

4.2/552 評價
This was our first visit to the Landmar Playa LaArena and as everything was so fantastic we’ve just booked to go back next March. We had upgraded to Platinum which is worth every penny. We were met at reception by Margarita who got things off to a great start by giving us both an ice cold towel to go round our necks and a lovely cold beer. These were both very welcome having had a very dodgy flight out from the Uk with three failed landings in Tenerife and an unscheduled visit to Gran Canaria. Margarita was brilliant. The check in was easy and quick, she was a font of all knowledge when it came to the hotel and local area and was great at making arrangements such as getting booked into the a La carte restaurant. Being Platinum guests means that you get the feeling of staying in a high end boutique hotel, whilst having access to all the facilities of a much bigger resort. The Platinum pool area with its own bar, eatery and infinity pool makes for a very special area to while away the hours. There was no sun bed “reserving” going on and there was always plenty of space. The staff were always on the ball making sure there was always plenty of fresh food available which was of a standard way above normal pool bar offerings and with cocktails, ice creams and nibbles served everyday to your sun lounger things couldn’t have been better. The Platinum bar is a great place to relax away from the hustle and bustle of the rest of the hotel whilst still being able to listen to any of the acts playing nearby. The choice of both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks appeared to be endless and as it is self service you can make yours just how you like it. We enjoyed all the food served in both the Arena Restaurant and the main buffet restaurant. There was always plenty of choice, with the food kept nice at a good temperature and with dishes being refreshed regularly. Our room, which was kept spotless throughout, had a fantastic sea view from the balcony over the entire complex. The room facilities were excellent and the quirky bathroom with two showers made getting ready of an evening a breeze.
聖地亞哥巴塞羅 - 限成人
4.2/598 評價
哇,巴塞羅聖地亞哥真是一個很棒的發現。今天是我們六點在這家酒店的最後一天,非常棒。價格比別人貴一點,但很值得。•絕對美觀。絕對值得一看海景房。週一走進我們房間,窗簾拉開,露出景色的感覺是最令人驚喜的。洛斯吉甘特斯的懸崖令人歎爲觀止,我忍不住透過窗戶往裏看。•位置好。酒店周圍有很多商店和餐館。不是很大,但對我們來說足夠好。酒店外面的快遞超市很方便,但是那裏的防曬霜太貴了,所以如果你用完了,我建議去Lidl上山10分鐘左右,那裏價格並不高。我們喜歡步行去聖地亞哥港,那裏有小海灘,有很多商店和餐館,只需要15-20分鐘,而且不太山坡。您也可以走另一條路去La Arena,那裏有更多的餐廳、酒吧和商店,還有一個更大的海灘。就在我們參觀的旅館外面,我們參觀了Alfonso的酒吧和都做美味食物的Torreón,我們建議讓他們去。•超級乾淨整潔。酒店感覺很新,整個地方都保持得很好。清潔工在房間和公共區域都做了很棒的工作。•友善的員工。員工非常開朗,英語和其他語言都說得很好。餐廳和酒吧的工作人員都很快爲您提供飲料到您的餐桌,這是不錯的。•食物。雖然大多數食物每晚都一樣,但他們確實努力地以主題爲主題,墨西哥之夜是個人最喜愛的,而且食物通常煮熟,而且總是熱的。我的搭檔每天晚上都喜歡吃肉和魚,但我吃的東西大都不一樣,因爲我是素食者。我設法在午餐和晚餐上找到足夠的食物,有大量的沙拉和蔬菜,還有豆類、扁豆菜、土豆和麪包。不過,你必須小心食品上的標籤。有些東西有純素的標籤,但是卻在過敏原中列出了雞蛋或奶製品,所以如果你需要的話,要小心。早餐確實有點無聊,因爲僅限於烤麪包、番茄、菠菜和豆類,因爲菇可能添加了肉,或者奶酪被放到土豆上。•飲料。如果你對飲料很挑剔,那麼它可能值得你喝所有的雞尾酒。我和我搭檔喜歡度假的雞尾酒,但它們並不很好。它們是典型的所有包容性的預混合,不是最好的,所以優質的可能更好。我最後還是堅持喝軟飲料和烈酒,因爲那似乎是比較安全的選擇。•外面的區域。有多個大泳池,在這樣的大酒店裏是理想的。陽光牀總是足夠的,這很好,從來不需要擔心那些整天保留陽光牀的討厭的人,你永遠也得不到使用一張的機會。•娛樂。我們帕爾


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