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瀏覽Silao de la Victoria飯店的房客評價

4.2/543 評價
體面的地方,靠近萊昂機場 - 這是我的經驗中最好的。快速故事,在前往聖米格爾週末之前呆在那裏。我妻子把Kindle留在房間裏,在聖米格爾找到了。告訴酒店我們會在週日晚上再次在那裏停留,然後在週一早班機返回加州之前。週日晚上到那裏,我妻子的Kindle被鎖在經理辦公室,那裏沒有人可以讓我們進去。在線上找到了經理,她說她會在星期一早上早到,在我們的航班之前給我們Kindle。星期一早上來了,她決定不想早點來,說他們會以我們的成本郵寄給我們。我們回家,差不多兩個月後他們還有Kindle...
4.1/546 評價
4.4/5106 評價
我原本以爲這是漢普頓酒店,但顯然只是名義上的。其他一切都令人失望。讓我提及,這家酒店在偏僻的地方,總的工業類型地區--你哪兒也走不了。這就是爲什麼他們提供穿梭機載你到任何地方,你也可以聽到火車在白天黑夜的各個小時鳴笛。牀不是漢普頓酒店舒適的長毛絨記憶泡沫牀--您熟悉漢普頓酒店的名字,並期待它的名字--這是一張非常結實的舊式牀墊,很不舒適。特大牀標準間非常小。我要說的是,他們有一個非常強大的淋浴,這很棒--這是我唯一能說好的關於這家酒店。此外,前台工作人員不是很熱情或友好。唯一一個在這裏工作的好人是叫西蒙妮的穿梭機司機。我在那裏只住了一晚,但從下午開始我登記到第二天-我的鑰匙不讓我在房間6次!!!因爲前台女孩似乎不能正確編程鑰匙,六次我被鎖在房間外,只有當我到達房間時才發現鑰匙不起作用,我不得不回到樓下六次,這是不能接受的!完全沒有能力,編程鍵是一個簡單的工作。就早餐而言,這絕對不是漢普頓酒店的早餐,無論如何它只爲墨西哥客戶服務,而不是國際化。他們喜歡吃他們的辣椒,甚至在早餐(對不起,我早上第一件事就是不需要玉米餅薯條和辣醬!)。食物的味道真噁心,橙汁甚至不是真的。他們沒有紙咖啡杯。更讓人不安的是,它被繩子綁住,你甚至無法服務自己,也無法看到盤子裏的東西。某個女人連一個英語都不會說,她不得不爲你挑選一切,這真是荒唐可笑!其他酒店都允許您選擇自己的食物,但顯然不是在這裏!僅此原因,我就不會來這裏,我永遠不會向任何人推薦入住這家“漢普頓”酒店。街對面有一家更好的酒店叫City Suites(粉色的那個),房間很大,員工很友好,我知道是因爲我搬到那裏了。
4.4/5119 評價
A pretty nice property, the rooms are clean and nice enough. Service is lacking, I called from the airport and found connecting to the hotel a bit difficult. I was aided at the airport by concierge staff inside the airport. After I could not get ahold of the hotel using my phone they called for me and passed me the phone. I spoke to the hotel operator or the front desk this was unclear. I asked for a shuttle pick-up at the airport. I was informed that shuttle pick-up at the airport required advance booking three hours prior to the required time. I am not sure why this is but it is not user-friendly for flyers arriving. I was then told to wait for a minute and the operator would see what they could do. I waited a few minutes and then the line was cut. I tried to call back but no one answered. I just took an airport taxi (280 Pesos). When I arrived at the hotel I checked in and was informed that complementary breakfast was served from 6:30 to 10:00 AM. I went to my room and relaxed for a while and then went out to the city. I took a local ride share (DEDE) and the fare was reasonable. I returned and went to bed after a long trip I slept well. I did note there is no provided water in the rooms and room amenities are sp****. I woke up a bit late the next day and went down for breakfast at 9:00 AM. Breakfast is a breakfast buffet unfortunately for me virtually every piece of food that was available was completely emptied and I noted several persons standing outside the kitchen door waiting for food. I did not see any service staff and most tables were dirty and empty. I walked the buffet and I walked around the dining room realizing that breakfast was available I returned to my room. I packed and left for the airport, I inquired about the airport shuttle to the airport and was informed it ran on the hour every hour (seemed odd since to get a pick up it required 3 hours advance notice). I was told by the front desk staff that the shuttle was available any time just let them know when I wanted to go. I found that confusing as well because after telling me it was available any time I was told it was on the hour. In closing, I was excited to see I was booked in a Hilton, unfortunately, this is not the standard of service I was previously accorded at a Hilton property, and sadly it was pretty disappointing. Another odd observation I made on the way back to the airport was Hilton has acquired several of the other branded hotels and is attaching its name to them as well, I hope they do better service-wise.
HS 霍特森錫勞飯店
4.6/5103 評價
優點: - 現代寬敞 - 非常好的自助早餐 - 華麗的款待和服務 - 靠近工業區只有10分鐘車程 - 健身房有必要的設備 - 7樓美麗的休息室 - 咖啡店的濃縮咖啡咖啡 缺點:- 墨西哥所有其他酒店窗戶質量差 - 晚上交通噪音
4.4/5104 評價
今天的朋友們,我來推這家酒店,我們來休息一晚,因爲我們要很早的航班。我們到了晚上10點左右,在客廳裏非常人,到了房間裏,很乾淨漂亮,牀也很味,牀衣也很,真的很休息。我什麼驚喜??酒店因爲你只是呆在那兒,它給你5天的禮離開你的車,他們有服務帶你去機場接你。這真的是更重要的,如果你要從這機場提早起飛,我建議你到這家酒店。還包括早餐,🙌🏻🙌🏻 但是我航班過早起飛,在他們開之前就走了,他們給我一個子午餐。好朋友們,我給你們留下這個建議,您是否從巴機場到某個目的地。非常感謝,我們會繼續寫



平均價格 (平日)€94
平均價格 (週末)€93