正在查找Chang Ton National Museum附近的飯店嗎?先看看實際住過的旅客怎麼說。


探索我們在Chang Ton National Museum附近的熱門飯店


4.6/564 評價


河畔區 曼谷|距離Chang Ton National Museum1.24km


The Siam在國內被熟知的方式有點特別, 因為2017年白女士和小鮮肉的事件, 在吃瓜羣眾中強刷了一波關注, 獨特的設計, 頂奢的定位, 珍藏的古董, 明星網紅都愛住的酒店, The Siam就以這樣的形式火了。 作為曼谷最經典的度假村之一, 我鍾情於他家, 全是因為Bill Bensley。 The Siam以Art Deco的裝飾風尚帶人穿越回到曼谷偉大的時代, 酒店、度假村、博物館這三種屬性在這裏完美融合, 繁複華麗, 雍容復古, 有種舊時貴族宅邸的尊貴與奢闊。 Bill Bensley也為這間酒店留下了一座絕美的泳池, 對,就是我們熟知的那個游泳池。 酒店一共衹有39個房間, 每間都是套房格局, 古典與時髦完美結合, 展示拉瑪五世時代的風華, 即使是最普通的標準客房, 挑高天花板加上大玄關、主卧及衛浴間, 總麪積也已經是其他一般房間的兩到三倍了。 The Siam有私人碼頭, 在沙吞碼頭有私人接駁船接送到酒店。 酒店採用三進院的設計架構, 借鑒了中式對稱設計, 一進大門就感受到那份嚴謹和莊重, 入住的儀式感在這裏得到了精緻的詮釋。 入住也十分尊崇, 衹要遞上護照, 便由私人管家領到沙發上就座, 奉上涼爽的濕毛巾和新鮮果汁, 隨後被引領着往後麪去。 白色的窄領襯衫、黑色的馬甲、下身一襲方裙亦東亦西, 走起來優雅得不行。 管家引領着慢慢參觀完酒店的公共設施, 再送進客房, 詳細介紹客房的設施, 一切妥當之後才會離開。 難怪王俊凱和很多明星會選擇他家, 如果來曼谷, The Siam會是一個不錯的選擇。


曼谷|距離Chang Ton National Museum2.57km
下榻裝修於2023-01-01的黑色王國別墅,感受曼谷的獨特魅力。從飯店很方便到達SAM SEN,僅有3km距離。包括National Library of Thailand、花卉文化博物館和Sukhothai Palace都在短距離內,入住飯店的旅客在該地區遊覽會很方便。飯店鄰近多個熱門旅遊景點,包括The Press Museum、Maria和聖母無染原罪堂,旅客可以將行程安排的更加緊湊。客房內的所有設施都是經過精心的考慮和安排,包括房內保險箱、液晶電視機和衣櫃/衣櫥,滿足您入住需求的同時又能增添家的溫馨感。有飲水需求的旅客,飯店還為您提供了瓶裝水。除此之外,配備有拖鞋的浴室是您消除一天疲勞的好地方。您可以在酒吧點上一杯,在優雅的氛圍中小酌一番。飯店周邊的美食也等待著您的探索,冬陰功大龍蝦麵(ร้านพี่อ้อ ก๋วยเตี๋ยวต้มยำกุ้ง ( เพชรบุรีซอย 5 ))(東南亞菜)會供應一流的推薦美味餛飩麵,Jaywalk Cafe(Jaywalk Cafe)(西式快餐)和In Love Bar & Restaurant(อินเลิฟบาร์แอนด์เรสเตอรองท์)(其他)也會讓您大吃一驚,定會對Vanila cream soda pop和Chicken fired with salt讚不絕口。飯店種類繁多的休閒設施能為每一位下榻於此的您創造多元化的休閒空間,這其中包括桑拿浴室和健身室。外國旅客可以通過多國語言工作人員瞭解當地風土人情的相關訊息。





4.8/54 評價


考山路 曼谷|距離Chang Ton National Museum0.8km
I originally booked for 2 nights, now been here 5, never want to leave, and have eaten some of the best food I've ever eaten in my life... breakfasts are 3 courses, different every day, and more like lunch or dinner. Ung is an amazing cook, and her and her husband Tak are lovely hosts. Yesterday's green curry with chicken & baby aubergines was better than the one in the Netflix streetfood doc, her barbecued pork melts in the mouth and is better than the juiciest bacon you've ever eaten, her Tom yum koong delicious, and how she can make a prawn omelette so fluffy and taste so wonderful is beyond me. And that was only 2 days of food (not to mention the desserts). The place itself is beautiful, calm, spotless - an old Thai wooden house, 2 stories, painted cream and green, with dark, polished wooden floors, full of interesting objects and beautiful old sepia photographs. My room has a little balcony with climbing pink jasmine and more that looks into the quiet alley and at night it smells heavenly. There's a fridge in the hallway with an endless supply of water in glass bottles, saving on money AND plastic. The courtyard is a little green paradise and I can hear at least 3 different kinds of birds and a gecko as I write this over the Tom yum koong. WiFi is fast, I have AC, an electric shower, the room is cute, big, though I know some of the others are quite small. I could quite happily live here for the rest of my life. The area is peaceful and safe. It's a five minute walk from Thewes Pier and a short ferry ride to both sky train and metro, a 10 minute bus ride from chatuchak market, 15 min walk from Khao San road (go once for a look, don't go back), and if you like a longer walk like me, to burn off the breakfast, the royal palace and Chinatown are about 45 mins to an hour on foot. There's a local market close by, at least three 7-11s within spitting distance, a local restaurant round the corner which is not bad but not up to Ung's standards, and at night a long chain of food stands along the canal that I've yet to try. If you're looking for party central this may not be your best choice but please don't look it over for the sake of a flat screen TV you can watch from bed. You could not regret coming here. And if you did, I'd say there was something not quite right about you. I love this place. Thank you Ung and Tak for making me so welcome.



正在尋找Chang Ton National Museum附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
4.6/50 評價
4.8/54 評價
I originally booked for 2 nights, now been here 5, never want to leave, and have eaten some of the best food I've ever eaten in my life... breakfasts are 3 courses, different every day, and more like lunch or dinner. Ung is an amazing cook, and her and her husband Tak are lovely hosts. Yesterday's green curry with chicken & baby aubergines was better than the one in the Netflix streetfood doc, her barbecued pork melts in the mouth and is better than the juiciest bacon you've ever eaten, her Tom yum koong delicious, and how she can make a prawn omelette so fluffy and taste so wonderful is beyond me. And that was only 2 days of food (not to mention the desserts). The place itself is beautiful, calm, spotless - an old Thai wooden house, 2 stories, painted cream and green, with dark, polished wooden floors, full of interesting objects and beautiful old sepia photographs. My room has a little balcony with climbing pink jasmine and more that looks into the quiet alley and at night it smells heavenly. There's a fridge in the hallway with an endless supply of water in glass bottles, saving on money AND plastic. The courtyard is a little green paradise and I can hear at least 3 different kinds of birds and a gecko as I write this over the Tom yum koong. WiFi is fast, I have AC, an electric shower, the room is cute, big, though I know some of the others are quite small. I could quite happily live here for the rest of my life. The area is peaceful and safe. It's a five minute walk from Thewes Pier and a short ferry ride to both sky train and metro, a 10 minute bus ride from chatuchak market, 15 min walk from Khao San road (go once for a look, don't go back), and if you like a longer walk like me, to burn off the breakfast, the royal palace and Chinatown are about 45 mins to an hour on foot. There's a local market close by, at least three 7-11s within spitting distance, a local restaurant round the corner which is not bad but not up to Ung's standards, and at night a long chain of food stands along the canal that I've yet to try. If you're looking for party central this may not be your best choice but please don't look it over for the sake of a flat screen TV you can watch from bed. You could not regret coming here. And if you did, I'd say there was something not quite right about you. I love this place. Thank you Ung and Tak for making me so welcome.
4.6/558 評價
4.2/51 評價
4.1/564 評價
地理位置不是很好。房間比較小,沒有窗戶,比較壓抑。酒店共兩層 沒有電梯。餐廳味道一般。點了份牛排還剩一半。我定的一間大牀房 。房費大概450元左右。感覺和國內的7天酒店差不多,7天酒店住着應該沒那麼壓抑。前台給我安排的靠樓梯的房間。很吵。因為是木樓。上下樓都很吵。還有深夜有人回酒店,或者是樓下周圍有人聊天都會很大聲。總之這個價格不應該是這樣的酒店。希望評價對以後旅遊的人有用。酒店的服務還是挺好的。
4.1/541 評價