

4.3/5100 評價
2.6/596 評價
3.1/598 評價
3.8/598 評價
This hotel was great! Everything was clean and the bed was amazing. I will say that the pillows are embarrassingly small. Of course, the bathroom was a little outdated but it was clean so it was fine. I will say while I was checking in, this gentleman named jerry was checking in in front of me. Apparently he stays for four days every week. He was upset because his usual room that he likes (odd number and on the end of the hallway) was taken already. He was incredibly hostile to the front desk worker. I forgot her name but she was a manager and had dark hair. She was very nice to this gentleman and handled the situation appropriately. Jerry was so hostile that she had to get security to come. He threatened her and cussed her up and down over this particular room. She literally had put him in the next room over, which should have been fine. Regardless this made me and my husband and the other guest have an extremely long wait to check in. This gentleman ended up yelling at all of us when he was finally done checking in. The way he treated this hotel employee made me want to go stay at Amstar because I didn’t feel safe. You would think that Harrah’s would care more about their employees safety than one single player who obviously just needs a place to stay for four days a week. Other than this awful check in experience, I enjoyed my stay.
3.7/5101 評價
辦理登機手續快速簡便。房間很大。 但是,不是最乾淨的。幸好,我帶着抗菌濕巾旅行!馬桶蓋的背麪濺出了尿液,浴缸的拐角處有灰塵和碎屑。羽絨被套上有各種顆粒,並且在多個地方有黑色污跡。其中一個枕頭也有新鮮的藍色墨水,所以我假設它沒有改變。第二天早上,我因擁擠而醒來時,在窗戶旁邊也發現了黴菌。 酒店必須接受新的管理,因為房間號是用黑色標記在牆上手寫的。我在北邊,那邊是半停車位,嘈雜。牆壁很薄,我可以聽到周圍的談話。 很好... 位置很方便,隔壁的便利店和餐廳都提供早餐。第二天早上工作人員做出了回應。
Holiday Inn & Suites 委員會虛張聲勢- I - 29
4.2/5102 評價


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