
4.7/564 評價
事實上,我的語言不足以說明他們對各方的注意力,如我們的技術工具、氣氛和會議的所有牙醫滿意度,他們是真正專業的客人。食物很棒,工人真的很禮貌,很有幫助。試試這裏😊。我 不 意 明 他 多 面 、 如 用 的 器 、 氛 、 和 面 牙 得 的 快 。他 是 喜 客人食物很好,員工真的很禮貌,也很有用。請在這裏嘗試😊。
4.2/583 評價
3.6/554 評價
Eski ve büyük bir otel olmasına rağmen hizmet kusursuzluğu dikkatimizi çekti. Küçük oğlumuzun olması nedeni ile suit tahsis edilmesi bizi çok mutlu etti. Adana’nın merkezinde güzel birgün geçirmiş olduk. Otel eleştirilebilir ama fiyat/performans açısından değerlendirilmeli. Teşekkürler
4.5/556 評價
From the time of arrival until the day of departure, I was greeted with good service and smiles. It is nice to be around people with a positive attitude. My corner room was very clean and convenient. The bed was comfortable and great for sleeping. Breakfasts provided a great variety. I will come back again to this hotel.
4.6/535 評價
我預訂了這個住宿,並支付了兩個臥室的服裝,讓兩個澳大利亞朋友留下來。他們入住的那天,我在那裏幫助他們收拾行李,說實話,我真的很喜歡 apar**ent ,它是現代的,舒適的考慮通過 apar**ent 確實,雖然有小微波爐會很好。我在下午5點左右檢查了我的朋友,然後我在晚上8點回去接他們,我注意到接待員是不同的人,他告訴我不允許我上去見我的朋友!但他說我媽媽允許上去!我說我是那個預訂並支付這個費用的人,他說沒關係,我不允許上去見我的朋友,幾分鐘後我發現自己在迪拜寫他們的老闆,他還告訴我“出於安全原因”我不允許上去!!即使是監獄裏的人也有權利看到朋友和家人,但不在這家酒店!我發現這種情況不僅荒謬,而且過時!然而,年輕的女士在他們的接待中叫埃茲吉是絕對的寶石,她彌補了一切,她應該得到更好的。
4.4/548 評價
3.8/59 評價
4.2/520 評價
4.1/55 評價
3.5/523 評價
On recommendation my husband and I booked a table at the hotel’s restaurant for our wedding anniversary. Despite it looking like a nice restaurant, the food on offer was just the same as that on offer in any ocakbaşı in Adana. The room was disapointingly empty but for us and another couple (and a big black fly that wouldn’t leave our table). A bottle of sweet dessert white wine was produced and shown to my husband (who doesn’t really drink wine) and served served in huge glasses. While we were still obviously eating our mezes, they were cleared away for our main course …mine chicken breast. With the first bite I started to burn up as it was overly spicy. The waiter removed it and a loud argument started in the kitchen with the chef saying that the guest should ask for the meal to not be spicy. After 20 minutes, the replacement chicken came back but unbelievably salty. We paid 735tl and left. PS..We sat by the window to the terrace where, apparently, the staff go to have a cigarette. PPS…this place obviously thinks that the actual room, decor and having a waiter pull out the lady’s chair is all that is required to charge a fortune for the experience. PPPS…during our time there, I used the restroom….it was difficult to find as it was in a dark hallway. I had to enter a room to turn on the light after guessing it could be the ladies’ which it thankfully was.


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平均價格 (平日)US$413
平均價格 (週末)US$414