

4.7/546 評價
The cabana is simply amazing! The 4 nights stay at Cabanas Te Maori is the best choice I made for the trip. Great location, everything you need (market, restaurants, seaside...) is just a few minutes walk. The cabana is well equipped, everything is so clean, the interior design is good (extra points for the lighting), bed is comfortable, extra towels are prepared for changing. There is a chain of small lights at the balcony, very romantic! Most importantly, WIFI is good! The owner, Patricia and her husband, are very nice and friendly. Patricia is very caring and helpful, she made sure I am well taken care of. She gave me good advice and helped to book ticket for night show (which I got the best seat at the show!), and they gave me a necklace as souvenir before sending me off to the airport, how sweet! If I have to point out something for improvement, I would say install a small shelf inside the shower, but there is a shelf right next to the shower already, so really doesn't matter. I highly recommend this place and will definitely book again!
4.4/55 評價
這篇評論僅針對他們的汽車租賃業務(我們住在其他地方)。他們非常出色,我強烈推薦他們!我們租了一輛自動擋汽車,因為他們的價格很有競爭力,而且溝通給我們留下了深刻的印象。這輛車很棒,雖然到處都有一些凹痕,但運作良好,我們四個人都非常舒適。最重要的是,團隊非常靈活,透過 Whatsapp 回應迅速,即時修改我們的預訂,因為我們優柔寡斷的自己提前一天添加了一天,最後刪除了一天,有多個不同的接送地點。在最後一刻,我們決定在預訂的那天早上去湯加里基看日出,雖然沒有自動擋汽車,但他們願意在前一天晚上給我們送一輛手動擋汽車,並在當天晚些時候將其切換為自動擋汽車。此外,當我們意識到許多公園景點需要導遊時,他們很樂於助人,並分享了一些我們可以獨立完成的想法,包括一次很棒的徒步旅行。非常感謝您幫助我們的拉帕努伊保持出色!
4.7/59 評價
3.7/54 評價
4.5/538 評價
The Inaki Uhi was a wonderful place to stay for our 2 nights in Rapa Nui. The hotel picks up and returns guests to the airport and welcomes you with fresh leis! This is a family run hotel and the hosts are Ivonne snd Alejandre. Our room was spacious and modern with a small sitting area as well as sleeping area. There is a courtyard area outside the rooms with areas to sit and relax. The flowers there—and everywhere in Rapa Nui—are lush snd beautiful. Breakfast included fruit, juices, yogurt, coffee, and a variety of breads (fresh! There’s a bakery next door). Eggs can be prepared on request. As we were preparing to check out, we waited with our luggage and 3 coats in the lobby for our ride back to the airport-which is about 5 minutes away. We arrived in plenty of time—after checking in, we realized we had left the 3 coats at the hotel. In a panic, i couldn’t find the phone number for Inaki Uhi. We decided that my husband would stay at the airport and I would take a taxi to the hotel. I found a taxi and got in, but the driver didn’t take credit cards so I jumped out to find another taxi. The first taxi drove away. I suddenly realized that I had dropped my phone in the taxi! Using “find my phone” we knew where the phone was but had no way to get to get to it. By now, my husband had found the hotel phone number—only 45 minutes to last tome to board! Alejandro saved the day! We brought the coats and helped my husband find the phone! It was a miracle and we made our flight!we could not have done it without Alejandro’s help!!! Mission accomplished! Thank you!!
4.4/568 評價


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