旺角 | 距離天鴻製品(香港)有限公司 Tin Hung Products(H.K) Ltd.1.17km
每間客房均以落地玻璃設計,坐擁香港璀璨美景。 房內備設免費上網服務、電子保險箱連充電器、舒適寬敞的Dream Bed 甜夢睡床及採用玻璃間隔的大理石浴室等,為賓客打造完美愜意的私人國度。 房客更可參加多項免費的康得思體驗,從藝術、市區及美酒佳餚的角度感受地道香港面貌。
飯店設有四家餐廳,包括高級粵菜食府明閣、歐陸餐廳及酒吧Alibi – Wine Dine Be Social、自助餐餐廳The Place以及戶外酒吧The Garage Bar,其中明閣更連續十六年摘下米其林一星及連續七年蟬聯黑珍珠餐廳指南一鑽殊榮。 賓客更可於Alibi – Wine Dine Be Social品嚐由IBA世界雞尾酒大賽2023年度世界調酒師Leo Ko及其團隊量身定造的雞尾酒。
香港康得思飯店亦為小顧客締造難忘的住宿體驗,包括以瀕危動物小熊貓為藍本的康得思孩童大使Cody的專屬背包及一系列豐富的迎賓禮物、房內孩童用品、設施及親子活動 ,讓他們旅遊時盡情探索玩樂。
We stayed for a short staycation back in late April. Whilst we had a nice room and view, we just felt the place was a little tired. We had heard that they will be going through a renovation but we now know that they were planning to close down (as they are now closed). Perpahs this was the reason things were a little 'off'. I hope that whenever the reopen (if they do) that they make the most of the wonderful location. It really deserves to be a top hotel...