Borgo Petroro坐落於託迪,處於鄉村區域,距離坎蒂納北布其和Santa Maria della Pace Church (聖母瑪利亞大教堂)不到 15 分鐘車程。 此SPA住宿距離聖母孔索拉齊奧 6.2 英里(10 公里),距離執政官大廈 6.9 英里(11.1 公里)。您可到 SPA 慰勞一下自己,這裡提供按摩、身體護理和麵部護理。您可以充分利用季節性開放的室外游泳池和腳踏車租賃等度假設施。此住宿的其他特色包括免費 WiFi、禮賓服務和婚慶服務。您可以去Locanda Petreja高級餐廳盡享美味佳餚,也可在這裡的酒吧/酒廊小酌一杯放鬆一下。此外,咖啡館也提供餐飲服務。您可以到池畔酒吧,點一杯喜歡的飲品,暢飲一番。每日 8:00 至 10:00 提供免費的歐式早餐。特色服務/設施包括電腦站點、多語言服務和櫃檯保管箱。計劃在託迪舉辦活動?這家住宿擁有 70 平方米(753 平方英尺)的空間,包括會議場地和會議室。飯店提供免費自助停車。有 12 間空調客房提供迷你吧和平板電視;您定能在旅途中找到家的舒適。提供免費無線網絡,方便您與朋友保持聯繫。浴室提供坐浴桶和吹風機。便利設施包括可存放筆記本電腦的保險箱和電熱水壺;而且每天提供客房服務。
What an amazing experience we had at Borgo Petroro! From the moment we entered in the little hamlet we knew we were in for something special. The quiet location among olive trees makes it a good base to explore the region and the surrounding towns like Todi and Montefalco wineries. The room is beyond comfortable and sparkling clean. We enjoyed the facilities like the pool and the restaurant where we ate delicious food in the courtyard. Service is top notch! We especially loved the breakfast where local products are presented. Next time we are staying more than one night!
Futura提供給探索這座城市的旅客一個理想之地。 到托迪觀光的人一定會發現Futura是一個很棒的住宿選擇。 佩魯賈火車站和佩魯賈機場分別位於48km和49km遠。 該區域內可看見多元活動,Castello di Frontignano,Castello di San Terenziano和Cantina Peppucci都在附近。 在忙碌的一天結束時,旅客可在飯店放鬆身心或外出享受城市。 總觀托迪的飯店,Futura因其出色的設施而備受推崇。
A fantastic house, located in a quiet valley with spectaculaire view. Staying 14 persons in the house, plenty of spare. Great kitchen and Living room. The outsider area is perfect. The owners are very helpful, cleaning the pool every morning before we whe