修道院拱門旅館為忙碌一天的旅客提供一個放鬆身心的好地方。 修道院拱門旅館是您遍覽費爾班克斯美景與感受城市之聲的理想選擇。
飯店離費爾班克斯國際機場只有7km。 附近地區擁有許多景點,包括北方極地博物館,Alaska Range Overlook和West Valley Plaza。 閒暇時,客人可以探索飯店的周邊環境。 這家費爾班克斯飯店在網站上提供了停車場。
The staff was extremely nice and helpful. Robert went out of his way to accommodate our needs during our stay. The staff went above and beyond to make sure our stay was a good experience. We really appreciate the comfort that was provided by the staff during our stay.