

4.2/5101 評價
No complaints about this Hampton, everything was clean and in good order. We really didn't spend much time here, it was an overnight stop in the middle of a road trip. We've been using the Hilton app a lot lately to book hotels same-day as we drive and see how far we get... did the same here as it was getting later in the evening and we were heading north on I-95, we decided we could make it to this property and they had a king room open at a reasonable rate. I'm a diamond member but I was driving so I handed my phone to husband in the passenger seat and walked him through it to book, check-in, and get the digital key. We arrived around midnight and used the key without issue and went to bed. Then around 4:30am there was furious knocking on the door... husband didn't hear it but I got up and it was a hotel employee holding a cell phone on speaker. They wanted to know if someone was in this room? Yes, I said, I am in this room. Asleep. There was some explanation about they didn't have any record of a check-in and our reservation was showing as cancelled, and it was Hilton Corporate on the phone who had directed the front desk staff to confirm occupancy? Or something like that? I really don't remember the details of the conversation because again, it was 4:30 in the morning and I had been sound asleep. In the morning, I checked my phone and sure enough, we had never received a confirmation, and the app did not show any reservation for the hotel I was standing in. Yet the digital key was still working perfectly? On my way to breakfast I stopped at the front desk and I think I was talking with a manager - at least, someone different from the person who had knocked on the door in the middle of the night - and he said yeah, huh, it's so strange, we have no record of you. I guess you got a free night! So I said well, okay... just you know, charge us if anything comes through on the credit card? Because we have the HH Amex and I was pretty sure my husband had booked using the pay-in-advance discount when we were in the car... but he doesn't normally use the app so maybe he clicked something wrong? Who knows. We ate kind of hurriedly because I was worried the digital key would stop working at any moment, and I had no way of checking out on the app, and we needed to keep driving anyway so we had our waffle and got out of there. Two days later, I received the booking confirmation email and saw the charge on the HH Amex. So... problem solved? I don't feel like this was anyone's fault, and I'm sure the hotel was not thrilled about having a totally untraceable and unverified guest sleeping in their bed. The best I can guess is it was some kind of glitch in the app. Still, I feel like I should get some kind of bonus points for being awakened at 4:30 and then being honest about paying for the room!
3.6/584 評價
3.7/5100 評價
從邁阿密開車回夏洛特,邊開邊玩,到了這裏實在太累,臨時決定休息,攜程訂好看到有人評價,前台說收不到訂單,果然如此,後來馬上聯繫在線管家,很給力,直接電話到酒店前台,雖然他們也沒收到訂單,也順利入住。 就是一個motel,不要期待太多,隨便住住。 早餐種類不多,主要是吃完了等很久也不更新,咖啡也喝光了都不會續,美國老奶奶等的捉急


  • 耶馬西有哪幾間提供游泳池的熱門飯店?

    不論您到耶馬西商務出差或悠閒度假,波因特索斯貝斯特韋斯特飯店雅馬西/南點希爾頓歡朋飯店紅頂飯店-耶馬西 都是熱門飯店。

  • 在耶馬西設有游泳池飯店的平均價格約是多少?

    對於耶馬西設有游泳池的飯店,平日均價大致落在 TRY 3,471,而週末 (週五到六) 均價大致落在 TRY 3,994。

  • 在耶馬西提供游泳池的飯店有哪些優惠活動?

    Trip.com 全年為用戶提供多樣的優惠及折扣。您可以到 優惠活動頁面查看 Trip.com 提供的絕佳優惠。


最高價格TRY 10,610
最低價格TRY 1,822
平均價格 (平日)TRY 3,471
平均價格 (週末)TRY 3,994