
4/571 評價
4.2/547 評價
4.3/554 評價
Stayed 2N in a 1BR (Rm # 2201) - the worse accommodation I've encountered in Jakarta where reputable hotel chains I've stayed before are always clean and pleasant. The stay looked unpromising upon getting the key cards in a very well used and yellowish looking jacket (ok, forgivable if is a sustainability effort in a post covid world and in a property where hygiene and decent upkeeping is obviously of lower priority perhaps?) Things started going downhill after I stepped out of the lift to be welcomed by the mouldy patch and peeling paint on the common corridor walls and ceilings. More to dislikes upon stepping into the room: - First impression is that it hasn't been in used for a while with blast from 80s decor - Strand of hairs on the sink top, bed, desks... everywhere in plain sight - Very used and dumpy looking sofa that doesn't felt too clean - Bedsheet isn't too clean with prominent old stain when you flip over the quilt - Old and dirty looking dryer with few packets of partially used washing powder - Yellowish looking switches with dirt and grime collecting around the corners - Standing shower isn't working as is leaking at the back with weak pressure - Balls of dust and peeling paint could be seen everywhere in the room - Wall and ceiling paints were peeling off here and there - Rain water could seep through the living room window causing the floor around the window to be wet - Final straw was the dirty and smelly fridge causing the lapis legit I bought from nearby Mandarin Oriental to reek of a terrible and unwholesome freezer stench Horrible, not recommended and a total rip off at S$250++ per night!
Casa Grande公寓2臥室溫馨舒適入住
1.7/51 評價
3.9/523 評價
We as a family lived for two years in the apartment and we didn't regret it. It is a nice well located apartment building with good access to the main places in Jakarta the streets around have not the heavy traffic of other areas. And the building surroundings are still a bit green. We passed seamless earthquakes, voting riots, energy black-outs, floods and the corona times in this apartment complex. All the time we felt safe and well cared of all the incredible things which happened during this period of stay in Jakarta. The facility is very good managed, clean and the staff is very very supportive. Power shortages of the city have not really an impact on the building. To the amenities of the apartment complex belong a great (big) pool, where you don't feel to be in Jakarta and a nice good equipped gym. Especially we miss the very good front desk, which supports and helps during all times and circumstances. If you search a full equipped home for a certain time to work in Jakarta from my point of view this is the best place to be. Yes, there are more posh buildings or apartments but if you search something quite, safe, well managed and have less traffic stress that is the place to be. Thx for to the team for making this such a great home for us.
4.6/555 評價
在這裏住了3晚,這是一次美妙的體驗。所有工作人員都很友好,包容,非常樂於助人。房間寬敞,廚房設備齊全。我們還設有私人電梯,GroundFloor有Indomaret,如果您忘記帶它,可以輕鬆獲得任何日用品。亮點絕對是游泳池。我喜歡積極的假期,所以這個游泳池足以滿足我的期望。健身房也很好,儘管相當老舊,一些設備已經磨損了。 離Setiabudhi Astra MRT站也很近,所以去Bundaran HI(大印尼或印尼廣場購物中心)甚至去Senayan地區都不用擔心奇/甚至車的車牌。 非常推薦,如果你想在SCBD地區尋找住宿的地方!
4.1/5297 評價
4.8/566 評價
因為出差選擇了這裏 客戶幫我們挑選的酒店 這裏的環境真的很好 周圍的全是綠藤和植物 房間超級大 物品都很齊全 每天也有人來打掃 這裏的服務員都很熱情 會很和善的交流和打招呼 非常的熱情印尼的小哥哥姐姐們 主要是價格真的巨便宜! 260人民幣一晚上!而且早餐超級豐盛!還可以在室外 非常的舒服和慵懶 超級喜歡這裏 屋子的鏡子很大 衣櫃也有 大窗戶特別大 可以看到屋外的風景 如果再次來這裏還會選擇這裏 物美價廉 環境優美
3.8/565 評價
訂了4晚,入住時,說必須2點才能入住,自己在公寓大堂足足等了2個多小時,沒有人接待,沒有問候,歡迎飲料,臨了來了一印尼小哥帶到房間,服務結束 第二天,我在WhatsApp上溝通說,要礦泉水和紙巾,竟然3天未讀! 最後一天,早上我發信息說準備退房,華人房東不到10分鐘就來到門口了…… 我想說homestay也是需要服務的,不能光憑優秀位置,靚麗風光就以為吃定消費者。
雅加達 Cozmo 奧卓豪景飯店公寓
4.6/5100 評價


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平均價格 (平日)JPY 8,365
平均價格 (週末)JPY 8,971