正在查找Montemaria Batangas附近的飯店嗎?先看看實際住過的旅客怎麼說。


正在尋找Montemaria Batangas附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
3.9/551 評價
我和我的狗在住宿期間實際上正在慶祝我們的生日。我們大約在晚上 8:30 到達,因為去度假村之前我們還有一些事情要辦。至於房間,哇!很高興它只是一樓,而且有令人驚嘆的海景,因為我有老媽媽和我在一起。位置其實有點遠,但也可以理解,因為是潛水點。我真的很喜歡它幾乎是一個僻靜的地方。海灘並不擁擠,位於五星級度假村旁邊,所謂的Vivere。服務很棒,但是接待處很難到達。我想他們的手機號碼打不通?再加上房間裡的電話。因為每次我撥打時,它都打不通。只是一個建議,由於前台不是 24/7,至少使用社交媒體或訊息應用程式等其他平台改善與接待處的溝通服務,以解決客人的擔憂。清潔度很好,但我在床單上發現了一些污漬,尤其是羽絨被套和床單。這是一個舊污漬,我認為洗衣無法再將其去除。但我一點也不介意,只要不是血就好。對於設施,強烈推薦!您不必尋找其他任何東西,因為他們在酒店裡就有。我只是希望電梯很快就能使用(一位工作人員告訴我們)。另外,也要感謝我們到達時為我們提供幫助的人。我不知道他的名字,但也許他來自香港部門。我很感激他很樂意幫助我們,儘管我們必須走下 200 多級台階,然後還要上去。我想他也是我們退房時幫我們搬東西的工作人員之一。 :) 至於餐廳,食物很棒,工作人員也很容易接近:) 總的來說,我會推薦它,並且肯定會回來,不僅是為了休閒,而且是為了潛水(因為我計劃很快推出水肺潛水)。非常感謝你,阿爾塔馬爾! 💛 很高興我在八打雁的中心發現了這個寵物友善且寧靜的度假村! - 來自滿意的旅館經營者/客人 ☺️
3.5/525 評價
2.7/510 評價
5/51 評價
3.9/52 評價
4.1/523 評價
Batangas Country Club is hands down the best hotel choice anywhere south of Manilla, and of course in the port city of Batangas. An absolute gem in every sense, easily exceeding standards and expectations of even jaded and picky travelers. Rooms and suites are superb, nicely furnished, bright and airy, quiet and comfortable, with a great AC. The WiFi – top level, excellent for work and streaming too. Good cable TV line up too. You have an excellent gym and spa available every day, morning to evening. Their amazing large pool and the surrounding plush area are in a perfect shape. The maintenance staff somehow manages to keep it in such immaculate condition yet remain invisible to the relaxing folks around the pool. The same goes for their housekeeping staff, a far cry from the US style of ever-present loud staff with loaded carts and radios – the BCC staff will do their superb job without even being noticed, always ready and available in a matter of minutes. The property is away from the downtown craziness, so yes, you will have peace and quiet in exchange for the distance. There is also a car with a driver available to take you to the city and bring back, free and on the first-come first-served basis. Or get a jeepney for a few bucks, at least that is not an issue anywhere in SE Asia! In addition to the perfect condition of the property, the staff seems to be their main asset, always available, yet positive, polite, cheerful and just seem happy to be there. The restaurant deserves a special mention – the food itself may be that one, sole and sufficient reason to visit BCC. I understand they have a new chef, Noah, who has now implemented a new menu and it is an absolute delight. From their early wonderful, free breakfast, thru great lunch time choices, ending with a variety of dinner options – it’s an all-day feast. Last but not least, this property is not pricey. You get what you pay for, this is a relaxing resort. Try to explore your downtown options and see what you get there - very likely it will be a subpar experience there. Whatever brings you to the south, this hotel seems like an obvious choice to stay!


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