I booked this hotel on the 31st May 2021, for a two night stay on the 13th and 14th May 2022 via ***********. On the 6th May, my credit card was charged for the full amount. On the 11th May I received a message from *********** that the hotel "could no longer accommodate me due to overbooking". Overbooked? With such a long standing reservation? So why take the payment? This is the weekend of the biggest event in Ronda; the 101 kms 24h La Legion, so all the accommodation for miles around was booked, or at an eye-watering premium. So I ended up sleeping in the sports-centre floor, not in the bed I had reserved 50 weeks prior, and had paid for 5 days ago. I wasn't contacted by the hotel at any point, so obviously what appears to have happened, is that my room was callously resold for more money. Leaving me out of pocket, albeit temporarily, and under stress due to the proximity of my stay. I had to talk my way into staying at the sports centre, my only other option was to sleep in the car. I'd avoid dealing with people like this, as they could easily pull the rug out from under your trip at any time. ...gentuza...