The staff was so helpful. I love the room so clean. I love how so elegante the lobby is. Also they speak English too. The breakfast was so good. Also the bar made great drinks i like the bloody marie highly recommend. You know I think it is a good idea to use your door key to turn on your electricity in your room
Excelente servicio, personal muy atento, las indicaciones perfectas y sobre todo la comida del restaurante una delicia. De verdad muchas gracias hotel colonial. Tengo convenio con ellos, algo muy muy bonito. Gracias Cd Juárez Chihuahua
Let me start with the negative points. Most hotels I stay at provide refrigerators in all rooms. For some crazy reason, this one does not have them in rooms with 2 queen beds. The only way I could get us a room with a fridge for our party of 3 adults was to book one with one king bed and a sofabed, which I did. (For future visits, I really wish they’d put refrigerators in the other rooms.) When we returned to the hotel after dinner and a show at 10:20 p.m., and we started getting ready for bed, we realized that the sofa bed had nothing for sleeping—no sheets, no blanket, and no pillows! I called the front desk. They said they would send someone up. However, they called back and said the people who could handle that had left. I said we could make up the bed if they would provide what we needed, but they said they did not have the sheets, etc. Over the next 40 minutes, there were three or four calls, during which we were offered to move to another room (who wants to do that just as you are getting ready for bed?), and the room still would not have what we needed! Or we could have 2 queens but no refrigerator. They even offered an “upgrade” from the “deluxe room” we had to a suite, but it would still have one king plus a sofabed with NO SHEETS, NO BLANKET, and NO PILLOWS! Finally, around 11:00 an employee arrived with a set of sheets, blanket, and pillows. He and I made the bed together. If, when I called the first time, they had said, “We’re sorry,” and immediately sent up what we needed, I would have been a little annoyed, but not so much. But spending 40 minutes in complicated negotiations in a foreign language is not my idea of settling down to go to sleep. I thought they owed us a rate reduction for the inconvenience, and I requested that the next morning. My request was passed on to the manager. When we checked out (after 2 nights), I learned the answer was no. The desk clerk said that manager had said it was not the hotel’s responsibility to have beds ready for guests(!), “we are not a full-service hotel,” and that they had had no idea that we would need the sofabed. (The reservation was for three adults. Did they think we would have a ménage à trois in the regular bed?) Other than the above, everything else was great! This is a new hotel. Everything in the room and public areas looked brand new. The mattress and pillows in the regular bed were very comfortable. My friend reported that comfort in the sofabed was so-so. Lots of light in the bathroom, and the shower was great. I would describe the fridge as half-size, larger that most hotel refrigerators; it even had a small freezer. Location is excellent, much closer to the border (think taxi fares!) than the hotels near the U.S. consulate. Some excellent restaurants, including Rocco Cantabria, are a few minutes’ walk away. There is a small Oxxo convenience store at the gas station across the street, and a Farmacias Guadalajara location a few blocks away (which we did not visit) is open
Excellent service. Breakfast better than most us Hampton inn, with good Mexican dishes made from scratch. Cozy lobby and nice personnel. Issues, while rate, had been managed professionally by the staff. Tariff is also quite reasonable. The pool is perfect to spend summer time and you can go by foot to world class restaurants and night life. Very well placed
OOmarHeimpelHola, fuimos a Juarez a tramitar la renovación de nuestra visa y esta en un excelente lugar. Acudimos caminando y no duramos mas de 10 minutos. Buen desayuno. Y tuvieron la amabilidad de enviarme a mi casa un objeto que había dejado olvidado en el cuarto.
Bueno que se puede opinar de este hotel… lo visité en julio del 24 por motivos, como creo serán los tuyos, de tener una cita en el centro de atención a solicitantes de visa americana. Muy bien, el sitio no es para nada difícil de localizar, con un acceso, bastante amigable si te desplazas en vehículo particular y aun menor si viajas en taxi. A la llegada, el personal te recibe con una pluma de seguridad, aunque no es precisamente amable en su trato, en realidad no me importa que no sea muy efusivo con su trato. El personal en lobby, fue amable y tranquilo, nos hizo una cobranza oportuna, entrego una llave y dio las indicaciones para estacionar el vehículo (por que el hotel tiene estacionamiento) y las indicaciones para llegar a nuestra habitación. Me pareció curioso que aun hubiera hoteles con cerraduras mecánicas, pero bueno, nuestra habitación se encontraba en un ala muy al fondo y lejos del estacionamiento, quien sabe por que… Estábamos bastante aislados de otra gente y se agradece, lo primero que notamos es que la puerta de nuestra habitación tenia en la parte de atrás un letrero que dice “solo personal autorizado” así que es una puerta reciclada, lo cual me alegra, pero a la vez muestra que les valió pingüino. La pantalla de televisión funcionaba, el baño se apreciaba limpio, y en general la habitación se encontraba bastante ordenada. No es queja pero en la habitación mencionada, el lavamanos estaba funcionando demasiado lentamente a modo que lavarse las manos dejaba evidencia de que se había ocluido con… alguna cosa. Seria muy adecuado repararlo. Bueno ya me queje de algunas cosas, ahora lo bueno, en general, el hotel no es pequeño, no es un motelucho, no es un sitio feo en absoluto, las habitaciones, fueron espaciosas y la cama aunque no era King size, fue lo adecuada. Supongo que como yo, la mayoría de las personas que se hospeden aquí, o que busquen un sitio en las cercanías, están buscando o tienen una cita en el consulado, así que este es en mi opinión la mejor opción. El precio, lo que ofrece y la localización son realmente insuperables. No he hablado de ello, pero en el precio se incluye el desayuno, y a pesar de lo que yo mismo había pensado, y que pude suponer que era un desayuno… genérico e intercambiable, fue sorpresivamente casero y bien hecho. Lo disfruté muchísimo! Realmente es una gran opción, por que para una cita al consulado, hace falta caminar unos 3 o 4 minutos solamente. Lo recomiendo en sobremanera.