NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店

暹粒NhumBai, The Village Experience附近住宿


太棒 4.5+極佳 4.0+佳 3.5+滿意 3.0+

高CP值NhumBai, The Village Experience飯店

吳哥皇后度假村及水療中心 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店
吳哥皇后度假村及水療中心 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店吳哥皇后度假村及水療中心 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店
6號公路 |

TTrip03555166363 2020.03.20
這是一家旅行社包中的“豪華級指定”酒店。它位於粒機場和市中心之間,面向6國道,但週邊地區除了酒店以外幾乎沒有其他設施,步行即可到達便利店和超市。步行5分鐘即可到達一個名爲BOX VILLE的設施,儘管有一家小型超市,但比中央超市貴得多。考慮到嘟嘟車的費用,我去過那裏幾次,因爲這家商店足以買啤酒和糖果。儘管它很小,但有一個游泳池,儘管用戶很少,但維護得很好且舒適。從6:00開始的早餐也很合理,您可以從三種類型中選擇的麪條很美味。但是,項目數量並不多。由於沒有中國遊客,因此可能正在減少食物。由於粒的土地,許多人白天去觀光,所以我認爲大多數人只會睡覺,但我認爲除了位置之外,它將成爲不錯的酒店類別。
25 則評論
TWD 1,451
吳哥奇跡水療度假村 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店
吳哥奇跡水療度假村 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店吳哥奇跡水療度假村 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店
6號公路 |
Angkor Miracle Resort & Spa Siem Reap(暹粒吳哥奇跡度假村)位於暹粒6號公路沿線,正對柬埔寨民俗村。Angkor Miracle Resort & Spa Siem Reap(暹粒吳哥奇跡度假村)客房寬敞舒適,極具高棉傳統風情。結束了一天的遊覽顧客可以在飯店內的大型室外泳池中暢遊放鬆身心,或是在水療中心享受正宗的按摩服務。飯店的Kong Kea Main餐廳供應傳統的高棉美食和西式佳餚,Mezzanine酒吧和池畔吧則供應各式的清涼飲品。

訪客 2023.10.18
77 則評論
TWD 1,604
吳哥安納塔拉度假飯店 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店
吳哥安納塔拉度假飯店 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店吳哥安納塔拉度假飯店 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店
6號公路 |

訪客 2023.08.17
從checkin開始,每個環節都非常好!很久沒有這麼好的服務了!酒店每天有活動,我們趕上了週二的wine tasting(免費)!最後一天退房出去逛一天,去機場前還可以沖涼,非常貼心!
69 則評論
TWD 6,952
含早餐的飯店配有雙床房的飯店配有 1 張雙人床的飯店具備泳池的飯店可免費取消的飯店
蓬拜堂飯店(ZANNIER PHUM BAITANG) NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店
蓬拜堂飯店(ZANNIER PHUM BAITANG) NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店蓬拜堂飯店(ZANNIER PHUM BAITANG) NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店
暹粒NhumBai, The Village Experience飯店
贊尼爾蓬拜堂度假別墅飯店是暹粒新裝修的飯店之一,於2020-09-30正式投入使用。旅客們會發現Art Box Museum、ArtBox和Phare, The Cambodian Circus距離飯店都不遠。飯店佔盡地理之宜,柬埔寨民俗文化村、The Spa by LOTUS BLANC和Cooking Class by LOTUS BLANC離此都很近。飯店對客房的裝飾十分考究,每間設施齊全的客房都配備有國際長途電話、熨衣設備和空調。咖啡壺/茶壺和瓶裝水可供使用,便捷的客房設施定能讓您倍感舒適。浴室配有拖鞋、24小時熱水和浴缸。酒吧旨在為旅客和您的朋友提供一處消遣的場所。如果旅客想在自己的房間舒適的用餐,飯店可提供客房服務。除此之外,周邊餐飲種類繁多。Easy Speaking Restaurant(អ៊ី​ហ្ស៊ី​ស្ពីក​ឃីង)(東南亞菜)供應一流的推薦美味-柬埔寨阿莫克魚,Spoons(東南亞菜)提供的烤魚備受好評,Khmer Family Restaurant - Pub Street(ភោជនីយដ្ឋាន​​គ្រួសារខ្មែរ)(東南亞菜)的酸湯加魚肉也是來這裡遊玩不容錯過的美味。室外泳池讓閒暇時間更加充實,按摩室讓悠閒時光更加完美。工作人員可根據旅客需要安排接機服務。

訪客用戶 2023.05.22
74 則評論
TWD 15,961
暹粒花園皇宮度假村 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店
暹粒花園皇宮度假村 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店暹粒花園皇宮度假村 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店
6號公路 |

仕事たび 2024.04.20
這次出差我很忙。一如既往,這裡很乾淨,設施齊全(特別是洗髮精、護理液和沐浴露,包括一把很棒的牙刷)。如果找不到,可以詢問工作人員,他們會立即為您帶來。房間裡有一張大桌子,可以放在床之間,像客廳一樣使用。它可容納兩台筆記型電腦和一台 iPad,非常方便您在床上放鬆工作、欣賞電影或觀看 YouTube 或使用客房服務。飯店被綠樹環繞,會說日語的友善女性員工和全體員工將微笑著歡迎您的光臨。客房服務推薦蘆筍湯。如果您感到飢餓,請嘗試一下。如果您希望在飯店預訂客房服務,例如當您晚上抵達時,我們將很樂意為您服務至晚上 9:30 左右。
38 則評論
TWD 1,922
拉塔納吳哥飯店 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店
拉塔納吳哥飯店 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店拉塔納吳哥飯店 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店
6號公路 |
入住拉塔納吳哥飯店,您即坐擁探索暹粒所有精彩的地利之便。入住拉塔納吳哥飯店的舒適客房,您將感覺賓至如歸。這裡每間客房均設有迷你吧、壁爐、私人入口、房內保險箱及咖啡壺/茶壺。 所有客房均禁煙。 在舒適的露台放鬆身心並享受花園景觀。閒暇時間,您可以前往室外的游泳池內游泳。 入住期間,您可以到飯店的spa或按摩室好好慰勞自己。 愛運動的旅客肯定樂在其中。這間飯店設有騎馬及高爾夫球場,讓您出門在外也能隨時運動。到飯店內的餐廳品嚐美式風味菜餚風味。 只想待在飯店裡?透過送餐服務點單餐廳的美食佳餚,犒賞自己。 您能在閒暇時間到酒吧喝杯飲料,或到咖啡廳喝杯咖啡提振精神。整間飯店提供 Wi-Fi,讓您能隨時上網。 在這間飯店,您還能找到花園及茶室等設施。 櫃台提供 24 小時服務。 這間設施齊全的飯店還提供 貨幣兌換、免費 行李寄存、 乾洗及 洗衣服務。如果您打算開車前往飯店,可以考慮將車停在免費停車場。

訪客用戶 2024.02.02
我去SR參觀和工作,在這家酒店住了3晚,房間很好,乾淨,價格可以接受,有禮品地板和良好的WiFi,我對服務感到非常不安,沒有標準服務,只是有點情況,但他們試圖欺騙我們,case 我們無法訪問電視I,他們試圖欺騙我們的房間,因爲我入住到退房,只是告訴電視有線公司😅有問題,首先他們告訴我他們買了智能電視盒到達酒店,然後電視遙控器無法訪問!最後是關於電視有線電視公司看起來像他們認爲我們是當地客人沒有多少錢支付因此沒有解決方案像從另一個房間換到我們的房間,只是設置蜜月花有點貴7$收費。但是夜班工作人員他很好,很親切
73 則評論
TWD 672
白蓮花度假飯店 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店
白蓮花度假飯店 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店白蓮花度假飯店 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店
6號公路 |

AAnu-Ujin Lkhagvasuren 2023.05.02
Love the service and everything. Good breakfast buffet and nice pool. Loved atmosphere there and extended our stay. Wi fi was bit low in the rooms, hope they will improve it. Close to pub street and everything. Called tuk tuk and costed 3 dollars.
80 則評論
TWD 1,949
白蓮花飯店 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店
白蓮花飯店 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店白蓮花飯店 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店
6號公路 |
Lotus Blanc Hotel位於著名的旅遊觀光區——科魯奧斯,讓您的旅程變得更加輕鬆愉悅。 完善的設施可讓您在住宿期間更加愉悅。 飯店內設的24小時送餐服務, 免費房內無線網絡, 24小時安保, 每日客房清潔服務, 壁爐等設施供您使用。 部分客房內設有平板電視, 額外浴室, 額外衛生間, 空氣凈化器, 浴室電話。 在享受舒適的客房之餘,房客還可盡情使用飯店內的健身中心, 高爾夫球場(3公里範圍內), 室內游泳池, 水療中心, 按摩等休閒設施。 下榻Lotus Blanc Hotel,可方便您前往暹粒 各區。

訪客 2022.08.26
56 則評論
TWD 1,371
高棉宅邸住宅飯店 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店
高棉宅邸住宅飯店 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店高棉宅邸住宅飯店 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店
暹粒NhumBai, The Village Experience飯店
對於想要捕捉暹粒城市風采的旅客來說,高棉宅邸住宅飯店是一個理想的選擇。著名的景點Cambo Beach、暹粒開心牧場騎馬體驗和暹粒開心牧馬場均可步行很短距離到達。所有極具特色的客房都配備有雨傘、熨衣設備和房內保險箱,讓您感受到更加貼心細緻的入住體驗。服務人員會提前為您準備好電熱水壺和咖啡壺/茶壺,以滿足您的飲水需求。倘若您在忙碌的一天後想在自己的客房內放鬆,提供拖鞋、24小時熱水和浴缸的客房浴室是不錯的選擇。飯店設有酒吧,您可在這裡放鬆身心,享受貼心的服務。如果您覺得在入住飲食方面僅限於此,那不妨去看看附近Easy Speaking Restaurant(អ៊ី​ហ្ស៊ី​ស្ពីក​ឃីង)(東南亞菜)、Spoons(東南亞菜)和Khmer Family Restaurant - Pub Street(ភោជនីយដ្ឋាន​​គ្រួសារខ្មែរ)(東南亞菜)絡繹不絕的人流吧!柬埔寨阿莫克魚、烤魚和酸湯加魚肉分別是每家為您精心推薦的美食。飯店種類繁多的休閒設施能為每一位下榻於此的您創造多元化的休閒空間,這其中包括室外泳池和按摩室。理髮美容中心能提供造型設計,滿足您各種社交需求。

訪客 2023.04.19
My first time to experience such a world class treatment from all the staff. I was picked up from the airport and offered me a cold towel and a cold drink. When i arrived at the hotel, i was greeted with a welcoming drink and another cold towel. The buffet breakfast were so superb. Every time i sat at the table, they would again gave me a cold towel. (Seriously, this hotel has tons of cold towels 😂). Every time i went to the pool, there was a hot tea and an unlimited banana chips being served immediately. My room was insanely beautiful. I was welcome with a personalised note in my bed, great view of the balcony and very chic bath tub. The room's interior design is also to die-for. 😍 To the staff, thank you guys for being so friendly, approachable and professional. Special mentions to the Supervisor who always greets me with a welcoming smile whenever he sees me (sorry i forgot your name sir). To Ms Chet, who gave me a tour. To the guy who gave me a scarf upon checkout( sorry i also forgot your name, too. ☹️). To Mr. Myr whose very approachable. To the girl who helped me take my pictures in the pool (sorry i forgot your name too) and to my driver Mr Moe. Thank you guys for making my stay a memorable one. Just a little thing to add, I’m just not used about the cleaning protocol. I was startled and woke up many times by the hotel cleaning staff by automatically opening my door and asked me if i want to clean the room even though i did not put a signage in front of my door or informing somebody. However, those are just small matter than can be fixed. Truthfully, i don’t have anything bad to say about this hotel. I don’t mind staying here for a long time. ❤️❤️❤️
174 則評論
TWD 2,880
速濟吳哥飯店 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店
速濟吳哥飯店 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店速濟吳哥飯店 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店
6號公路 |
飯店位於暹粒 (Siem Reap) 中心地段,距舉世聞名的吳哥窟僅 15 分鐘車程。 飯店四周遍佈各種購物商場與美食餐廳,賓客驅車不到 5 分鐘即可抵達市中心。 搭乘航班抵達的賓客可充分利用往返巴士服務,僅需 10 分鐘即可抵達飯店。 賓客剛步入飯店,飯店設計優雅、獨具一格的大廳即映入眼簾,大廳內設有數尊雕像,向賓客靜靜的講述著 Neak Pean 寺的悠久歷史。 隨後,熱情好客的飯店工作人員將會帶您前往寬敞明亮、設計精美的客房,讓您享受舒適愜意的度假之旅。 追求刺激的賓客可在飯店豪華室內泳池一顯身手,亦可在戶外躺椅上放鬆身心。 飯店為愛好美食的賓客供應豐盛的美食自助早餐,全天供應美味可口的西式佳餚。

訪客用戶 2023.12.12
Great hotel in city and quiet place that make my stay with my family wonderful to stayed here Room clean. Buffet breakfast is good many kind of Asian food and western food. staff very lovely specially who is manager restaurant he always friendly and happy when we going there to get some drinks. Would like to recommend this hotel and we will stay here again with our holiday.
40 則評論
TWD 820
查看所有NhumBai, The Village Experience飯店


Eeruin347I rarely take time to write detailed reviews but I wanted to share my truly unforgettable experience at The Royal Family Suite by Memoire Palace Resort & Spa. Nestled amidst the vibrant city, the hotel stands out as the epitome of luxury and hospitality. Impeccable service (a special thank you to the manager, John), exquisite, carefully thought out design (you can literally swim from your balcony), and outstanding amenities, I genuinely believe Memoire Palace Resort & Spa has established itself as the premier destination for travelers seeking an unforgettable experience in Siem Reap. Some of my favorite parts about the hotel and experience in general were: Interior & Exterior Architecture: A harmonious blend of traditional Khmer influences and contemporary elegance creates a truly breathtaking atmosphere. The attention to detail in the interior design, with its lavish furnishings, excellent choice of lighting, and unique artistic touches, elevates the overall experience to new heights. The room was spacious, elegantly furnished, and equipped with state-of-the-art amenities. The plush bedding, tranquil ambiance, and panoramic views create an oasis of relaxation. The Exceptional Service: One of the standout features of Memoire Palace Resort & Spa is its commitment to providing exceptional service to its guests and the environment. The staff members are attentive, courteous and go above and beyond to meet every guest's needs. The manager even made an effort to visit me at the gym as he could not greet me at the reception. The hotel's staff is truly dedicated to creating a seamless and memorable stay for each visitor. In addition, the commitment to a plastic-free experience was impressive - there was literally none in all the facilities. They should be commended. Culinary Options: Memoire Palace Resort & Spa boasts an impressive array of dining options, each offering a unique culinary experience. From traditional Khmer delicacies to international flavors. The Stage 1960 had an impressive menu with imported meats I doubt can be found elsewhere; breakfast every morning was beautiful with the freshest local ingredients to create innovative dishes; even the room service, typically an afterthought, was thoughtful with something for everyone. Location: The Royal Family Suite by Memoire Palace Resort & Spa is ideally located. The hotel is a stone's throw away from the magnificent Angkor Wat, allowing guests to easily explore the UNESCO World Heritage site. Additionally, it's only a 2-minute ride to the bustling Old Market and the vibrant Pub Street, providing convenient access to local markets, shops, and lively nightlife. Tuk-tuk drivers are on standby outside the hotel so there is no wait In summary, Memoire Palace Resort & Spa is a beacon of luxury, hospitality, and elegance in Siem Reap. I have yet to find a flaw! Whether you are a business traveler, family, or here for a honeymoon - I highly recommend choosing this resort when booking your accommodation in Siem Reap!
訪客Sala Lodges in the enchanting city of Siem Reap is nothing short of a hidden gem that boasts not only of charming aesthetics but also of exceptional service that made our stay unforgettable. Nestled quietly away, this hotel provided a tranquil retreat that was much needed during our travel. The service at Sala Lodges was commendable, embodying the true spirit of hospitality. The staff were attentive, approachable, and consistently willing to assist us in organizing our trips around Siem Reap, making the overall experience hassle-free and enjoyable. A special shoutout to the Swiss owners who were genuinely amiable and made us feel warmly welcomed. As for the accommodations, the rooms in Sala Lodges were a delightful surprise. Each room bore discrete charm with its tasteful decoration, seamlessly blending traditional and contemporary elements. The authentic Khmer old houses are full of charm, yet modern and well preserved. The hotel’s kitchen offered a menu that might seem simple at a glance but was satisfyingly delightful upon tasting. Every dish we tried was prepared well, with fresh ingredients and flavors that are comforting yet exciting to the palate. The breakfast, in particular, deserves an extra note of praise for being consistently good, providing a delightful start to our days of exploration. Adding to the hotel’s allure was the inviting swimming pool, serving as a refreshing sanctuary after a day of touring the magical temples and vibrant markets of Siem Reap. During the wet season, the atmosphere around Sala Lodges was even more calming and soothing, with the soft sound of rain providing a comforting backdrop to our stay. To sum it up, our experience at Sala Lodges was nothing short of magical. From the excellent service to the beautifully appointed rooms and delightful meals, every aspect of the hotel contributed to a stay that was serene, comfortable, and absolutely enjoyable. Whether you’re traveling in the wet season or not, Sala Lodges offers a cosy retreat that will surely enhance your Siem Reap adventure. Highly recommended!
薩拉飯店 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店
婆廟, 暹粒
每晚起價: TWD 8399
NNomad41858065868我一共來住過兩次Anansaya la maison. 第一次是和我的先生,我們在這裏度過了非常愉快的三個晚上,從接機的細節到入住酒店的服務,一切都是很到位的。我們飛到暹粒新機場,機場很遠,需要一個小時左右的路程,但是我們從出了機場就看到酒店的員工帶着笑容在機場外迎接我們,並且在我們上車的時候給予我們新鮮的椰子和冰鎮毛巾,等我們緩和過來了,他才開始駕駛車子,這個細節是真的很好,會讓我們覺得他們很用心。到了酒店以後,員工們會在門口迎接,帶我們辦理簡單的入住,然後把我們的行李送到房間。我很喜歡酒店的風格,充滿了綠色植物,還有十分寬敞的泳池,房間也很大,尤其是一樓的浴室,就好像在一個森林裏洗澡。房間會有歡迎水果和免費的minibar. 同時,每日有免費的洗衣服務和一個小時的spa. 一定要去體驗他們的spa,很專業,我試過酒店外面的spa館,這裏可以算上前三。 後來過了半個月以後,我向我朋友和家人推薦了這裏,我又回來了,這次待的時間更長,我在這裏待了9個晚上,服務依舊一流,但是我要重點説的是,我朋友的寶寶因為太小,所以在暹粒生病了,酒店的員工陪我們一起去了醫院,並且在他們的幫助下,我們使用了酒店的簡單工具去給寶寶煮餐食,他們非常有耐心,並且每次見到寶寶都會關心地慰問。這裡是一流的酒店服務標準,但是讓人覺得充滿家的温暖。下次我還是會回到這裏的。唯一的建議就是早餐有待改善。
新塔納薩亞之家 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店
每晚起價: TWD 3624
吳哥回憶精品飯店 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店
塔普爾村, 暹粒
每晚起價: TWD 1581
梅塔住宅及Spa飯店 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店
婆廟, 暹粒
每晚起價: TWD 1783
訪客Had an awesome time here, extended my stay and came back for a night bus! Thanks Dan, John and other staff. I even lost money for the washing machine and they gave me more without question My tuktuk driver was exceptional, Mr Touch - made me feel very comfortable and looked after me for the Angkor Wat tour He’s been driving for possibly longer than I’ve been alive - definitely recommend him 😊
柬埔寨暹粒盧布旅舍 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店
婆廟, 暹粒
每晚起價: TWD 139
訪客用戶Just perfect, from A to Z. The kind of hotel you would recommend to anyone and the kind of hotel you would come back with no hesitation. Beside the great infrastructure, the staff is just so professional and so kind. They are full of great advise, they anticipate your needs, they go the extra miles. The restaurant (we experienced breakfast and dinner) is delicious. Everything is home made (jam, sorbet,…), tasty, well seasoned. Rare to mention, we haven’t been able to find any downside. Last but not least, price are reasonable for this level of comfort and this level of service. In a nutshell, we highly recommend this boutique luxury hotel (only 25+ rooms), a true hidden gem.
塞蓬安佳里住宿 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店
6號公路, 暹粒
每晚起價: TWD 4645
訪客They have confirmed my booking, two weeks ago I check they said they will cancel my booking bcuz I booked with the small room rate . I will not recommend this hotel. How come when we have booked with small amounts of room rate and they cancel you booking. If you don’t want to have that mistake like I did don’t book with this hotel
馬拉維拉飯店 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店
塔普爾村, 暹粒
每晚起價: TWD 650
訪客用戶我和朋友參觀了粒短暫,在這家酒店住了幾晚,服務一流。餐食美味,景色好。酒店安排了車和導遊。我們一日遊導遊Thearith John先生非常棒。強烈建議住在這裏。
吳哥印度奇那精品飯店 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店
每晚起價: TWD 560
訪客用戶Guests should be aware that, although the webpage clearly states that rooms are equipped with a 21 inch television including cable service, this is deception. Technically yes, there is a tv, but no cable or antennae service, and no remote control. The front desk clerk told me that no rooms have tv service due to sidewalk re-construction , however no construction was evident at the time of my stay. I was checked into a 3rd floor room, and the internet signal was too weak. When I complained, I was moved to a 2nd floor room, so problem solved. If you choose to stay here, be forewarned that there are no elevators. Also, be aware that Pub Street is very close (across the street) and the very loud music persists throughout every night, until 6 AM. A good pair of ear plugs is an essential requirement. On my last night there I could not use the earplugs because I needed to set an alarm clock due to early morning travel obligations, and it was a sleepless night for me. On the plus side, the prices are reasonable considering these faults. The staff were friendly, including front desk clerks and the house keeping persons. On two occasions, however, the housekeepers failed to lock my room door after cleaning, so my belongings were vulnerable to theft until I returned to the room. The second time, the door was left ajar! I brought this to the desk clerk’s attention, so it didn’t happen again. The rooms that I saw were kept clean and well maintained, except TV service, as well as the lobby and hallways. I did not use, nor see the pool area, and was not advised by staff upon check-in, of its existence, so I cannot comment on that. This has a policy prohibiting you from bringing anyone to your room, unless they are a registered guest at the hotel. I would give this hotel a 2.5 stars rating, out of 5 possible stars, overall. There are numerous restaurants within a few minutes walk. Khmer Kitchen, just a three minute walk, on San Sok Road, was one of my favorites. The night markets are also close by as well. Tuk- tuk drivers are always readily available should you want to visit Angkor Wat or other sites.
里美成飯店 NhumBai, The Village Experience附近的飯店
索聖路, 暹粒
每晚起價: TWD 600


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