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探索我們在Hidden Bali Tours附近的熱門飯店


4.2/564 評價


烏布 峇里島|距離Hidden Bali Tours0.96km
我們預訂了四個晚上的蜜月套餐。工作人員很善良,把我們免費升級到他們的最好房間‘皇家套房’讓我們度蜜月。別墅布置得很漂亮,有兩層四個房間;還有一張戶外座卧兩用長椅,晚上我們可以座在上面一邊喝着杜松子酒和吃着滋補品一邊欣賞愛詠河(Ayung river)和樹林靜謐宜人的風景:客廳里有一台很大的背投電視,DVD ,樓下有一個洗澡間,有專用浴缸和淋浴間,從地板到天花板的玻璃可以讓你看到自己的專用的很大的游泳池,別墅還有一個很大的卧室,裏面貼有四張大海報,再加上從地板到天花板玻璃,迷人的風景,電視,DVD播放機,IPOD/CD立體聲箱,很容易到的游泳池,一切都美極了。 我也看了愛詠河風景房間,氣派極了,能看到炫爛的風景,也非常舒適,還有私人休息室游泳池,住在這些房間里我也同樣地開心。 免費上網 房間服務一流,員工不厭其煩地來幫助我們。餐廳的食物也是色香味俱全,好吃極了。在一個浪漫的夜晚在美麗的池塘邊我們吃着浪漫的晚餐,吃着當地人特製的香蕉葉燒鴨, 看着誘人,肉又汁多味美,大力推薦。 我們享受了三個小時的“愛的翅膀”水療治療。員工非常專業,治療非常讓人放鬆,正是我們所需要的。 位置:巴龍蝴蝶度假村(Kupu Kupu barong)實際上不在烏布區內,在西北部(巴厘島),但是坐十分鐘的車就能到市區。酒店有免費的班車,每小時一趟,直到下午五點鐘。當地車坐一趟是40-60000盧比。 酒店非常貴(相對我們的預算),然而房間,服務和風景是貴的原因。在我們蜜月的在這兒度過的幾個晚上,我們很感激。在這條路一帶還有其它酒店,有着相似的風景,假如價錢能考慮的話。 唯一要批評的是我們的游泳池水有點臟,有昆蟲在水面上漂着,水是酸性的,刺激我被太陽炙烤過的皮膚,我通知他們的首席管家,他立刻就解決了,並且還向我們道歉.我們還用了公共游泳池,非常棒,因為這是一個安靜的時期,當我們在用游泳池時從來沒有一個人來過.我們剛從努沙杜阿的拉古拉度假村來,他們有我們所游過的最好游泳池,我們也曾在他們的游泳池裡泡過一整天,我們來自OZ,我們不喜歡努沙阿杜的海灘,因此一切都是相對的. 巴龍蝴蝶巴假村還為我們組織活動,我們乘座”巴哈馬”做了白水漂流,還騎自行車遠行,在”布布巴厘島風味館”(bumbu bali )上了巴厘島烹飪課,酒店班車正好把你送到位於烏布市中心的這裏,在烏布有許多可做的事情。



4.6/530 評價


烏布 峇里島|距離Hidden Bali Tours1.03km
It’s all about the View! Black Penny is perched on the side of a valley with spectacular views down to the river and rice paddies below. The reception / restaurant is located on the Top level and the villas cascade down the side of the valley with 2-3 villas on each level. Black Penny is not an option for anyone with disabilities. As the name suggests the decor is very dark, based on the grey volcanic rock of Bali and the dark red hardwood. It is a style that works very well, and the villa’s ambiance matches the spectacular views of the lush tropical valley. The furniture and lighting in our villa was very tasteful and the king bed was very comfortable. The sliding door in the bedroom opens up to a small deck, an infinity pool, and a SPECTACULAR garden framed view of the valley and river below. This is why you stay at Black Penny….the photos don’t lie! Everything was clean, (but there were a few minor maintenance opportunities). The pool was crystal clear, the water was a tiny bit chilly at first, but very refreshing. The villa is a haven from the heat, and we spent the hottest part of the day lounging around our private pool enjoying the aircon. It is tropical Bali. The doors don’t close properly, there are geckos, frogs and bugs, there is mould on the walls, the bathroom is outdoors….. this is all part of Bali’s relaxed casual beauty and charm. I wouldn’t change it for the world! ALL the staff were extremely pleasant and helpful, and always met our requests with a smile. Breakfast was included in our rate, and served in the room if requested. The western breakfast was a little bland but passable. We only ate dinner once at the restaurant once, but it was nice and competitive price for a luxury villa. Black Penny is a 10 minute (IDR60,000) taxi ride to/from Ubud Town centre and a Grab Taxi will be there within minutes, or sooner. We took the opportunity to walk in to Ubud one day visiting a number of Art Galleries on the way. There are a number of very good and very cheap restaurants within a couple of minutes walk, try the BBQ Pork just up the road ….there are also a couple of Minimarts close by. On the negative side, the “in villa” amenities could be improved. There are only come 2 small water bottles and sachet coffee with powdered creamer. It seems picky, but at this Top End price we felt the “low end motel” standard room amenities were a poor decision. Balinese coffee, a coffee plunger, and milk/cream would make a big difference. An opportunity for improvement! Black Penny is a beautiful Ubud Balinese experience. Try it!



正在尋找Hidden Bali Tours附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
4.2/564 評價
我們預訂了四個晚上的蜜月套餐。工作人員很善良,把我們免費升級到他們的最好房間‘皇家套房’讓我們度蜜月。別墅布置得很漂亮,有兩層四個房間;還有一張戶外座卧兩用長椅,晚上我們可以座在上面一邊喝着杜松子酒和吃着滋補品一邊欣賞愛詠河(Ayung river)和樹林靜謐宜人的風景:客廳里有一台很大的背投電視,DVD ,樓下有一個洗澡間,有專用浴缸和淋浴間,從地板到天花板的玻璃可以讓你看到自己的專用的很大的游泳池,別墅還有一個很大的卧室,裏面貼有四張大海報,再加上從地板到天花板玻璃,迷人的風景,電視,DVD播放機,IPOD/CD立體聲箱,很容易到的游泳池,一切都美極了。 我也看了愛詠河風景房間,氣派極了,能看到炫爛的風景,也非常舒適,還有私人休息室游泳池,住在這些房間里我也同樣地開心。 免費上網 房間服務一流,員工不厭其煩地來幫助我們。餐廳的食物也是色香味俱全,好吃極了。在一個浪漫的夜晚在美麗的池塘邊我們吃着浪漫的晚餐,吃着當地人特製的香蕉葉燒鴨, 看着誘人,肉又汁多味美,大力推薦。 我們享受了三個小時的“愛的翅膀”水療治療。員工非常專業,治療非常讓人放鬆,正是我們所需要的。 位置:巴龍蝴蝶度假村(Kupu Kupu barong)實際上不在烏布區內,在西北部(巴厘島),但是坐十分鐘的車就能到市區。酒店有免費的班車,每小時一趟,直到下午五點鐘。當地車坐一趟是40-60000盧比。 酒店非常貴(相對我們的預算),然而房間,服務和風景是貴的原因。在我們蜜月的在這兒度過的幾個晚上,我們很感激。在這條路一帶還有其它酒店,有着相似的風景,假如價錢能考慮的話。 唯一要批評的是我們的游泳池水有點臟,有昆蟲在水面上漂着,水是酸性的,刺激我被太陽炙烤過的皮膚,我通知他們的首席管家,他立刻就解決了,並且還向我們道歉.我們還用了公共游泳池,非常棒,因為這是一個安靜的時期,當我們在用游泳池時從來沒有一個人來過.我們剛從努沙杜阿的拉古拉度假村來,他們有我們所游過的最好游泳池,我們也曾在他們的游泳池裡泡過一整天,我們來自OZ,我們不喜歡努沙阿杜的海灘,因此一切都是相對的. 巴龍蝴蝶巴假村還為我們組織活動,我們乘座”巴哈馬”做了白水漂流,還騎自行車遠行,在”布布巴厘島風味館”(bumbu bali )上了巴厘島烹飪課,酒店班車正好把你送到位於烏布市中心的這裏,在烏布有許多可做的事情。
4.1/552 評價
The Royal Pita Maha 是由前烏布皇室家族所建, Villa建築可說是以皇宮為範本,處處可見巴里島傳統風格,以及精緻華麗的石雕木雕,在接待區就算是現代化的電梯,也要符合巴里島皇室風範,就連廁所也都鑲金嵌銀。Villa房間的3面牆為大面落地窗設計,一望無際的遠山及峽谷風景躺在床上就能映入眼簾,但你必須住的夠高。來到這整座山谷都是你家,你可以選擇在愛咏河畔吃一邊有機早餐,一邊欣賞河景,你也可以在自家門前的泳池,餐廳下的大泳池,充滿靈氣的聖泉泳池,或是就蓋在河邊的狹長型自然風泳池,像條魚般自由自在的度過一整天。台灣食尚玩家節目曾來此地攝影介紹,有興趣的朋友可以上youtube觀看相關影片。
4.6/530 評價
It’s all about the View! Black Penny is perched on the side of a valley with spectacular views down to the river and rice paddies below. The reception / restaurant is located on the Top level and the villas cascade down the side of the valley with 2-3 villas on each level. Black Penny is not an option for anyone with disabilities. As the name suggests the decor is very dark, based on the grey volcanic rock of Bali and the dark red hardwood. It is a style that works very well, and the villa’s ambiance matches the spectacular views of the lush tropical valley. The furniture and lighting in our villa was very tasteful and the king bed was very comfortable. The sliding door in the bedroom opens up to a small deck, an infinity pool, and a SPECTACULAR garden framed view of the valley and river below. This is why you stay at Black Penny….the photos don’t lie! Everything was clean, (but there were a few minor maintenance opportunities). The pool was crystal clear, the water was a tiny bit chilly at first, but very refreshing. The villa is a haven from the heat, and we spent the hottest part of the day lounging around our private pool enjoying the aircon. It is tropical Bali. The doors don’t close properly, there are geckos, frogs and bugs, there is mould on the walls, the bathroom is outdoors….. this is all part of Bali’s relaxed casual beauty and charm. I wouldn’t change it for the world! ALL the staff were extremely pleasant and helpful, and always met our requests with a smile. Breakfast was included in our rate, and served in the room if requested. The western breakfast was a little bland but passable. We only ate dinner once at the restaurant once, but it was nice and competitive price for a luxury villa. Black Penny is a 10 minute (IDR60,000) taxi ride to/from Ubud Town centre and a Grab Taxi will be there within minutes, or sooner. We took the opportunity to walk in to Ubud one day visiting a number of Art Galleries on the way. There are a number of very good and very cheap restaurants within a couple of minutes walk, try the BBQ Pork just up the road ….there are also a couple of Minimarts close by. On the negative side, the “in villa” amenities could be improved. There are only come 2 small water bottles and sachet coffee with powdered creamer. It seems picky, but at this Top End price we felt the “low end motel” standard room amenities were a poor decision. Balinese coffee, a coffee plunger, and milk/cream would make a big difference. An opportunity for improvement! Black Penny is a beautiful Ubud Balinese experience. Try it!
4.3/517 評價
4.6/518 評價
Our stay at the Ayuterra Resort was just WOW!! There are no words to describe how much we fell in love with the resort. The view is out of this world and the pool and rooms are incredible. We initially booked the Royal villa which was great and we thought our stay couldn't get any better. But after a few days we were upgraded to the Ayuterra 2-bedroom Penthouse Villa which was even more breathtaking. If I ever come back to Ubud, I will definitely be staying in the Ayuterra Resort again. The staff were very friendly and the breakfast was delicious. We also arranged the motorcycle rentals through the resort which was a very smooth process.
4.7/574 評價
