Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店

羅維尼Wyspa Pulari附近住宿


太棒 4.5+極佳 4.0+佳 3.5+滿意 3.0+

高CP值Wyspa Pulari飯店

伊甸飯店 - 麥斯特拉精選 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店
伊甸飯店 - 麥斯特拉精選 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店伊甸飯店 - 麥斯特拉精選 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店
距離Wyspa Pulari2.56km
自2013年6月起,飯店的游泳池場館將包括3種具有漩渦澡盆和溫泉池等各種飯店的水果的室內泳池,亦提供日光浴房間的陽台、飯店餐廳、飯店泳池吧檯和夏季舞台。顧客可以欣賞現場音樂、各種表演、民俗表演和稱為Klape的無伴奏聲樂合唱。這家飯店提供帶舞台的戶外房間的陽台以及帶孩童娛樂活動的迷你俱樂部。Hotel Eden這家飯店配有嗜好工作坊等多樣化的娛樂各項設施、克羅地亞語學校以及水球、籃球、網球、羽毛球和地擲球等各種陸地或各種水上運動。各類美食餐廳供應菜式的克羅地亞和國際菜餚。所有房間均提供房間空調、房間的陽台和電視設備。熱區提供芬蘭和紅外線桑拿設備、土耳其廁所和休閒室。經過齊全翻修的Wellness & Spa區提供4間理療室和1間容易顧客享受雙人理療各項服務的Spa飯店的套房以及休閒區、新奇的飯店的健身房和Vital吧檯。Hotel Eden這家飯店地處羅維尼(Rovinj)擁有100年歷史的Zlatni Rt景區森林的邊緣,享有安寧的位置環境,周圍環繞著鬱鬱蔥蔥的植被,俯視著海灣和海灘,提供飯店的游泳池和飯店的游泳池以及帶贈送海灘椅和遮陽傘的自家海灣。

訪客 2021.10.24
如果你追求是五星級的舒適和奢華,那Eden酒店不適合你。如果你想要一家現代的、經營有道、一塵不染的酒店,那這裏可以滿足你的需求。九月最後一星期,我和太太去那裡度假,住宿真的很愉快。食物很好,雖然算不上超級贊,不過也不錯,量足。葡萄酒也不賴——實際上是個驚喜。 員工高效、樂意幫忙(雖然看來好像是克魯迪亞人的習慣,你需要主動提出要求,不過他們服務迅捷、熱情)。 Eden酒店有一個挺大的室外泳池,和一個很不錯的室內加溫泳池(連接有spa和理療室)。 酒店位於自己的花園中,臨着一處海濱公園,步行20分鐘就能到ton廣場,步行有益健康。所以你晚餐后如果想溜達一下,你可以沿着漫步道走走,沿途領略港口和海灣風光。 同樣,如果你喜歡沿着漂亮的有日光浴站的海岸小路散步,也可以得到滿足。你也可以在酒店租輛自行車,圍着海濱公園逛逛。 至於羅維尼(Rovinj)本身,這是一座很迷人的小城鎮,有一些現代景點。購物方面正像你對城鎮所期望的,冬天人口大約為10,000,不過87家餐廳足以彌補零售業方面的任何不足了。 有一些遠足活動(包括去威尼斯(Venice)和薩格勒布(Zagreb))。這兩個地方以前都去過,我們就只呆在Istrian半島了。 缺點?我想不起來。預訂之前,我們看了到到網的點評,現在體驗過之後,可以說我們覺得挺舒適的,吃得也好,很滿足。那些不太滿意的點評者可能是比較苛刻,或者是不走運,或者二者兼有。哦,對了,這讓我想起了一點。餐廳只提供瓶裝水,需要付費,我覺得這很不好,這是在鼓勵我多喝些葡萄酒,本來不需要的。 Eden酒店不是五星級的,不過我很願意再來住宿。多次光臨!
43 則評論
阿魯賓努飯店 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店
阿魯賓努飯店 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店阿魯賓努飯店 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店
距離Wyspa Pulari2.71km
若想要遊覽羅維尼,阿魯賓努飯店將會是一個不錯的的住宿之選。旅客們會發現Punta Corrente、Delfin-szobor和Monte Mulini距離飯店都不遠。飯店為您在客房內配備了房內保險箱、空調和衣櫃/衣櫥,所有入住的顧客均可便捷的使用。電熱水壺可供使用,便捷的客房設施定能讓您倍感舒適。浴室內提供拖鞋、浴缸和吹風機,讓您感受到賓至如歸的享受。在空閒的時候,去酒吧喝杯飲品放鬆一下是不錯的選擇。如果旅客想在自己的房間舒適的用餐,飯店可提供客房服務。若是覺得飯店的餐飲無法滿足您挑剔的味蕾,不妨去附近的BARBA DANILO tavern(海鮮)、Louie Louise Restaurant & Cocktails(西餐)或Oleander(地中海菜)品嚐下一流的推薦美食。優美的環境,再搭配上細緻周到的服務,飯店的休閒區定能滿足您的品質需求。外國旅客可以通過多國語言工作人員瞭解當地風土人情的相關訊息。

Lovely little hotel with lift and nice pool area, situated around 15 minutes walk from the seafront and 5 minutes from a handy supermarket. Clean, comfortable rooms with minibar/fridge, tea and coffee making facilities (kettle plugs in behind the TV on the wall which we found unusual) and safe. WiFi works well in the room, bit hit and miss on the balcony. Hairdryer in bathroom with toiletries, bathrobes and slippers provided. Rainfall shower and lovely big bath - glass partition between bedroom and bathroom was a feature, though luckily with curtain provided for privacy. Good choice at breakfast with new items added daily although hot choices, scrambled/fried/boiled eggs, omelette (delicious) etc stayed the same. However, the staff are the greatest asset including Ana on reception who helped us no end, as did Luka. Ivana also deserves a mention along with the chambermaids who did a great job. Thanks to all, we really enjoyed our stay.
16 則評論
羅威尼亞夕陽公寓 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店
羅威尼亞夕陽公寓 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店羅威尼亞夕陽公寓 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店
距離Wyspa Pulari2.87km
羅威尼亞夕陽公寓是羅維尼新開的飯店之一,於2024-04-30正式運營。旅客們會發現Punta Corrente、Delfin-szobor和Igreja Romanica Da Santissima Trindade距離飯店都不遠。倘若您在忙碌的一天後想在自己的客房內放鬆,提供吹風機的客房浴室是不錯的選擇。優美的環境,再搭配上細緻周到的服務,飯店的休閒區定能滿足您的品質需求。工作人員可根據旅客需要安排接機服務。

我會給這家酒店一個“非常好”的評價,因為它比我預期的更好。房間配有小廚房和一個非常漂亮的大陽台。我去的時候是淡季,所以我無法充分欣賞陽台,但這是一個不錯的戶外空間。不太好的是入住過程。我是透過************預訂的,所有通訊上都沒有出租人的名字(我現在忘記了他們的名字,但以A開頭)。我按照要求透過 ********** 進行了適當的溝通或嘗試進行了溝通。我解釋說我是從薩格勒布開車過來的,落地後會讓他們知道,這樣他們就知道什麼時候會等我。那時他們讓我意識到我需要去租賃機構的辦公室,然後被帶到房產。我到達時天已經黑了,大門就在一條主幹道旁,通往一條單行道,我獨自一人在鄉下租了一輛汽車呆了 4 個小時,這沒有什麼幫助。他們沒有透過 ********** 回覆訊息,但也沒有向我提供他們的直接詳細訊息,這對我有很大幫助。最終,我不得不用我的英語手機撥打克羅埃西亞語電話號碼(不知道這要花多少錢),對方很粗魯地問我「那你在哪裡?你沒有遵循指示嗎」。是的,我有過,我只是不知道我是否在正確的地方。那傢伙正在送另一對夫婦去他們的房子,他要我等一下,他會回來接我的。他確實做到了。第一天晚上我把車停在他們的辦公室,因為停車位不清楚。不過第二天我可以把車停在飯店附近,所以這很好。如果我的車在他們那裡,他們會在退房當天再次來接我。這確實對我最初的第一印象產生了負面影響 - 當我說如果給我更多資訊就可以了,那傢伙說我應該用谷歌搜尋它?但谷歌搜尋了什麼?這個過程是有效的,但如果每個人都知道發生了什麼,那就更好了。然後我得到了他們的 watsapp 號碼,這是他們的電話號碼,但同樣,你只有知道了才知道!這使得事情變得更加容易,我可以在結帳時發送訊息。所以,這家飯店很好,地理位置優越。我不想聽起來很消極,但事情需要更清楚——尤其是在使用第三方平台時。
28 則評論
含早餐的飯店配有雙床房的飯店配有 1 張雙人床的飯店具備泳池的飯店可免費取消的飯店
羅塞拉2號公寓和房間別墅 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店
羅塞拉2號公寓和房間別墅 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店羅塞拉2號公寓和房間別墅 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店
距離Wyspa Pulari3.08km
若想要遊覽羅維尼,羅塞拉2號公寓和房間別墅將會是一個不錯的的住宿之選。在該地區觀光很容易,Delfin-szobor、Punta Corrente和Igreja Romanica Da Santissima Trindade都在飯店附近。所有極具特色的客房都配備有空調和衣櫃/衣櫥,讓您感受到更加貼心細緻的入住體驗。飯店提供的體育和休閒設施,旨在為旅客營造多姿多彩的住宿體驗。外國旅客可以通過多國語言工作人員瞭解當地風土人情的相關訊息。

3 則評論
亞得里亞海飯店 - 麥斯特拉精選 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店
亞得里亞海飯店 - 麥斯特拉精選 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店亞得里亞海飯店 - 麥斯特拉精選 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店
距離Wyspa Pulari3.65km
若想要遊覽羅維尼,亞得里亞飯店將會是一個不錯的的住宿之選。旅客們會發現Club Boa、Balbi Arch和羅維尼港距離飯店都不遠。遊客如果想去附近的旅遊景點遊玩,Spiaggia Isola rossa, Rovigno距離飯店大約3km車程。 飯店為您在客房內配備了房內保險箱、空調和衣櫃/衣櫥,所有入住的顧客均可便捷的使用。咖啡壺/茶壺可供使用,便捷的客房設施定能讓您倍感舒適。浴室內提供拖鞋和吹風機,讓您感受到賓至如歸的享受。在空閒的時候,去酒吧喝杯飲品放鬆一下是不錯的選擇。如果旅客想在自己的房間舒適的用餐,飯店可提供客房服務。 相信SPA周到的服務和健身室一流的設施,會讓您擁有別樣的體驗。為了方便旅客,飯店會提供接機服務。

看屠叔事 2019.04.21
41 則評論
波塔安提卡公寓 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店
波塔安提卡公寓 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店波塔安提卡公寓 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店
距離Wyspa Pulari3.66km
波塔安提卡公寓坐落於Rovinj Old Town,優越的地理位置使它成為羅維尼一個令人嚮往的住宿選擇。 在該地區觀光很容易,Club Boa、Casa Della Batana和Batana Eco-Museum都在飯店附近。所有極具特色的客房都配備有空調和衣櫃/衣櫥,讓您感受到更加貼心細緻的入住體驗。電熱水壺可供使用,便捷的客房設施定能讓您倍感舒適。浴室內提供吹風機,讓您感受到賓至如歸的享受。飯店提供的體育和休閒設施,旨在為旅客營造多姿多彩的住宿體驗。外國旅客可以通過多國語言工作人員瞭解當地風土人情的相關訊息。

The room we had (6-Double Room with Sea View-Annex) was in a perfect location - literally steps away from the main Restaurant Row street, 2 minutes to the pier, 3 minutes to the rocky swimming spot and yet close enough to parking (8 minute walk). No less importantly, the hostess was amazing - she responded to our emails instantly (we needed help with parking, etc) and provided recommendations on what to do. The room itself was great, with airconditioning and exposed brick walls and despite having windows looking out over a noisy square (and sea views!) it was quiet! Absolutely loved it and highly recommend.
13 則評論
羅威尼黃房子 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店
羅威尼黃房子 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店羅威尼黃房子 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店
距離Wyspa Pulari3.79km
坐落在Rovinj Old Town,羅威尼黃房子在羅維尼佔盡地理之宜。包括C.B.Schneider Modern Art Gallery、Atelier Győrfi和Galeria Histeria都在短距離內,入住飯店的旅客在該地區遊覽會很方便。飯店對客房的裝飾十分考究,每間設施齊全的客房都配備有熨衣設備、房內保險箱和空調。電熱水壺可供使用,便捷的客房設施定能讓您倍感舒適。浴室內提供吹風機,讓您感受到賓至如歸的享受。旅客可以在閒暇時間去飯店的休閒區,提升健康幸福感。多國語言工作人員的服務,將為您消除在異國的語言障礙。

Ggomawoo 2024.02.12
7 則評論
海瑞緹吉安吉洛多拉飯店 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店
海瑞緹吉安吉洛多拉飯店 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店海瑞緹吉安吉洛多拉飯店 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店
距離Wyspa Pulari3.95km
海瑞緹吉安吉洛多拉飯店坐落於Rovinj Old Town,優越的地理位置使它成為羅維尼一個令人嚮往的住宿選擇。 在該地區觀光很容易,Chapel of the Lady of Health、聖尤菲米亞教堂和Italian Alpine Wall of Croatia都在飯店附近。Mini Croatia位於飯店大約2km。飯店對客房的裝飾十分考究,每間設施齊全的客房都配備有熨衣設備、房內保險箱和空調。浴室內提供拖鞋和吹風機,讓您感受到賓至如歸的享受。閒暇時間在飯店的酒吧喝上一杯,必定是您休憩放鬆的好選擇。如果旅客願意,飯店可以提供滿足需求的客房送餐服務。倘若您覺得飯店的餐飲服務無法滿足您的需求,附近的BARBA DANILO tavern(海鮮)、Louie Louise Restaurant & Cocktails(西餐)和Santa Roma Restaurant(地中海菜)不妨可以試試。飯店提供的體育和休閒設施,旨在為旅客營造多姿多彩的住宿體驗。多國語言工作人員的服務,將為您消除在異國的語言障礙。

訪客用戶 2024.06.19
Adriano and Josip were good shuttle drivers, friendly and helped take or get luggage to our room. Bojana helped us with local travel sight-seeing info and made dinner reservations for us at Maestral as other eestaurant were fully booked as she called or looked online. Eleonora was very helpful with travel info, got ice bucket for us and nice too. The breakfast staff was very nice and the food was great! Most all employees spoke Excellent English. All the employees thanked us for coming here and were truly friendly and nice. Made us feel like VIP's.
9 則評論
普拉瓦拉古納茉莉德里奧飯店 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店
普拉瓦拉古納茉莉德里奧飯店 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店普拉瓦拉古納茉莉德里奧飯店 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店
距離Wyspa Pulari16.99km
不論是商務還是休閒旅客, 普拉瓦拉古納茉莉德里奧飯店都能讓您的波雷奇之行變得更加美好而難忘。到Homochitto National Forest僅需步行很短距離。飯店坐落於Porec Ferry Port邊, 附近還有很多景點包括Obala Marsala Tita和Grada Siofoka Park。飯店對客房的裝飾十分考究, 每間設施齊全的客房都配備有房內保險箱和衣櫃/衣櫥。除此之外, 配備有吹風機的浴室是您消除一天疲勞的好地方。在酒吧點上一杯消除一天的疲勞, 對於旅客來說是一個不錯的休閒選擇。如果您喜歡安靜的用餐, 飯店可以提供房間送餐服務。飯店種類繁多的休閒設施能為每一位下榻於此的您創造多元化的休閒空間, 這其中包括按摩室和室外泳池。飯店的會議廳提供優質服務, 是眾多商旅客選擇入住這裡的原因。顧客如需兌換貨幣, 飯店會為您提供外幣兌換服務。

We have been going to hotel Molindrio for 10 years with my parents and sister and are club members. Every year has been a great experience but that all changed this year. From the beginning the reception has told us every year that we are free to use the beach at hotel Parentium and we are also able to use the white chairs to lie down. We have been doing this ever since. This year we were approached by life guards at the beach asking us why we were using the white chairs if we are not guests of hotel Parentium, because this was not allowed. We explained that we have been doing this for years and had been told by the reception that this was not a problem because we were guests at the sister hotel Molindrio. When we made the reception aware of this altercation with the life guards they first claimed that these chairs were never offerd to us by the reception and that we were lucky that we had not been caught earlier for using these chairs ( which made us feel absolutely horrible, we just did what the reception has told us for years that we could do ), after we explained that we are not lying and have been guest for 10 years and have always been using these chairs they switched up the story and told us that there is a new management and there are new rules so we cannot use these chairs at the beach anymore ( so now we are not liars but the new director has given these orders, reception could have just told us this from the start instead of making us look like liars ). So we had to lie down on the concrete. My dad has a bad back and instead if a relaxing vacation his back got even worse from lying on the hard concrete with just a towel. Absolutely disgraceful! Furthermore the food this year was of very poor quality. The fruit they served was either rotten or without taste, which left us really feeling disappointed especially because we have been coming here for years and have always been so satisfied with the food. Needless to say we will not be coming back anymore after being treated this way. We are very disappointed.
44 則評論
普拉瓦拉古納地中海飯店 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店
普拉瓦拉古納地中海飯店 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店普拉瓦拉古納地中海飯店 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店
距離Wyspa Pulari18.1km
不論是商務還是休閒旅客,普拉瓦拉古納地中海飯店都能讓您的波雷奇之行變得更加美好而難忘。旅客們會發現Homochitto National Forest、Obala Marsala Tita和Grada Siofoka Park距離飯店都不遠。飯店佔盡地理之宜,Sports Center Lotosi、Dinopark Funtana和Damjanic Wines離此都很近。客房內的所有設施都是經過精心的考慮和安排,包括房內保險箱、空調和衣櫃/衣櫥,滿足您入住需求的同時又能增添家的溫馨感。除此之外,配備有吹風機的浴室是您消除一天疲勞的好地方。在空閒的時候,去酒吧喝杯飲品放鬆一下是不錯的選擇。在享受飯店貼心周到的餐飲服務的同時,也別放棄對周邊美味的探索,Sarajevo Grill(其他)、L'insolito(披薩)和Restaurant Divino(其他)也許是可以讓您找到答案的地方。飯店種類繁多的休閒設施能為每一位下榻於此的您創造多元化的休閒空間,這其中包括按摩室和室外泳池。飯店的會議廳將熱情的服務與專業的素質完美地結合在一起。如果時間充裕,旅客可以在禮品廊給好友挑選精緻的禮物。

DDavid F 2024.08.07
We are staying here at the moment having stayed at a great hotel the other side of porec multiple times (Park Resort) and the hotel in itself is not shabby or run down and has decent facilities, but is not really for people with young families. We were given a room which looks like it has come straight from the 80’s with us huge solid wood cupboards and furniture. There could be so much more space if they simply removed this and put some cheap modern furniture in like the ones in the pictures! Needless to say our room looks nothing like the pictures! You also have to pay for a fridge in this hotel too which is another €50 and is not exactly the coldest or most powerful. I asked at reception having known this from other reviews and it’s been added to my bill even though when I got there I think there was already a fridge in there and one next door where my son and mother in law are staying- they haven’t added a fridge but theirs barely works! When I said the fridge was already in there so why should I have to pay I was told that they managed to put it in the room within the minute I walked from reception to room- yeah I doubt that! Sofa bed after spending 20 min removing 10 tonne 1980 cushions and throws and dodging the huge wooden furniture is very uncomfortable. Nowhere to really store suitcases or put buggy The hotel is quite possibly the most inaccessible hotel I have ever stayed in: - there are steps EVERYWHERE and 3 tiny lifts that only go from certain level. - steps by the pool, steps to get to the lift, steps to the restaurant, steps to the bar, steps to all the other bathing and pool areasj - most of the steps are just too wide that you can’t even gradually ease the buggy up so you ok literally have to carry it all the time! - all pool areas have small amount of sun beds which by 11am are all taken and before midday the here are literally no loungers AT ALL - yet most of them are empty for hours at a time if not the whole day - there is only one route down to the sea front and to all the different pools and it’s like a rabbit warren with no simple gates or openings to allow you to move freely between the different spaces. - for example if no sun loungers and want to sit on hammocks or grass, you have to walk all the way round because there are glass divides all around except a single entrance, and you guessed it- more steps!ii There was a stuff around this hotel but not loads and everything is at least a few minute walk. The ‘mini shop’ is pathetic and has no food or drinks really and just full of ‘tat’ and it opens at random times- best off walking a bit to a half decent market. There are a few nice little pebble coves but the sea was horrible with some dirty looking film on it or something right where you would expect to take the kids in normally. Having visited another plava Laguna I wouldn’t stay here again as most of the staff are pretty miserable too compared to the normal people we have come across in previous visits to
43 則評論
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What a wonderful boutique hotel. The staff make you feel very welcome They have parking and come get you and your luggage in a cart. The dining area is partitioned in a way, intimate and multi-leveled. I loved the architecture of it. The breakfast is included and was excellent. I felt like we would have done any better going somewhere else. Our dinner there was fantastic! The menu has somewhat limited choices but everything we had was outstanding! Chef Vuckovic should get a star!
聖靈歷史宮殿飯店 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店
每晚起價: TWD 5545
羅威尼大公園飯店 - 麥斯特拉精選 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店
羅威尼大公園飯店 - 麥斯特拉精選
每晚起價: TWD 9588
RR_LA_BarnThird time at this hotel and we still LOVE it!!! It's designed for young families, to perfection. It's not cheap, but what you get are gorgeous rooms, top class service, amazing food (not repetitive, even over 2 weeks). And a kids club that is out of thir world. It's like all the fun bits of school in a safe and secure environment with highly qualified staff. We caught the road train into the town, which is also beautiful. We also did a few other activities, olive oli tasting at Cadenela and the medieval theme park, both amazing. The camp site next door has had a LOT of investment and more to come that looks very exciting. Even on a rainy day, which we had a couple in 2 weeks, there is still plenty to do. Indoor swimming is big enough to accommodate everyone. The staff and can't do enough for you, they really make this place special.
阿馬林邁斯特拉精選親子飯店 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店
每晚起價: TWD 6501
We made the right decision to take our first trip to Croatia, the right decision to visit Istria, the right decision to stay in Rovinj & absolutely hit the bullseye with Residence Vaal. This is an absolute gem of a property & Denis, Aleksandra and their team, particularly Laura & Aleksandar, could not have done more to make our trip a thoroughly enjoyable one, & to ensure that we want to hurry back. Residence Vaal is extremely comfortable, well equipped and almost surgically clean. The setting, slightly away from the centre of town is peaceful, & it's ideally placed for Cuvi beach. The breakfasts are fresh, varied and generous, and offer a great selection with home-baked daily delicacies. The pool area is an oasis of peace, with added hydromassage! All these tangible attributes are practically perfect, but what really made our trip was the extremely friendly, uber helpful and above-and-beyond service. I cannot recommend Residence Vaal highly enough!
瓦爾住宅飯店 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店
每晚起價: TWD 4516
羅恩飯店 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店
每晚起價: TWD 5850
The Melegran is a quaint boutique hotel. Excellent location to explore the old town, with staff that can't do enough to make your stay fantastic. As we had a car, they came to collect us from the parking area outside the town and took us back in the buggy. It was easy and fun. Rooms are delightful and their signature drinks at the 'speak easy' bar are great. They provided bikes for us to ride to the beach around the other side of the marina, which is a must. Loved our stay and would recommend.
梅勒格朗飯店 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店
每晚起價: TWD 3633
AAlicia Romac非常乾淨,就在市中心。在一個安靜的地方洗熱水澡。當我讀到登記入住的地方不在房間所在的位置時,登記入住就順利了,這是我的錯。
諾伊米客房飯店 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店
每晚起價: TWD 2244
米萊娜公寓 Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店
每晚起價: TWD 3069


Wyspa Pulari附近有哪幾間超熱門飯店?

伊甸飯店 - 麥斯特拉精選,羅威尼大公園飯店 - 麥斯特拉精選羅恩飯店 是幾間最熱門的飯店。

Wyspa Pulari附近有哪幾間豪華飯店?

羅恩飯店,羅威尼大公園飯店 - 麥斯特拉精選蒙特穆里尼全包式飯店 - 只招待成人 - 麥斯特拉精選 是幾間CP值高的熱門豪華飯店。

Wyspa Pulari附近有哪幾間飯店很受背包客歡迎?

無論是商務差旅還是度假散心, RomantikaRomantika 都是價格超值的熱門飯店。

Wyspa Pulari附近飯店的本週末均價約是多少?

根據 Trip.com 的數據分析,於週末入住羅維尼Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店每晚平均價格為 NT$15,397。價格浮動頻繁,僅供參考。

Wyspa Pulari附近有哪幾間飯店提供早餐?

一日之計在於晨,以一頓豐盛美味的早餐展開精彩的一天!如果您想在羅維尼Wyspa Pulari附近找一間提供早餐的飯店,可考慮入住 伊甸飯店 - 麥斯特拉精選,羅威尼大公園飯店 - 麥斯特拉精選羅恩飯店 。記得提前預訂這幾間熱門飯店!

Wyspa Pulari附近飯店的每晚均價約是多少?

根據 Trip.com 的數據分析,羅維尼Wyspa Pulari附近的飯店每晚平均價格為 NT$5,003。價格浮動頻繁,僅供參考。

Wyspa Pulari附近有哪幾間飯店提供免費 Wi-Fi?

無論是商務差旅還是旅行散心,Wi-Fi 都必不可少。 伊甸飯店 - 麥斯特拉精選,羅威尼大公園飯店 - 麥斯特拉精選羅恩飯店 是幾間提供免費 Wi-Fi 的熱門飯店。

Wyspa Pulari附近有哪幾間飯店附帶健身房?

基於許多客人對健康的重視,大部份飯店設有健身房也不足為奇。 伊甸飯店 - 麥斯特拉精選,羅威尼大公園飯店 - 麥斯特拉精選羅恩飯店 是幾間設有健身房的熱門飯店。

Wyspa Pulari附近有幾間無障礙飯店?

羅威尼大公園飯店 - 麥斯特拉精選,羅恩飯店伊斯特拉島飯店 是幾間提供無障礙設施的熱門飯店。

Wyspa Pulari附近有哪幾間飯店有禁煙客房?

很多客人都非常重視入住房間的品質,並希望確保房間空氣清新。 伊甸飯店 - 麥斯特拉精選,羅威尼大公園飯店 - 麥斯特拉精選羅恩飯店 是幾間提供禁菸房的熱門飯店。

Wyspa Pulari附近有哪幾間熱門飯店附設停車場?

如果您計劃自行駕車前往羅維尼Wyspa Pulari,何不入住 伊甸飯店 - 麥斯特拉精選,羅威尼大公園飯店 - 麥斯特拉精選羅恩飯店 ?這幾間熱門飯店都設有停車場。

Wyspa Pulari附近推薦哪幾間飯店?

如果您舉棋不定、難以選擇飯店,不如考慮入住 日出海景飯店,亞得里亞海飯店 - 麥斯特拉精選聖靈歷史宮殿飯店 ,這幾間飯店評論極佳,記得提前預訂!

Wyspa Pulari附近有哪幾間熱門飯店附設泳池?

夏天正是全家大小一齊出遊前往 伊甸飯店 - 麥斯特拉精選,羅威尼大公園飯店 - 麥斯特拉精選羅恩飯店 是幾間設有游泳池的熱門飯店。

Wyspa Pulari附近有哪幾間熱門飯店附設餐廳?

如果您想在旅行中品嘗一下道地美食,您可以考慮入住 伊甸飯店 - 麥斯特拉精選,羅威尼大公園飯店 - 麥斯特拉精選羅恩飯店 。這幾間飯店附近有不少提供當地美食的餐廳。