
3.5/569 評價
性價比高400多一個晚上,獨享一個卧室,與其他幾個房間共享廚房和客廳,廚房提供冰箱廚具刀叉碗筷,還提供調味品,當然衹是簡單是鹽胡椒粉之類的,衛生巾非常乾淨。 但是離景區有點遠,去哪都得走1-2公裏。出門有地鐵(tram)有公交,去哪都方便。
3.9/518 評價
3.9/555 評價
4.3/559 評價
到達之前,請確保您在附近Omni的QPark停車,如果您是開車,您必須提前在線預訂並使用折扣代碼。4月(明顯)我們預訂時間和到達日期之間改變了程序,沒有人告訴我們,而QPark點空白拒絕遵守我們開車出去的折扣代碼,雖然酒店接待員只是聳聳肩,當我們在退房時告訴他。這讓我額外花了14磅,這很煩人 - 而不是你如何對待白金會員,每天24磅全價或一天的一部分,停車並不便宜。我們有一個更大的房間,有沙發牀(318),很好,浴室很大。但是,當沐浴露分配器耗盡時,我們要求早上在辦理入住的辦公桌更換,但那天晚上返回,仍然空空蕩蕩。毛巾每天都換,雙人牀很小,但房間乾淨,安靜。早餐經常擁擠,基本自助餐,但酒吧工作人員很友好,大堂是和平的天堂,可以品嚐蘋果酒。沒有健身室或健身房,旺季的快捷假日酒店物業很貴。入住結束時,感覺沒有收到物有所值,特別是被QPark的盜竊案擊中。但是網絡工作很好,位置很方便...
4.2/527 評價
作為一群朋友,我們參觀了愛丁堡的聖誕節市場和一些急需的飲酒時間。這家酒店很乾淨,值得我們付錢。不能抱怨房間但是,我們在接待處那位女士那裡的問候是如此粗魯和傲慢。她要求我們支付100英鎊,以防房間損壞。我對她說,考慮到她告訴我我無法在我的帳戶中使用這100英鎊,因此收取100英鎊有點困難,因為在整個逗留期間,這都是“凍結的”。市中心距離酒店僅幾步之遙,但是很方便。辦理退房手續時,另一位女士正在接待。我的朋友是我們除霜時檢查我們的那個人。接待員試圖要求我們現在在該站點支付10歐元的停車費。網站上明確指出有免費停車場。我們試圖向這位女士展示她的網站,儘管她清楚地指出了酒店的名稱並顯示了圖片,但她一直說“那不是我們的網站”。那裡有網站,如果不是免費的,它們就是虛假廣告。最終,接待員變得非常不禮貌,因此我們決定不付款而走出去,因為我們不知道,他們已經凍結了我100歐元的帳戶。 幾天過去了,我試圖使用我的卡,但那100張卡仍然凍結在那裡。我給旅館打電話了,並通知他們我仍然無法使用這筆錢,他們說可能最多需要10個工作日才能將錢退回我的帳戶。我很生氣在交出100英鎊時,他們從未告訴過我,尤其是在聖誕節期間,您迫切需要錢時。 並且最重要的是。今天,我再次檢查了該網站,他們將停車場更改為“安全停車場”,而不是免費停車場。我有證據證明它原來是免費停車場。因此,他們撒謊並迅速更改了他們的網站。好震撼! 總體而言,業務似乎只是在搶錢。每晚收費120,最高收費100,然後要10停車。開個玩笑。我們不會回來的,但是房間很乾淨很漂亮,真可惜。顯然是由貪婪的人經營。
3.9/556 評價
A few months back I booked a one night stay in the Edinburgh House Hotel for myself and partner.  We both agreed from the reviews it was a basic hotel but from the pictures on the website we felt confident it would be clean and would be perfect to just use as a base for our city break. We arrived yesterday to a hotel that was VERY different to the hotel you are advertising on your site.  Firstly the signage was falling apart and the windows were ditched in dust and dirt, first impressions worried us. Upon entering the building we were greeted to what can only be described as a dirty, uncared for, unwelcoming foyer. We were taken into a dining room/reception which again was dusty and not looked after, your website shows this room to have a bar, well there isn't one. Intact there is a coke fridge with a few cans of Iron Brew!  My partner checked us in and nervously we went up to our room. We were on the top floor, the stairs were dirty and needed a good vacuum, in some places the carpet needed securing to the floor as it was a trip hazard. We got to our room and before going in we were shocked, wallpaper had been pulled off the wall and the corridor was in an atrocious state. The bedroom was not any better, the carpet was filthy, the furniture was broken or flimsy, the ensuite mouldy and not clean.  Not only was the hotel filthy and very run down I believe it is unsafe and not in line with the current fire regulations. The fire alarms had bags over them, there was no fire escape signage, including fire safety and escape/assembly point signage in the rooms, the window in the room was nailed shut. I dont believe the doors were fire safety doors either. We both agreed that this wasn't basic it was filthy, uncared for dirty, unsafe hotel and there was no way we could stay there. We discussed it with the manager who was happy to give us another room however we weren’t confident it would be any better. The hotel throughout was unkempt. Definitely would not recommend this hotel. The pictures on the website where we booked it are nothing like what we saw!



最低價格TWD 2,351
最高價格TWD 74,629
平均價格 (平日)TWD 12,892
平均價格 (週末)TWD 16,052