

3.6/527 評價
沒想到我居然是第一個入住這家酒店的攜程客戶。這家酒店刷新了我在日本旅遊的性價比酒店記錄。特別適合帶老人小孩出行。 位置:離平戶中心和主流景點平戶城等稍微有點距離,在鄭成功公園和沙灘浴場附近,包括鄭成功廟還有紀念館步行可達。好在酒店有巴士,可以定點接送,建議坐電車到平戶站然後酒店回來接你。 硬件:房間設施偏舊但是景觀超級棒,直接麪海。配套除了溫泉遊樂場,還有免費的高爾夫卡拉ok乒乓球等,超棒的體驗,我一般去的這樣的溫泉酒店都要收費的(比如我第二天去到的平戶凱優酒店),然後戶外還有足湯。 美食:出品新鮮豐富,早晚都有烤魚烤肉,但是我並不是吃的很喜歡,晚餐是自助餐,我定的是含螃蟹淘寶套餐,螃蟹並不是太新鮮,而且吃完后其他的東西都沒什麼肚子吃了。建議大家買普通的晚餐就好,否則肚子飽太快划不來。早餐很新鮮很棒! 服務:這個沒得說,入住率不高服務員主動幫我做了升級,還有必須贊一下酒店的司機,一路上給我介紹平戶有趣的景點,好吃的東西,還讓休息的員工和我作伴一起遊玩,知道我第二天要去另一家凱優酒店而且不在他的接送範圍主動提出親自把我送到了哪家酒店(當然沒有其他客人的前提下)而且主動介紹人家的優勢,原來他之前在那家酒店工作過,衹不過我真的去到這家酒店后,不管是設施還是服務都差了一大截,價格都還差不多,心裏相當後悔。哎,沒有比較就沒有傷害。 所以大家不要嫌棄這家酒店位置比較偏,價格和其他酒店差不多的情況下我建議選擇這家。
3.7/519 評價
酒店位置不錯 從房間望出去的景觀頗佳 尤其是室外溫泉 邊泡邊可以欣賞到對麪的平戶城 心曠神怡。不過有一點提醒大家 如果公共交通前往 最好是從松浦鐵道平戶口站打車或者出站後轉西肥bus坐到平戶棧橋下車 給酒店前台去電來車接。儘管地圖顯示巴士站到酒店也就三四百米 但因為酒店在山上 雖說不太高 拉着箱子走也比較費勁。
5/51 評價
服務很好 房間也很乾淨 所有房間都是獨立的建築。 個人溫泉 我擁有這一切 真是太好了。 早上的餐點也是日本懷石料理。 一切都很美味。 我休息得很好。 下次還想再去一次
3.3/515 評價
I knew that this was an onsen hotel right from when I booked it. As it was so expensive I looked for other accommodation but there was none available and I couldn’t change the dates so took this risk and booked it. It’s only around 10 minutes’ walk from Hirado Sanbashi 平戸桟橋, the ferry terminal and bus terminal on the central Hirado Wharf where the bus which I caught from Sasebo Station terminates. Unfortunately, having tattoos, I couldn’t use the onsen but the blurb on the hotel’s web site looks like they are top class. When I arrived it was very busy and while I was there there was a lull flowed by another wave of guests so I suspect that, depending on the dates of a stay, it could be either very busy or having a lull. The food was exceptional and was included in the price. However, not really catering to foreign guests left me guessing about the food. It was all pretty much fresh vegetables, pickled vegetables and fish prepared in various ways. And lots of it so I didn’t go hungry while I was there. The staff were very helpful and between us we managed to communicate to one another. Would I recommend it? Yes, but it is expensive so that needs to be kept in mind. Location wise Hirado town is very walkable but if you are intending to go further afield (I kept mainly to sites in and around town) you’ll need a car or a good understanding of the bus routes and times.
4/57 評價
我住的1晚,在附件開放紀念價,雖然是7樓,但是從房間看風景是最好的。紅平戶大橋就在眼前 現在1泊城主,話題平戶城 去的船 被沉沒的夕陽的美好感動了。剛開業 房間也大,乾淨。全部管理系統運行。特別是洗澡 溫度 熱水的 水龍頭 管理,每次運行 都會聊天。(^_^) 餐食也和 西式 中式 和 多種多樣。壽司 烤蟹 生魚片是櫃檯做的。不僅是晚餐,早餐也豐富多樣。酒也是服務(^_^)我得到了豐盛的服務。我擔心,日冕對策也行。我正在自我約束,但是我又想住 一個令人難忘的酒店。



平均價格 (週末)€259
平均價格 (平日)€243