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  • 搜尋飯店


4.5/531 評價
4.5/5滿意31 評價
不太清楚要怎麼進大門,打了2-3通電話都沒人接,可是進去後櫃檯有服務人員(? 網站上寫入住時間是下午2點,到了之後小姐說3點才能入住,所以我們還得出門繞一下才能休息 但是其他設施都還不錯👌
4/512 評價
4/5不錯12 評價
4.3/51 評價
4.3/5滿意1 評價
4.1/512 評價
4.1/5不錯12 評價
4.4/513 評價
4.4/5滿意13 評價
樂微行旅位於臺中南區,距離臺中公園和忠孝夜市不到 10 分鐘車程。 此家庭旅館距離逢甲夜市 4.8 英里(7.8 公里),距離臺中市政府 1.2 英里(1.9 公里)。 特色服務/設施包括快速入住和快速退房。 有 24 間空調客房提供智能電視;您定能在旅途中找到家的舒適。您的臥床備有羽絨被和高檔床上用品。免費 WiFi讓您與朋友保持聯繫;衛星節目可滿足您的娛樂需求。浴室提供淋浴設施、免費洗浴用品和吹風機。
4.3/5105 評價
4.3/5滿意105 評價
相當舒服,早餐很豐盛好吃 唯獨停車空間較少, 若是開車前往,需要考慮路邊停車, 不然內部多數的停車位置, 屬於機械式車位,較為危險‼️
4.4/5122 評價
4.4/5滿意122 評價
4.5/5211 評價
4.5/5滿意211 評價
離台中火車站不遠,門口出去馬上有公車站牌,方便安排要去的點!飯店有24小時提供咖啡和茶,供大家自行取用。也有健身房,只是這次沒使用。 住宿起來覺得不錯👍🏻
3.7/51 評價
3.7/51 評價
水悅精品會館位於大里區,客房提供全區免費 WiFi、空調、有線平面電視和私人衛浴,旅館設有卡拉 OK 和 24 小時服務櫃檯。汽車旅館內所有客房均配有熱水壺和冰箱。水悅精品會館供應單點式或美式早餐。旅館距離臺中 4.3 公里,距離埔里 48 公里,最近的機場是臺中國際機場,距離 21 公里。
4.3/5150 評價
4.3/5滿意150 評價
以青旅來說其實還算不錯了 只是被毯ㄧ打開真的滿滿的棉絮天上飛 每個飯店可能都有這個問題… 但因為需自己鋪毯子 所以感受特別強烈 聽說有早餐 可惜我要搭一早巴士去機場 無福體驗
3.9/524 評價
3.9/524 評價
這是間Motel,房間很大, 1F是車庫,2F整層是衛浴區,3F是寢室, 乾淨清潔,設施完善,床很好睡, 附免費早餐,且早餐有肯德基能選擇, 值得推薦住宿👍
4.3/5176 評價
4.3/5滿意176 評價

Reviews of Hotels near 佛堂

4.2/548 評價
Posizione buona, vicino stazione e vicino al centro. Letti comodissimi, colazione buona, varia, sia dolce che salata. La luce del bagno è solo quella vicino allo spechio collegata all'areatore. Un altro interruttore vicino alla porta sarebbe stato gradito. Personale, cortese e disponibile. Buon prezzo.
4.2/553 評價
This hotel was booked by a company I am working for, so I am sure it was booked purely on price as we were quite a large party. I understand that any business coming out of lockdown has a hard job on its hands, but on entering my room, I did feel it was necessary to wipe everything down with disinfectant wipes as everything was quite dusty. Some of my colleagues were unhappy with the cleanliness of their rooms. Following my initial clean down, my room was tidied daily. Wifi is poor, except in reception which has nowhere to sit and work, so if you are here on business, you don’t have any privacy to get work done. Continental breakfast is okay, but I cannot think of anything good to say about the cooked food, except that I have lost weight because I have not eaten very much. We are not allowed out of our bubble, so we have not been allowed to eat elsewhere, but if you can, I would. I have been served undercooked pasta five nights in a row, which tastes of salt, then meat and fried potatoes, which again tastes like it has been preserved in salt. Day 5 and the vegetarians in our group are stiil being served meat which could be considered quite funny, but they were not impressed. Although the staff are very apologetic, it is then replaced somewhat later with a greasy omelette which looks extremely unappetising and lonely on its plate but the soup is okay. They didn't have any sauces or gravy to serve with the food at the beginning of the week so the food tasted very over cooked, salty and dry, but we did get gravy this evening, so it has improved a little. I have been craving some vegetables with my dinner but greasy Salty eggplant is the only option. Oddly, mixed veg is served at breakfast. They dont really understand dietary requirements, so if you are ceoliac, best not chance it. I maybe doing the catering staff a dis-service, because they may have been drafted in from a different occupation, like myself and just doing their best in difficult circumstances. Catering is clearly not their forte. Everyone seems friendly enough.
4.1/575 評價
Clean hotel, helpful staff, interiors are art deco. Restaurant decor is traditional modern with delicious offerings. Buffet breakfast is good. Would return to stay here again if I come back to Prato. Wifi is a bit slow at night unfortunately when everyone is in hotel.
4.4/520 評價
Attention ⚠️ Attention ⚠️ Attention ⚠️ New hotel that has only been open for a few months on the outskirts of Prato, among popular buildings mostly inhabited by foreigners perhaps with regular residence permits; so much so that arriving on Dominica 25, with our car loaded with samples with which we work, despite having booked on the evening of Saturday 24, we didn't feel like staying there for safety reasons. Unfortunately, the info reported on Booking regarding the possibility of parking did not specify that it was unattended public parking and the girl with whom we booked in turn did not clarify the lack of safe parking on the phone, becoming aware of the risk to whom we would be exposed once to the desk we asked the girl if they could park in front of the entrance door of the small structure and she told us that the next day at 5:00 in the morning the urban garbage would pass, so it was impossible to leave the car there. While we were making the decision with my partner whether to stay or not, the girl on the phone answered that there were free rooms and we could book. At this point, deeming it safer to go to a safer hotel without having created inconvenience of missing reservations from other customers, we parted with the girl with the commitment on her part to speak to the property or the manager today, Monday 26 June and see what was possible to do about the reservation which at that point we understood that it had already been paid, having given us the card details at the request of the desk as a guarantee, instead they issued a pre-order which if for any reason in customer could not go or stay they withdraw the value of one night. For your protection, we advise you to carefully check the conditions that the structure applies to you, because they have no attention or sensitivity to the actual needs of the customer. The classic speculative structure where the customer is something to speculate on even if in difficulty, because they hide behind laws and rules that authorize them to withdraw your money without doing anything. Even if the service from them was not provided and our reservation did not create any damage, being the structure half empty.
3.9/574 評價
入住不好,儘管預付了房間,但入住時他們想再次向我收費,最糟糕的是房價是我預訂的兩倍。他們只接受我預付時,我設法出示證據(打印出我的預訂)。最終,我被告知他們把我和另一個同名客戶弄錯了。 這是非常不舒服的經歷。但公平地說,在我剩下的住宿期間,工作人員都非常友好。
3.9/521 評價
Abbiamo soggiornato per il Firenze Rock,ottima posizione, molto pulito, personale accogliente, l'unica nota stonata è stata l'aria condizionata molto rumorosa e non avevamo il telecomando, credo sia centralizzata, maniglia del bagno che si staccava e soffitto del bagno con crepe.
B&B HOTEL Prato City Center
4.2/512 評價
3.8/527 評價
Rapporto qualità prezzo molto buono, pulizia e accoglienza reception 24/24h . Colazione ottima . Struttura ben posizionata è servita dai mezzi pubblici
4/538 評價
達不到4星酒店的標準,3星最高了 自駕還挺方便的,免費停車場很大。 早餐種類還挺多,還有中國的蒸餃和春卷 前台很熱情
3.5/539 評價
Chiamo l'hotel nel giorno 21 maggio chiedo informazioni e prenoto una stanza ,richiamo l'hotel per la conferma mi dicono prenotato e che il costo era di 45 euro a notte e di venire in hotel entro le 22 per il check in . Li richiamo il giorno del check in per dirlo che alle 22 ero in hotel ,mi risponde l'operatore con veemenza ,arroganza e maleducazione e mi dice che non risulta nessuna prenotazione mi riattacca il telefono ,al che io richiamo l'hotel toscana dopo pochi minuti per chiedere spiegazioni (visto che la prenotazione era stata effettuata e che l'operatore mi aveva detto dettagli quali prezzo tipo di stanza e orario check in ) nel l'ultima chiamata mi risponde sempre il solito operatore al che gli ridico della mia prenotazione con tutti i dettagli ,sapete lui cosa fa ? Mi riattacca il telefono in faccia assurdo..... Chiudo dicendo a tutte le persone che vedranno questa recensione di non prenotare mai in questo albergo . Chiudo scrivendo una parola e solo una . VERGOGNA ...........
