
3.8/514 評價
這個地方很容易通過火車到達,距離Samgakji站(1或13號出口)只有一小段距離。它距離機場巴士站也很近,可以直接到仁川機場 - 非常方便。附近還有便利店,周圍有很多餐館和咖啡館,這樣你就不會擔心在哪裏吃午飯或早餐了。我在那裏遇到的大多數客人都很友好,如果這是你第一次來這座城市,他們會給你一些建議,告訴你該怎麼做。他們還在3樓有一個廚房,如果你喜歡,你可以自己做飯。我們很遺憾沒有機會看到屋頂和上層,因爲我們回來時已經很累了。賓館的主樓層在2樓,包括接待處,你不得不爬上陡峭的樓梯才能到達那裏,這證明非常具有挑戰性,因爲他們的大多數客人都攜帶着巨大的行李--沒有扶手,所以你們一定要小心,我第一次來的時候,我身上的重量是20公斤,所以得找強尼幫忙,因爲我自己做不到。隨着它在旅行者中受歡迎,它顯然存在一個問題,那就是它擠滿了人,當所有人都想馬上用淋浴時,它就會變得混亂。這個地方有點小,一旦所有的客人到達並且正在嗡嗡作響,沒有太多空間可以移動。
龍山站 WO 飯店
3.4/511 評價
It's a motel. But it's very clean and has a giant TV. Basic amenities are available. You barely interact with a human being. You pick up your key from a vending machine that can check your reservation and later return the key to a box. If you need anything, you can call the front desk (usually there is one person taking care of the entire thing). The location is fantastic. It's a short five-minute walk to the nearest subway station and a two-minute walk to the express bus stop going to the Incheon airport. There are four convenience stores within walking distance.
3.3/52 評價
4/533 評價
3.5/540 評價
I stayed the New World Hotel, Hangang daero 84 gil, Namyeong dong, Yongsan gu, Seoul, South Korea, August 26 to 31. This was easily the most expensive place on my trip (and I was in Tokyo for a week). And the New World Hotel was the worst place of my trip. The location is central ish, but dirty and gross, with shops selling junk and scrap metal. This should not be a 3-star hotel. The first problem was that the listing was cheap, but had a shared bathroom, so compared to other listings (which had their own baths), it looked good. By the time you got your own bathroom, the price was a lot higher. This is a classic bait-and-switch sales routine. The listing also promised a free shuttle to the Inchon airport, so I thought that despite the room price, at least I get a ride to the airport. When I asked the staff, that was a ”misunderstanding”. Instead of offering to take me the 30km to the airport or pay for the shuttle, or pay me the 80K Won amount of the shuttle, they offered to take me to Seoul station, 1.5km, and said a taxi would cost 85K Won, so they were compensating me well. That is the biggest lie I ever heard. I can provide information from *********** that shows the hotel changed its listing page to a paid shuttle after I asked at the front desk about the free shuttle. The room was gross. The bathroom had mold in it. Regular soap was shared in the shower. The shower drain was rusty. The water temperature varied while you were showering. There was no shower curtain, so all the water went on the ground. There were screws sticking out of the doorknob and toilet flusher (I have pictures). There's holes in the tile, huge scrapes on the floor, lack of electric switch covers, smudges on walls and other cosmetic things easy to fix, if anyone cared. The sink was cracked and fixed with duct tape!!! Just things I haven't seen since a refugee camp I had the misfortune to be in while in my youth. The water temperature went up and down significantly during a showering without my touching the knobs. From the 6th floor, anyone taking the stairs down to the 5th floor is in danger of falling down the steps, because one step is significantly higher than the other steps. I wouldn't want to get paid to stay here. I talked to the only English speaker, and presumably the manager, who was somewhat apologetic, but wouldn't address the problems, nor lower the price. When I paid the high price, I assumed a decent room, and the free shuttle and there the hotel failed.
4.2/5157 評價
地理位置優越 門口地鐵站 公交車四通八達 房間設施也很nice 還有露天游泳池 周邊各國美食都有 酒吧 咖啡廳 麪包店 24小時便利店通通都有 出遊酒店推薦



最高價格TWD 29,099
最低價格TWD 719
平均價格 (平日)TWD 3,608
平均價格 (週末)TWD 4,901



首爾擁有歷史悠久的寺廟與宮殿、優美的自然風景和現代化摩天高樓,是一座年輕又有文化的城市。同時,首爾也是知名的購物的天堂,在明洞、東大門市場、新沙洞、三清洞等地,都有潮流的人氣服飾與化妝品。喜愛品嚐美味的旅客也千萬別錯過首爾美食,試試拌飯、泡菜、人參雞湯等。準備來趟首爾旅遊?交給 Trip.com 為您蒐集旅途中的各種玩樂資訊,舉凡交通、住宿、景點等實用攻略一次看,或是瞧瞧有哪些必去的熱門首爾景點與一日遊行程,喜歡就直接在 Trip.com 輕鬆下訂,隨時隨地展開首爾之旅!


透過 Trip.com 預訂飛往韓國首爾機票,輕鬆比價、查看航班時刻表。首爾有仁川機場與金浦機場,差別就像是桃園機場和松山機場。機場快線分為直通列車和普通列車,直通列車較快、停靠站較少。機場巴士亦分為兩種:高級機場巴士和普通機場巴士,有多條路線。若搭乘紅眼班機於凌晨抵達機場,可乘坐深夜巴士至市區,車程約70分鐘。在首爾自由行時,可利用地鐵和公車遊遍各大景點。建議購買 Cashbee、T-money 卡類似台灣悠遊卡,用來搭乘大眾交通工具,也可享有店家優惠。




1. 北村韓屋村

2. 景福宮
景福宮是朝鮮王朝規模最大的正宮,最大看點是王宮守將換崗儀式,是一項重要的韓國傳統宮廷文化。景福宮一年四季美景各異,春有櫻花、夏有綠樹、秋有銀杏、冬有白雪。 《大長今》、《屋塔房王世子》、《來自星星的你》等韓劇曾在此取景。

3. N首爾塔

4. 愛寶樂園


還沒安排首爾自由行的住宿嗎?不妨透過 Trip.com 搜尋目前仍有空房的首爾飯店,從頂級舒適的五星級飯店、知名連鎖飯店品牌到高CP值的平價民宿或青年旅館等應有盡有,輕鬆比價、篩選符合需求的房型,並以超值價格預訂首爾住宿!若預計前往首爾遊玩,建議入住交通便利的地區,例如地鐵站、公車路線附近,旅行更便利省時。


1. 烤腸

2. 韓式炸雞

3. 醬油蟹
醬油蟹是韓國五大名菜之一, 10 至 11 月是盛產季節,蟹黃特別多,嘗鮮一定要來首爾。

4. 雪濃湯

5. 綠豆煎餅
