The service was great. A little disappointed with the breakfast. There was a little smell of mildew in the room. Turned off the heater and it was better. Beds were very comfortable. Wanted to take it home with me.
塞勒姆智選假日套房飯店提供給探索這座城市的旅客一個理想之地。 塞勒姆智選假日套房飯店是您遍覽塞勒姆美景與感受城市之聲的理想選擇。
飯店位置方便,距離羅阿諾克地方機場僅有短短11km車程。 該區域內可看見多元活動,BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir,Valley Word Church和Peters Creek Church of the Brethren都在附近。 結束一整天的觀光行程,客人可在舒適的飯店休息。 停車場現場提供給自己開車的人,