以體驗一次。設施更漂亮。木製的空間裏還有內湯,在外面的露天可以一邊看海一邊度過優雅的時光。當然,洗手間也挺好的,這邊和大浴場不同,因爲澆水的熱水,有點熱。您可以根據自己的喜好加水量,稍加熱,或是緊緊地溼潤,享受。[餐食]※這次是未使用的。下次,我一定會讓您體驗一下。[館內大堂] 1F大堂有很多活動,包括紀念品店和糖果店,遊戲區(※參觀時因日冕禍而關閉)等,讓孩子們也享受樂趣。還有大車可以搬行李,帶孩子的行李也安心。[接客] 因爲沒有吃飯,所以沒有太多的接觸點,但是在寄存車時,租借露天車時,非常明亮和溫柔。非常令人愉快。[其他] 對於帶子的人來說,這是非常值得感謝的服務。無論是大浴場還是租借露天,嬰兒巴士,嬰兒椅和玩具都提供。客房內有嬰兒牀墊和尿布等媽媽非常安心的設施,而且每件都統一爲造型和可愛的物品,非常開心的服務。在接待處,如果不夠的話,會提供尿布,這對帶孩子來說是無懈可擊的服務。[整體] 總的來說,可以悠閒地度過的客棧。而且,在眼前的海里,無論早上還是晚上都能玩的興奮。在早晨的光線下能醒來的感覺很好。帶着孩子也很高興歡迎你。真是太棒了。房的“漂亮”因人而異,與最近的新旅館和酒店相比,不得不說是有年份的房間。我個人覺得這是從昭和和平成時代起就活下來的THE旅館,其中即使不進行翻新和翻新,也保持得很乾淨。另外,服務和地理位置很好。而且,2晚3天1人約1萬日元。cospa是不是太好了?笑 ,非常感謝你度過了非常緩慢的假期。謝謝。#旅館#酒店#西伊豆#住宿#高科斯帕#明治館#土肥溫泉#帶孩子大歡迎#包車露天溫泉#露天溫泉#溫泉#Ryokan #Hotel#Nishiizu #Accommodation#HighCostPerformance#Meijikan #TohiHotSpring #ChildrenWelcome #租用露天浴#露天浴#溫泉



最高價格HKD 19,683
最低價格HKD 294
平均價格 (平日)HKD 2,903
平均價格 (週末)HKD 3,220