We stayed for a short staycation back in late April. Whilst we had a nice room and view, we just felt the place was a little tired. We had heard that they will be going through a renovation but we now know that they were planning to close down (as they are now closed). Perpahs this was the reason things were a little 'off'. I hope that whenever the reopen (if they do) that they make the most of the wonderful location. It really deserves to be a top hotel...
香港銅鑼灣皇悅飯店(Empire Hotel Hong Kong · Causeway Bay)位於銅鑼灣永興街,距離港鐵站步行約10分鐘,交通便捷,坐擁旺中帶靜的優越地段。香港銅鑼灣皇悅飯店(Empire Hotel Hong Kong · Causeway Bay)由日籍室內設計師 Koichiro Ikebuchi精心打造,設計簡約、盡顯雅緻。客房均配有迷你酒吧、寬頻上網、幹發器、全棉寢具、保險箱;浴室內特有蓮蓬式花灑,令沐浴培添情趣及新意。