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探索我們在Sahl Hasheesh New Marina附近的熱門飯店


The V Luxury Resort Sahl Hasheesh V豪華度假村薩赫·哈希什
4.3/544 評價

The V Luxury Resort Sahl Hasheesh V豪華度假村薩赫·哈希什

赫爾格達|距離Sahl Hasheesh New Marina0.44km
超級好的酒店,超級超級超級推薦,除了遠離市區其他沒缺點。 1.主要是景色超美,有成人滑梯還有kids區域可以玩,泳池四五個,預訂還可以有露天按摩浴缸,旁邊是馬代那種紗床巨美,和隔壁酒店是一起的,隔壁也很美。 2.餐廳超好吃(對比某書推薦另一家連鎖這家簡直是天堂,那家全是雷這家按頭誇),甜品有足足幾十種沒吃到雷而且不甜,家人們誰懂啊在一眾歐美人菜單裏面吃到不甜的甜品簡直是天堂,大部分菜也好吃,意麪超級無敵香,水果種類很多酸奶種類也很多。此外還有兩家需要預約的餐廳,有海鮮燒烤可以預訂,像日料的埃及鐵板燒,很香但是我們沒有預訂。還有一個很有異域風情的帳篷。 3.有很長的私人沙灘海岸線,玻璃海酒店就可以擁有。沙灘上躺椅超多,能躺幾百個但是躺的人很少,吹海風舒服死了。 4.酒店裝修類似於國內的漫心,房間內很新,熱水充足,陽台美麗,玻璃窗還有鎖。部分建築還沒修建完,估計建完會漲價吧,真的超值了。 服務人員喜歡要風油精當小費🤣,我把還剩的半瓶給他了。 唯一不足就是晚上去海邊被蚊子咬了,但是壞蚊子無處不在,我不怪這個酒店。沒有遇到歧視中國人的現象,至少服務人員對我都很好,下次來還住這裏。
4.5/540 評價


赫爾格達|距離Sahl Hasheesh New Marina0.61km
If you expect 5-star hotel - run, run in the opposite direction from KaiSol Romance Resort. This is a 2 or a 3-star hotel in reality. We got a room that is looking at the ongoing construction site with explanation that it used to be mountain or city view room that our agency reserved (photographs provided). When we communicated at our arrival that we are not staying at the hotel it took the communication between reception, the local agency and Ponte agency so much time that we actually had to stay two nights. For a second night we moved into the other room that was looking at the wall of the building next to the hotel. Everyone in this hotel is on such a low level of service training, awareness of the minimum of professional attitude is the normal standard of behavior, starting from the reception stuff to a hotel director Ibrahim. The reception told us that we might actually adapt after second night, and we might change our minds regarding leaving. The clients are the least important at this place. The most important is the fact that they don't want to lose nights reserved. The level of the hygiene is on a very low level, and it is visible everywhere in the hotel, in the hallways, strange bedding, disorganized tables at the dining room... Not many people speak English, and it made our communication difficult even for ordinary things such as getting a napkin because tables were not completely ready. The rooms seem to be renovated recently but most of them are surrounded by the walls of other buildings, laud construction or the only ones with the sea view (at the main building) are the noisiest ones because the whole air conditioning system is on the top of that building, and the noise that comes from it is constant and so unhealthy that it cannot be ignored. When we point it out to the reception, they said that they did not have time to go out of the hotel ever and that they hear about the noise for a first time. We never had this experience in Egypt and would not want to anyone to go through it if expecting to get anything even close to a 5-star stay. Unfortunately, it seems that the laws in evaluating hotels should be taken more seriously so people would not feel deceived. It is difficult enough to lose first day or two of your vacation when you realize that you are in a wrong hotel that was introduced to you differently, but when all the next steps need to be done to let people continue their vacation are not finished timely, gracefully and with respect for client's rights that is very alarming and not fair at all.



4.1/570 評價


赫爾格達|距離Sahl Hasheesh New Marina1.61km
我從哪裡開始... 酒店位於 Sahl Hasheesh 地區,這是一個正在建設中的新地區,看起來幾年後它將成為一個高端地區。它距離赫爾格達度假區很遠(我知道這一點是因為我在度假村待了5 天,在這家酒店待了一天半),優步花了一點時間才到達那裡,因為這是一個新區域。優點:飯店是全新的,房間很大,有餐廳、超大浴室、露臺、美麗的景色、大床、非常乾淨等等。我們喜歡游泳池、吊床區,他們給你毛巾免費,一切都很小心。我們無法享用早餐所以我無法發表評論。我們在酒店的餐廳吃飯,非常好,食物很好,而且不是很貴(也不便宜)。這是一家非常非常安靜的酒店,我的意思是附近沒有什麼可做的和參觀的,什麼也沒有。我認為酒店有旅遊團和提供的東西,我不知道價格或它們是什麼樣的。他們有去海灘的免費接駁車服務,我們沒有去,但海灘看起來很不錯。酒店的工作人員在任何時候都超級友好。缺點:沒有電梯,這對那些帶著行李箱旅行的人來說是一個問題,因為我們必須爬4層樓,而且上下樓有點困難,因為你要經過很多走廊、樓梯等。 .空調噪音很大。我們要求入住 3 個人的房間,他們給了我們一張雙人床,而另一個人不得不睡在沙發上(我認為這不合邏輯,因為預訂中沒有註明,而且他們甚至沒有為我們鋪床單)辦理入住時,他為我們提供了一個更好的房間,價格為20 歐元,然後討價還價為15 歐元,但由於我們只打算住一晚,所以我們決定不這樣做,然後我們就理解了,因為沙發我們應該拿走但多付錢似乎不合適。飯店很新,走廊上還殘留著建築施工時留下的灰塵和污垢。一般資訊:他們提供前往機場的計程車服務,價格為15 歐元(每輛車支付,如果您與3 人同行,則每人支付5 歐元),考慮到機場超級超級遠,這是一個很好的價格,並告訴您赫爾格達的Uber 是個騙局,我們在那裡訂了4 個Uber,一旦你預訂了行程,他們就會透過Uber 聊天寫信給你,並要求更多的錢,從機場到赫爾格達度假村單程15 歐元,從去這家酒店的時候,他們向我們要了 10 歐元,我們討價還價,他們以 5 歐元的價格留給了我們,我提到這一點是為了警告您。我不給 5 顆星,因為他們還有很多需要改進的地方,但它有很大的潛力。我還是會回來的。
The V Luxury Resort Sahl Hasheesh V豪華度假村薩赫·哈希什
4.3/544 評價

The V Luxury Resort Sahl Hasheesh V豪華度假村薩赫·哈希什

赫爾格達|距離Sahl Hasheesh New Marina0.44km
超級好的酒店,超級超級超級推薦,除了遠離市區其他沒缺點。 1.主要是景色超美,有成人滑梯還有kids區域可以玩,泳池四五個,預訂還可以有露天按摩浴缸,旁邊是馬代那種紗床巨美,和隔壁酒店是一起的,隔壁也很美。 2.餐廳超好吃(對比某書推薦另一家連鎖這家簡直是天堂,那家全是雷這家按頭誇),甜品有足足幾十種沒吃到雷而且不甜,家人們誰懂啊在一眾歐美人菜單裏面吃到不甜的甜品簡直是天堂,大部分菜也好吃,意麪超級無敵香,水果種類很多酸奶種類也很多。此外還有兩家需要預約的餐廳,有海鮮燒烤可以預訂,像日料的埃及鐵板燒,很香但是我們沒有預訂。還有一個很有異域風情的帳篷。 3.有很長的私人沙灘海岸線,玻璃海酒店就可以擁有。沙灘上躺椅超多,能躺幾百個但是躺的人很少,吹海風舒服死了。 4.酒店裝修類似於國內的漫心,房間內很新,熱水充足,陽台美麗,玻璃窗還有鎖。部分建築還沒修建完,估計建完會漲價吧,真的超值了。 服務人員喜歡要風油精當小費🤣,我把還剩的半瓶給他了。 唯一不足就是晚上去海邊被蚊子咬了,但是壞蚊子無處不在,我不怪這個酒店。沒有遇到歧視中國人的現象,至少服務人員對我都很好,下次來還住這裏。
4.5/540 評價


赫爾格達|距離Sahl Hasheesh New Marina0.61km
If you expect 5-star hotel - run, run in the opposite direction from KaiSol Romance Resort. This is a 2 or a 3-star hotel in reality. We got a room that is looking at the ongoing construction site with explanation that it used to be mountain or city view room that our agency reserved (photographs provided). When we communicated at our arrival that we are not staying at the hotel it took the communication between reception, the local agency and Ponte agency so much time that we actually had to stay two nights. For a second night we moved into the other room that was looking at the wall of the building next to the hotel. Everyone in this hotel is on such a low level of service training, awareness of the minimum of professional attitude is the normal standard of behavior, starting from the reception stuff to a hotel director Ibrahim. The reception told us that we might actually adapt after second night, and we might change our minds regarding leaving. The clients are the least important at this place. The most important is the fact that they don't want to lose nights reserved. The level of the hygiene is on a very low level, and it is visible everywhere in the hotel, in the hallways, strange bedding, disorganized tables at the dining room... Not many people speak English, and it made our communication difficult even for ordinary things such as getting a napkin because tables were not completely ready. The rooms seem to be renovated recently but most of them are surrounded by the walls of other buildings, laud construction or the only ones with the sea view (at the main building) are the noisiest ones because the whole air conditioning system is on the top of that building, and the noise that comes from it is constant and so unhealthy that it cannot be ignored. When we point it out to the reception, they said that they did not have time to go out of the hotel ever and that they hear about the noise for a first time. We never had this experience in Egypt and would not want to anyone to go through it if expecting to get anything even close to a 5-star stay. Unfortunately, it seems that the laws in evaluating hotels should be taken more seriously so people would not feel deceived. It is difficult enough to lose first day or two of your vacation when you realize that you are in a wrong hotel that was introduced to you differently, but when all the next steps need to be done to let people continue their vacation are not finished timely, gracefully and with respect for client's rights that is very alarming and not fair at all.



正在尋找Sahl Hasheesh New Marina附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
The V Luxury Resort Sahl Hasheesh V豪華度假村薩赫·哈希什
4.3/544 評價
超級好的酒店,超級超級超級推薦,除了遠離市區其他沒缺點。 1.主要是景色超美,有成人滑梯還有kids區域可以玩,泳池四五個,預訂還可以有露天按摩浴缸,旁邊是馬代那種紗床巨美,和隔壁酒店是一起的,隔壁也很美。 2.餐廳超好吃(對比某書推薦另一家連鎖這家簡直是天堂,那家全是雷這家按頭誇),甜品有足足幾十種沒吃到雷而且不甜,家人們誰懂啊在一眾歐美人菜單裏面吃到不甜的甜品簡直是天堂,大部分菜也好吃,意麪超級無敵香,水果種類很多酸奶種類也很多。此外還有兩家需要預約的餐廳,有海鮮燒烤可以預訂,像日料的埃及鐵板燒,很香但是我們沒有預訂。還有一個很有異域風情的帳篷。 3.有很長的私人沙灘海岸線,玻璃海酒店就可以擁有。沙灘上躺椅超多,能躺幾百個但是躺的人很少,吹海風舒服死了。 4.酒店裝修類似於國內的漫心,房間內很新,熱水充足,陽台美麗,玻璃窗還有鎖。部分建築還沒修建完,估計建完會漲價吧,真的超值了。 服務人員喜歡要風油精當小費🤣,我把還剩的半瓶給他了。 唯一不足就是晚上去海邊被蚊子咬了,但是壞蚊子無處不在,我不怪這個酒店。沒有遇到歧視中國人的現象,至少服務人員對我都很好,下次來還住這裏。
4.7/557 評價
We booked this hotel based on the fantastic reviews and we were not disappointed. The hotel and grounds are immaculate. The food is great and the service is brilliant. Everyone is very friendly and the General Manager is always walking around and asking guests if they are happy. And if there is anything he can do for them. I was surprised at how many guests returned for the 10th, 12th or more times. The hotel is doing something right! As we went in April, the entertainment is outside by the pool bar. Most guests retire back to their rooms once this is done (around 1030-1100) and then I think the bar closes around midnight. It is a very relaxing hotel so if you are looking for a party vibe, this is not for you. If you want a quiet and relaxing holiday this is for you. Sunbeds do start getting taken around 0700 but we always went down around 0830 and always got a bed in our preferred area (behind the pool bar) We had the VIP package due to the room we booked so visited the Chinese, Japanese, Italian, Mediterranean and International restaurants. All were good. The main buffet restaurant had a lot to choose from.
4.3/570 評價
Arrived late around 10.30pm was shown to our room , west bay superior double, very large and well equipped, went exploring next morning , looking for the towel huts, which are all along the beach front, none near the pools, pools all very nice clean and well maintained, music at the swim up pool, not to our taste but put up with it. The food in the westbay restaurant was very good quality and served to a high standard, only problem I had was birds at breakfast, they were inside the restaurant eating pancakes, waffles and all over the bread I found this very unhygienic and off putting . Drinks could be improved so much more, just by having nicer glasses and presented better, all the cocktails served in plastic beaker glasses.Entertainment was poor, a singer at the beach bar on an evening when it was so cold no one watching because they were all inside, move the entertainment inside, made no sense. But our biggest problem with the hotel was the lack of no smoking areas , no matter where we sat , drank or ate someone was smoking , which we found extremely rude .After all that we did enjoy our stay, but would nt return ,
4.7/553 評價
From start to finish, the entire experience was incredible. As soon as we arrived we were instantly warmed by the friendliness and helpfulness of the staff. The hotel was boutiquely beautiful. We had arrived…. And it exceeded our expectations. During our week we had the esteemed pleasure of getting to know many of the staff, who were not only fantastic at what they do, but also took the time to get to know us. We wholeheartedly appreciated every single moment. Ahmed-Exeptionally attentive and friendly, always knew what we wanted before we did, which was A* service. Mohammed- Most warm and friendliest person we have ever met, such a pleasure to be in his presence. He made us feel so welcome and special. Omar- Hard working, always smiling, a great credit to Jaz Makadi. Marco- Well, what can we say, this guy made us smile from the moment we met him- he anticipated all we desired. Now Moustafa- I cannot quite put into words how much we appreciated and respected this guy- he knew exactly what we wanted and his suggestions were impeccable- a great wealth of cocktail knowledge and excellent customer rapport.
4.3/575 評價
Good food, for alcoholic beverages are very low%, can’t be drunk 🤣 Very quiet place for a relaxing vacation
重力飯店水上公園 - 僅限家庭和情侶
4.5/544 評價
Hotelul arata foarte bine, pot spune exact ca in poze. Mancarea a fost diversificata, buna, aveai din ce alege, curatenia s-a facut zilnic, prosoapele schimbate zilnic. Staff-ul este unul foarte saritor, te ajuta in orice problema. Locatia este foarte bine amplasata si te ajuta cu diferite locuri si excursii in care poti sa mergi. Recomand insulele Paradise si Orange Bay. Sunt super.
