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正在尋找Azzurro Bar & Restaurant附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
3.4/541 評價
這家Premier Inn很好,和其他所有酒店一樣。乾淨舒適,樂於助人的員工。一個主要問題是水龍頭,根據接待處,水龍頭下有一個球形的新型節水裝置。打開水龍頭時,我完全溼透了。水朝每個方向射擊,鏡子上,地板上和衣服上。這些球顯然安裝在每個客棧,所以想知道其他人是否有相同的經驗,或者這是一個非問題,這將是有趣的。我也有點冷,但發現牀底下有備用羽絨被。
4.5/542 評價
從我踏進門的那一刻起,這位紳士的熱情微笑和真誠的款待爲難忘的住宿定下了基調。將來的住宿肯定會喜歡在前面看到Bimochan。⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️設施一流,服務非常出色。很多幹淨的酒店房間,真的超出了所有期望,我們迫不及待地想回來!kudos到Bimochan和團隊,讓我們在Travelodge Woking的時光難忘!!!!!!✅
3.5/542 評價
No food on the menu for dinner which was ridiculous should have been a clue with no one in the restaurant!!, no breakfast available had to wait for bacon / pastries to be cooked . This was at 9.20 prime breakfast time !
4/5123 評價
3.8/570 評價
We booked to stay at the Talbot as we were attending a function there. We appreciated the building is listed so as expected it's a little tired looking. The room we stayed in no.214, unfortunately smelt of drains so rather unpleasant. The hotel was fully booked so there was no chance of changing rooms. The safe was locked shut when we arrived, something I would have thought the staff getting the rooms ready would have had on their check list to ensure all was ok. It was just a little inconvenient to have to go & find a member of staff with a master key to rectify. The evening of the function we had attended we intended on having a light meal of pizza in the bar but were told they weren't taking any more orders due to staffing numbers so we were really disappointed as we'd had a few drinks so couldn't drive elsewhere. Breakfast was OK although pricy if it hadn't been included in the room rate. Also items mentioned on the breakfast menu weren't available which was disappointing eg French toast which is something quite basic! Probably wouldn't stay at this hotel again.


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