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正在尋找Pier 1附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
4.2/5101 評價
Negative feedback is because of how the charges were handled. A deer hit our car on the highway, totaling our vehicle and leaving my wife and I and our small beagle very shaken up. We checked in at 4am after being dropped off by a tow truck. The staff at the time were extremely generous and kind, and assured me that the cost of the room was $108. Cost was a concern, given the costs we were incurring due to the accident. The next morning the final bill was over 150. Taxes were added, which is understandable but should have been communicated, and there was a thirty dollar per fee added which I was never told about nor informed about prior to checking in. We could have found another pet friendly hotel in eau Claire. Then when I asked the front desk if there was anything that could be done, we were trying to save money weren’t told about the charge, I had signed a document confirming the 108 rate, and shared about the accident and situation, the front desk staff then just looked at me and blankly muttered that there was a deep cleaning fee. I understand a cleaning fee for animals but this should have been communicated clearly. We were also in the room for only about 6 hours total. Also I was disappointed with the lack of empathy and frankly, people skills, displayed by the front desk staff at around 9am on 5/29. The woman at the front desk at 4am that morning was far warmer, understanding, and effective. Although she should have fully explained the pet charge as well. While the room was clean and other amenities acceptable, I will think twice about booking at another best western.
Holiday Inn 歐克萊爾
4.5/595 評價
4.3/598 評價
設施:很好 衞生:很好 環境:很好 服務:很好
4.3/5100 評價
4.5/5102 評價
價格在這個區域有點貴,但是含免費停車。酒店的餐飲不錯。位置也很好,就在中心區域。 周圍環境不錯,對麪有家還不錯的泰餐。
4.7/596 評價
2021年12月,我們在這裏過夜,出於幾個原因選擇了這家酒店;它的位置與高速公路/購物/餐館有關,而且它位於我們擁有一些醫療設施之間的位置。我們目睹了Eau Claire在過去十年中的增長,醫療設施的擴大,因此,在該地區擁有更多選擇酒店非常有幫助。這家酒店相當新,從53號高速公路可以看到,很容易上/下。它實際上位於Eau Claire和Chippewa Falls之間。房間相當寬敞,浴室也一樣。步入式淋浴,有幾個內置的擱板提供洗漱用品。大型的虛榮,帶有單水槽。提供咖啡機、微波爐和冰箱。可用來懸掛帶有熨衣板/熨斗的物品的狹小衣櫃。廣泛的電視選擇。酒店後面的房間面對一個小型停車場和小山--所以從後面沒有噪音。酒店自助早餐相當充足,特別是考慮到COVID 限制;包括熱/新鮮華夫餅/薄煎餅、香腸餡餅、固定物燕麥片、穀類食品、酸奶、咖啡、茶和果汁選擇。我們沒有遇到公路噪音,事實上我們的過夜非常安靜。另外,再吃點早餐:任何有飲食限制的人都應該對所提供的內容感到滿意。大堂小「店」,在接待處旁購買零食/飲品。


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