正在查找Millennium Super Centre附近的飯店嗎?先看看實際住過的旅客怎麼說。


正在尋找Millennium Super Centre附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
1/50 評價
4/53 評價
4.7/59 評價
Dis is the second time i have been to dis place n it felt amazing n relaxed as ever. The property is nice, pristine n kept very tidy by its owner Mr. Suresh who is more than eager to attend to ur call if u ever need his attention, n not to forget the lovely garden surrounding the property. Located in the suburbs of Colombo called Nugegoda, rather a short distance from the main town which is well connected by public transport, it gives u an ambience of a village in the town. U have Lots of sprawling eateries around serving Authentic local, Indian n chinese cuisine. Der r lots of cafe's to hang around as well. It will be jus an understatement of sorts if I say dat both times I had a very pleasant stay n it is most likely my permanent address wenever i happen to b in Colombo.
4.4/57 評價
強烈推薦這家美麗的別墅,我們今年4月和家人一起從英國來參加婚禮,我們佔據了主5臥室別墅,很乾淨,維護得很好。每個房間都很寬敞通風。游泳池每天都打掃。看守馬欣達非常愉快和細心。酋長本尼迪克特准備的食物令人驚歎美味。這個別墅位於非常方便的地方。Chamila Lopez


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