Find us in downtown, a few minutes’ walk from the Canada Life Centre, home of the Winnipeg Jets. The RBC Convention Centre is also close by and The Forks Market is under a mile away. Winnipeg Airport is a 20-minute drive via airport shuttle. Enjoy the view from our seasonal balcony rooms and get a workout in at our fitness center.
GGina Loewen在機場西假日酒店享受寧靜輕鬆的住宿!熱情友好的服務,寬敞且一塵不染的房間,特大號牀上的絲質牀單和一流的設施。儘管發生了大流行,我們還是可以使用該池-高效且公平的註冊過程使我們每天獲得1個小時(可能還會更多)。歐陸式早餐不包括在內,但地理位置優越,我們可以輕鬆地過馬路走到壽司和泡泡茶,比薩餅,牛排等地方!也是在街對麪的Shoppers Drug Mart和Liquor Mart。而且,如果您想運動一下,這家酒店也毗鄰美麗的阿西尼博因公園和動物園!