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探索我們在Foto Is:real附近的熱門飯店






4.4/559 評價


特拉維夫城市中心 特拉維夫|距離Foto Is:real1.26km
We booked 3 nights at this boutique hotel based on the mostly positive reviews on this forum. Our experience unfortunately was not so great. We checked in rather late in the evening at around 8.30pm. We were coming in from the bus station as we had crossed over from Jordan earlier in the day & we were exhausted & hungry. We were looking forward to a few comforts after some hectic days in Wadi Rum. The cab dropped us off on the street out front...there was no doorman so we dragged in our luggage into the small lobby where we were met by Adi at the front desk. He explained a few things & offered us a coffee but we wanted to just get into our room. What I found really strange was we had considerable amount of luggage but he didn't lift a finger to help even me & I was struggling. The room was okay size but the furniture was weird - supposedly designer but just plain Uncomfortable. They provided no baggage racks which meant all the bags on the floor which again is so inconvenient. For any decent hotel this a very normal requirement or at the very least provide a space for keeping big bags. We found that some of the toiletries in the bathroom were obviously used by the previous occupants of the room. The caps were not screwed properly & one of them was leaking. Housekeeping had not bothered to throw them just simply kept them there along with some fresh ones. Disgusting ! The next day I asked for an ironing board. The young girl, I think her name was Miriam looked a bit perplexed at first & then came back after a quite a while with an iron & a dirty old stained hand held board. Made me wonder people don't require irons ? We met the manager Tali the next morning....she wasn't too friendly or hospitable. Miriam was friendly & offered us some coffee. We enquired about a Sim & a Rav card & were told that we would have to look on the street for a phone shop. The location of the hotel is on a buzzing street full of cafes, shops & restaurants so we didn't have to walk too far to find a shop selling the cards. At the hotel they told us that we would have to go 10kms away about 25 minutes by taxi to find a Rav card recharge place. We are very well travelled & that just didn't sound right....the authorities are not going to make the purchase of an everyday travel card so difficult. The guy who sold us the SIM card told us we would find it at the pharmacy next to our hotel. I can't remember the name of the shop but it was literally the next building sharing a common wall. It was that easy....the girl at the counter was lovely & one of the customers in the queue offered to walk with us to where we were going as he was going that way. Didn't Tali know that Rav cards are available next door ? She's managing a hotel & she didn't know this very basic piece of information relevant to all tourists ??? When we came back in the late afternoon we found our room was not made up. The clothes line in our bathroom didn't work but despite repeated requests nothing was do





正在尋找Foto Is:real附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
4.2/567 評價
4.3/551 評價
4.4/564 評價
4.3/546 評價
雅各布·塞繆爾酒店是一個很好的選擇!儘管早上到達2.30晚了,但我們還是得到了非常好的歡迎!我和我的朋友有單獨的房間,經理確保我們住在同一層。第一天晚上,我得到了一個超級小的房間,我不太高興,但有一天之後,我換了一個非常好的房間-真的非常好-感覺在嗡嗡作響的城市中間很棒。樓下的酒吧非常好,我們有一些很棒的食物和飲料-酒吧老闆也很好。早上的Nespresso咖啡幫助我開始了。我確實與控制窗簾和所有燈光的儀表板搏鬥。但淋浴很棒 - 沒有保證,無論您入住哪種酒店 - 這是例外!Yaniv -前台經理做得很好 -他似乎晝夜工作,從不厭倦幫助一個人,例如找到出租車,有時在特拉維夫可能成爲挑戰。酒店的位置也很棒!它大約最多10分鐘步行到特拉維夫希爾頓海灘 - 所以真的非常完美。在Dizengoff上有很多餐館和酒吧可以在幾分鐘內到達 - 謝謝Yaniv和團隊!
4.6/571 評價
位置很好的公寓,可以步行到本古裏安故居、拉賓廣場以及海邊。離中國大使館也很近。每天去海邊跑步真的很舒服。 附近超市很多,安息日也不用擔心吃喝玩樂。自駕可以免費停車,門口10路公交也很棒,可以到雅法老城、市場等地方,總之非常方便。
4.3/573 評價
我最近在Link Hotel for Business酒店表示 酒店看起來真的很酷,而且氣氛非常放鬆 Check很棒 我有一個角落房 Plus,而它有點小(水槽在牀旁邊的主房間) 這是一個不錯的房間,一切都佈置得很好,有一台很好的咖啡機和舒適的牀有一個55英寸的大電視,我可以連接到我的筆記本電腦看電影 空調很好,但我確實有一個問題,它不冷卻,我去了前台,非常友好的女士來到我的房間,檢查和調整設置,她還主動讓我換房間,但已經是午夜了,所以我太累了,無法移動房間 前台工作人員總是非常友好和聊天,特別是一位女士(我沒聽清她的名字)總是和我說話,如果需要,總是幫我,甚至讓我退房後在房間裏呆一個小時 積極的現代清新酒店,非常時髦和酷 位置優越 房間好 員工優秀差評 沒有與附近其他酒店相比的“傳統”早餐選擇 這是我對酒店的點評,強烈推薦,如果回來還會再次預訂


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