


太棒 4.5+極佳 4.0+佳 3.5+滿意 3.0+


雷克雅維克市中心希爾頓嘉悅裡飯店 fóa附近的飯店
雷克雅維克市中心希爾頓嘉悅裡飯店 fóa附近的飯店雷克雅維克市中心希爾頓嘉悅裡飯店 fóa附近的飯店
雷克雅維克市中心希爾頓天空飯店坐落於雷克雅維克中心地段,距離洛加維格大街僅有數步之遙,步行前往雷克雅維克港口也只需 9 分鐘。 此飯店距離Harpa (哈爾帕) 0.3 英里(0.4 公里),距離哈爾格林姆教堂 0.5 英里(0.9 公里)。您可充分利用健身中心等度假設施,此外還有免費 WiFi和禮賓服務等。此飯店的其他特色包括禮品店/報攤和宴會廳。您可以去Restaurant Geiri Smart餐廳享用地方菜,也可在這裡的酒吧/酒廊小酌一杯,放鬆一下。或者可以待在房間裡,享受客房送餐服務。每天 7:00 至 10:00 提供收費的自助式早餐。特色服務/設施包括24 小時櫃檯服務、多語言服務和行李寄存。有 112 間客房提供冰箱和意式濃縮咖啡機;您定能在旅途中找到家的舒適。您的記憶海綿床墊臥床備有高檔床上用品。提供免費無線網絡,方便您與朋友保持聯繫;另提供 40 英寸液晶電視,可滿足您的娛樂需求。配備淋浴設施的私人浴室提供免費洗浴用品和吹風機。

訪客 2023.05.30
I’m trying to write a balanced review … so here goes … Benefits: Location Clean rooms L’OR coffee machine … but there is a but later on …. Nice chocolate offered on check in but just slapped into my hand! 2 x bottles of water offered again just dumped into my hand no here we are complementary snacks and water on behalf of Canopy Hilton … I found this level of service not good. Set backs: Diamond member - remember a serious amount of money spent at Hilton brand hotels and extreme loyalty to the Hilton brand - No upgrade offered, but suites still Showing on Hilton app for entire stay and on booking.com Canopy Hilton might have shown the same commitment back to top tier members loyalty and in-fact a poor attitude and extremely lacking in customer service on front desk I would say 8/10 times during stay. No milk for L’OR coffee machine only creamer!! No milk for tea in room Poor bathroom amenities no shower cap, no toothbrushes, no razors etc had to ask not great! Housekeeping said they had none … asked at front desk and the Hilton colleague opened a draw full of amenities!!! Making guests go down to reception to beg instead of just providing in room!!! Demonstrates Poor customer service. Then to be told we may not have orange socks or shower caps we may have run out … surely at a top rated brand hotel there is stock take and orders are placed in a timely fashion! Not impressive from Canopy Hilton at all. No orange socks in room, but left bathrobes again poor customer service. No welcome to Canopy Hilton thank you for being a diamond member …. Again poor customer service not recognizing loyalty. No executive lounge - no drinks vouchers given to diamond members as in other Hiltons - seems mean and lacking in customer service. All in all as a diamond member felt a little let down after really looking forward to my trip especially at this brand of Hilton in a great location. Feels run by people who either haven’t been trained adequately, they have no commitment to the Hilton brand or simply just have no idea about hospitality.
60 則評論
SEK 2,513
CityHub 雷克雅維克 fóa附近的飯店
CityHub 雷克雅維克 fóa附近的飯店CityHub 雷克雅維克 fóa附近的飯店
附近很多景點,包括Dead Gallery/Studio、Gallery Gallera和Dillon Whiskey Bar都離飯店不遠。飯店休閒區提供了各類設施,您可以在這裡舒緩身心壓力。24小時開放的櫃檯服務可為您隨時提供訊息,以幫助您探索這個魅力之都。

如果旅館和旅館有一個孩子,那麼你可以確定它的名字將是 Cityhub!這是一家旅館,但有酒店的氛圍。 我將根據我的意見分解評論 位置(5/5 星) 嗯,它不叫 VillageHub,對嗎?所以是的,它位於市中心,靠近所有酒吧和餐廳。從長遠來看,在拐角處您會發現著名的 Lebowski 酒吧(我確信您已經將其記在您的清單上)。您只需步行即可到達市內所有其他旅遊景點。 停車(無評級) 如果您不打算在冰島開車,您可以跳過這一部分。對於那些租車的人來說,在雷克雅未克停車是一場噩夢,如果幸運的話,在 Cityhub 外您會找到幾個停車位。我從來不了解冰島的停車系統,所以我偷懶把車停在距離這個地方一箭之遙的多層停車場。我把車停在那裡過夜大約花了 12 - 14 英鎊。 工作人員(5/5 星) 我的預訂遇到了一些麻煩,不得不重新預訂,但這不是 CityHub 的錯。工作人員非常冷靜,樂於助人,讓我放鬆。在我逗留期間,我與一些人進行了互動,他們都超級棒!我注意到他們會竭盡全力幫助客人解決與該地方無關的問題。他們總是與客人交談並分享他們的經驗。勞倫幫我辦理入住手續並帶我參觀了設施。她推薦了一些城市週邊的景點,它們並沒有讓人失望。我覺得我們繳的城市稅應該歸勞倫!伊莎貝拉非常冷靜,也很樂於助人,主要負責冰島周圍的事情,並解決了我的預訂問題,順便說一句,這與她和酒店無關。茱莉亞和艾莉亞也提供了幫助。絕對是公司有價值的資產!幹得好,團隊! 物業和設施 (5/5) 事情是這樣的,該物業標識為旅館,但實際上不是。讓我告訴你原因。他們沒有雙層床,而是巧妙設計了雙層床,就像俄羅斯方塊中的兩個「L」。每個吊艙兩側均配有舒適的床墊和 USB 充電埠。床尾有足夠的空間放置兩個中型行李箱。您還有兩個插頭、一張桌子、一個架子和帶衣架的欄桿。毛巾也包括在內。房間的牆上還有一個手機支架,我個人用它來觀看足球比賽,但不要讓我妨礙你對此的想像。 男女有獨立的公共淋浴間和衛生間。它們總是一塵不染,並備有「Rituals」沐浴露和洗髮精。我住過五星級飯店,但他們也不提供像這樣香味濃鬱的產品! 飯店擁有 93 間客房,屋頂設有一個熱水浴缸,可輕鬆容納 5 人。大廳下方設有廚房和用餐區。設施齊全,配有冰箱、微波爐和咖啡機
46 則評論
SEK 830
雷克雅維克公寓飯店 fóa附近的飯店
雷克雅維克公寓飯店 fóa附近的飯店雷克雅維克公寓飯店 fóa附近的飯店
雷克雅維克公寓飯店坐落於雷克雅維克中心地段,距離洛加維格大街僅有數步之遙,步行前往雷克雅維克港口也只需 14 分鐘。 此公寓飯店距離哈爾格林姆教堂 0.3 英里(0.5 公里),距離Harpa (哈爾帕) 0.5 英里(0.8 公里)。您可到露台和花園欣賞美景,還可利用免費 WiFi等服務和設施。此藝術裝飾風格公寓飯店還提供禮賓服務和自動售貨機。在忙碌的一天後,不妨去酒吧/酒廊輕鬆一下。特色服務/設施包括免費高速有線上網、電腦站點和快速退房。設有收費的24 小時往返機場班車。有 63 間客房提供備有冰箱和爐灶的簡易廚房;您定能在旅途中找到家的舒適。您的加厚層臥床備有羽絨被。帶有衛星頻道的 40 英寸LED 電視可滿足您的娛樂需求;同時提供免費無線網絡,方便您與朋友保持聯繫。便利設施包括保險箱和微波爐,以及帶有免費市內通話的電話。

訪客 2023.03.28
Awesome apartment hotel with well equipped kitchen ,hairdryer,iron , iron board n all required items place .Breakfast breakfast daily delivery to the apartment have amazing items like different cheese ,butter ,jam ,fruits (daily different) ,yogurt and fresh bakery bread was delivered at the doorstep.We felt like home away from home .cherry on the cake was Auro Borealis which we could see last of our stay from rooftop window.Thanks a lot for making our holiday such a memorable experience.
73 則評論
SEK 1,632
含早餐的飯店配有雙床房的飯店配有 1 張雙人床的飯店具備泳池的飯店可免費取消的飯店
雷克雅維克艾迪遜飯店 fóa附近的飯店
雷克雅維克艾迪遜飯店 fóa附近的飯店雷克雅維克艾迪遜飯店 fóa附近的飯店
The Reykjavik EDITION(雷克雅維克版)位於雷克雅維克雷克雅維克市中心,距離Harpa (哈爾帕)僅數步之遙,距離雷克雅維克港口也只有 9 分鐘步行路程。 此豪華飯店距離洛加維格大街 0.2 英里(0.3 公里),距離哈爾格林姆教堂 0.7 英里(1.2 公里)。您可到 SPA 慰勞一下自己,這裡提供按摩、身體護理和麵部護理。此飯店的其他設施包括免費 WiFi、禮賓服務和宴會廳。您可以到飯店的Tides Restaurant餐廳用餐,這裡供應午餐和晚餐。此外您還可以去咖啡館用餐,或者待在房間裡,享受部分時段客房送餐服務。這裡有 3 間酒吧/酒廊供您選擇,可以喝一杯,放鬆一下。每天 7:00 至 11:00 提供收費的即點即煮早餐。特色服務/設施包括免費高速有線上網、乾洗/洗衣服務和24 小時櫃檯服務。這家飯店擁有 4 間會議室,可用來舉辦活動。飯店提供收費自助停車。有 253 間客房提供迷你吧和平板電視;您定能在旅途中找到家的舒適。提供免費無線網絡,方便您與朋友保持聯繫;有線頻道可滿足您的娛樂需求。配備浴缸或淋浴的私人浴室提供大花灑淋浴噴頭和免費洗浴用品。便利設施包括電話,以及保險箱和茶具/咖啡用具。

訪客 2023.06.12
Most probably the best hotel in Reykjavik, modern, new, everything in great condition and with a great location. That being said it is a very expensive hotel even for Icelandic standards. So let me start with the highlights of this hotel: - Very comfortable and great materials condition. - AC with individual room adjustable temperature is a great plus for Iceland. - I got the basic room and it felt big enough, modern and super clean. The bathroom was also big but there was no bathtub unfortunately. Great comfortable bed and sheets. - Le Labo bath products are truly amazing. One of the best I ever tried! I also appreciated that for ecologic reasons they weren't in non reusable small plastic bottles. - The rooms are silent and relaxing. I would change the black TV furniture as black always highlight the dust on it.. even when the room is nicely cleaned. - The breakfast is big and overall with good quality. But daily variation should be bigger. - The location is perfect to stroll along the shops and walking distance to the most important city spots. - The spa is beautiful and very interesting. Probably the most well designed small spa in a city hotel I have ever seen. Complimentary use of the spa is a very nice touch indeed. Although it was a really good expericence in no way this was a perfect stay specially when the price tag is considered: - The hall and corridors cleaning left too much to be desirable. At least at 3rd floor corridor there was dust, earth and stains that remained for the whole 3 night stay. It is strange as the rooms are really well cleaned (maybe it's a different team? maybe someone forgot that the corridors are also to be cleaned?). - The reception. It is always busy and sometimes feels chaotic at the proper hotel entrance. I also felt that some guest were treated differently and with more care. I got no welcome drink or even the suggestion to leave the bags. That's ok for me but then I realized the guest next to me was immediately offered all of this. I mean.. consistency is important at this level. - Hidden fees. Ok maybe it was a misunderstanding but when we arrived we were told that the hotel had valet parking only. But nobody told us the extortion each night of it. At the chekout there it was though. Also in the breakfast there was no specific tag with the champagne price but after I filled a glass with it a waiter quickly send me the bill to sign. I mean it is very bad to mix not included stuff in the buffet. Also every egg besides the scramble had a price tag. I mean for almost 700 euros a night is it reasonable to charge for a egg toast?. - The room curtains. Beautifull but totally off for iceland summer status (2-3hours of darkness). Light comes in in every curtain fold so it is impossible to cover it. Every night I woke up several times due to too much outdoor light in the rooms. This should be quickly addressed. It honestly really bothered me. - The spa only opens at 12h00 meaning you cannot use it
74 則評論
SEK 5,575
廣場中心飯店 fóa附近的飯店
廣場中心飯店 fóa附近的飯店廣場中心飯店 fóa附近的飯店
中央廣場飯店坐落於雷克雅維克中心地段,距離雷克雅維克港口和洛加維格大街不到 5 分鐘步行路程。 此飯店距離Harpa (哈爾帕) 0.4 英里(0.7 公里),距離哈爾格林姆教堂 0.8 英里(1.2 公里)。您可利用免費 WiFi、禮賓服務和公共區電視等便利服務和設施。您可以在飯店的咖啡館享用美味餐點,或者去雜貨店/便利店找點吃的。在忙碌的一天後,不妨去酒吧/酒廊輕鬆一下。每天 7:00 至 10:00 提供收費的自助式早餐。特色服務/設施包括商務中心、乾洗/洗衣服務和24 小時櫃檯服務。計劃在雷克雅維克舉辦活動?這家飯店擁有 160 平方米(1722 平方英尺)的空間,包括會議中心和會議室。有 255 間客房提供迷你吧和平板電視;您定能在旅途中找到家的舒適。提供免費無線網絡,方便您與朋友保持聯繫;有線頻道可滿足您的娛樂需求。浴室提供浴缸或淋浴和吹風機。便利設施包括書桌和茶具/咖啡用具,以及帶有免費市內通話的電話。

LLiuyongkai 2024.06.18
前台接待辦理很快,通過護照確認入住人即可很便捷。 一進門房間十分乾淨,熱水壺 淋浴 洗手間應有盡有(北歐很多酒店可能都是公共浴室和廁所的,要看清楚酒店房間介紹) 淋浴的熱水很舒服有點像國內北方澡堂子沖澡的感覺 第二天的早餐屬於是美式早餐自助,吃的個人感覺挺豐富的,值得好評
127 則評論
SEK 1,770
雷克雅維克阿爾達飯店 fóa附近的飯店
雷克雅維克阿爾達飯店 fóa附近的飯店雷克雅維克阿爾達飯店 fóa附近的飯店
雷克雅維克阿爾達飯店坐落於雷克雅維克中心地段,距離雷克雅維克港口和洛加維格大街不到 5 分鐘車程。 此飯店距離遜德侯林 0.2 英里(0.4 公里),距離Skólavörðustígur (斯科拉沃杜斯蒂古爾) 0.3 英里(0.5 公里)。一定要享受一下SPA 浴缸、桑拿和健身中心等度假設施。此飯店的其他特色包括免費 WiFi、禮賓服務和美髮沙龍。您可以到服務雷克雅維克阿爾達飯店房客的Brass Kitchen & Bar享用美餐;也可以去小吃吧/熟食店逛逛。在忙碌的一天後,不妨去酒吧/酒廊輕鬆一下。每天 7:00 至 10:00 提供收費的自助式早餐。特色服務/設施包括乾洗/洗衣服務、24 小時櫃檯服務和多語言服務。飯店的 90 間客房定能讓您在旅途中找到家的舒適。提供免費無線網絡,方便您與朋友保持聯繫;有線頻道可滿足您的娛樂需求。配備淋浴設施的私人浴室提供名牌洗護用品和吹風機。便利設施包括保險箱和書桌,以及帶有免費市內通話的電話。

MMiss Michaela J 2020.01.21
如果您打算遊覽#reykjavikiceland,我強烈建議您預訂#aldahotel。  1。它位於大街#laugavegur的#reykavik市中心,附近有數不清的酒吧,餐館,公共汽車,短途旅行接送等。 。  2。工作人員真是太棒了!他們回答了我們所有的問題,給出了很好的建議,非常愉快和風度翩翩。  3。您會在整個住宿期間使用手機。這對我能夠進行GPS定位並打電話給前台安排從城市任何地方的出租車接駁服務很有幫助。 。  4。這家餐廳很棒,他們每天都喝歡樂時光特價。 。  5。理髮店的處所。雖然降價從60美元開始。  6。健身設施雖小,但非常好。 。  7。 @sandholtreykjavik是我一生中經歷過的最好的麵包店之一。
73 則評論
SEK 1,666
勞加弗格爾中央飯店 fóa附近的飯店
勞加弗格爾中央飯店 fóa附近的飯店勞加弗格爾中央飯店 fóa附近的飯店
勞加弗格爾中央飯店是雷克雅維克新開的飯店之一,於2019-04-30正式運營。旅客們會發現陽具博物館、Museum of Natural History和Hlemmur Bus Terminal距離飯店都不遠。飯店為您在客房內配備了熨衣設備、空調和衣櫃/衣櫥,所有入住的顧客均可便捷的使用。服務人員會提前為您準備好電熱水壺和咖啡壺/茶壺,以滿足您的飲水需求。倘若您在忙碌的一天後想在自己的客房內放鬆,提供24小時熱水的客房浴室是不錯的選擇。在空閒的時候,去酒吧喝杯飲品放鬆一下是不錯的選擇。如果旅客想在自己的房間舒適的用餐,飯店可提供客房服務。若是覺得飯店的餐飲無法滿足您挑剔的味蕾,附近MATUR OG DRYKKUR(西餐)的煙燻羊肉、Fish Company(Fiskfélagið Veitingahús)(海鮮)的薰醃三文魚和Frederiksen Ale House(酒吧/酒館)的烤羊小腿或許能勾起您的食慾。對於顧客來說,可以在健身室享受鍛鍊的樂趣。飯店的商務中心將熱情的服務與專業的素質完美地結合在一起。24小時開放的櫃檯服務可為您隨時提供訊息,以幫助您探索這個魅力之都。

CChatterbox2019 2020.02.02
我們在參觀雷克雅未克時在這裡住了3晚,這是旅行的理想基地,因為它在9號巴士站外。 該酒店本身是新的和現代的,房間很小,足夠。最初,我們在路邊有個很小的房間,就在公交車站上方,路邊的喧鬧聲很大,床被推到了窗戶,所以您只能站在一側。我們要求搬家,他們找到了一個面向庭院的房間,房間相對安靜得多。早餐是基本的,每天都是一樣的,咖啡是來自過濾器的,像許多其他酒店一樣,用機器喝一杯拿鐵咖啡真是太好了。我們沒有在酒店用餐,因為附近還有很多其他餐館,但是我們確實在酒吧喝了一杯啤酒,這是啤酒的平均價格,但雞尾酒比當地貴很多。主要的購物街不是您在歐洲的平均街道,因為這裡有很多精品店,沒有任何知名的品牌,這很好,這家酒店不在市政廳附近的市中心,步行20分鐘即可到達。在最後一天,我們無意間留下了“請勿懷疑”標誌,當我們下午4點回到家時,我們詢問是否可以整理房間,並告知所有住家的人要把那套房子回家,我們發現這與其他酒店不一樣一直待在家裡直到深夜,這並不是一個大問題,因為他們給了我們乾淨的毛巾。
106 則評論
SEK 2,017
雷克雅維克成功濱海飯店 fóa附近的飯店
雷克雅維克成功濱海飯店 fóa附近的飯店雷克雅維克成功濱海飯店 fóa附近的飯店
雷克雅維克碼頭 - 成功冰島飯店坐落於雷克雅維克中心地段,距離雷克雅維克港口僅有數步之遙,步行前往洛加維格大街也只需 9 分鐘。 此飯店距離Harpa (哈爾帕) 0.5 英里(0.9 公里),距離哈爾格林姆教堂 1 英里(1.7 公里)。您可利用免費 WiFi、禮賓服務和美髮沙龍等便利服務和設施。此飯店的其他特色包括大廳壁爐、宴會廳和自動售貨機。您可以去Slippbarinn餐廳享用美味的斯堪的納維亞菜,或者在這裡的酒吧/酒廊小酌幾杯,欣賞海洋景色。每天 7:00 至 10:00 提供收費的自助式早餐。特色服務/設施包括商務中心、乾洗/洗衣服務和24 小時櫃檯服務。飯店有 147 間客房,提供液晶電視。提供免費無線網絡,方便您與朋友保持聯繫;衛星頻道可滿足您的娛樂需求。配備淋浴設施的私人浴室提供大花灑淋浴噴頭和吹風機。便利設施包括電話,以及保險箱和書桌。

KKaren H 2024.09.23
This hotel is very pricey although in a good location which is easy to walk into town. The rooms are quite small, but clean and tidy. We did not stay to eat as the cost of one drink was enough. It is in the old marina area not the cruise ship area - in case that is what you are looking for. there is only one old slow lift so don't be in a hurry. For the cost I would have thought breakfast would have been included. once we worked out the cost of breakfast we went into the village and bought some yougurt.
133 則評論
SEK 1,215
雷克雅維克成功自然飯店 fóa附近的飯店
雷克雅維克成功自然飯店 fóa附近的飯店雷克雅維克成功自然飯店 fóa附近的飯店
雷克雅維克自然 - 成功冰島飯店位於雷克雅維克,鄰近機場,距離哈爾格林姆教堂和洛加維格大街不到 5 分鐘車程。 此飯店距離雷克雅維克港口 1.9 英里(3.1 公里),距離Harpa (哈爾帕) 1.7 英里(2.8 公里)。您可充分利用飯店提供的度假設施,例如健身俱樂部、熱水浴缸和桑拿。此飯店的其他特色包括免費 WiFi、禮賓服務和禮品店/報攤。您可以到服務雷克雅維克自然 - 成功冰島飯店房客的Satt Restaurant享用美餐;也可以去小吃吧/熟食店逛逛。在忙碌的一天後,不妨去酒吧/酒廊輕鬆一下。每天 7:00 至 10:00 提供收費的自助式早餐。特色服務/設施包括商務中心、豪華轎車或公務車服務和乾洗/洗衣服務。這家飯店的活動設施包括會議中心和會議室。飯店提供免費自助停車。有 220 間客房提供冰箱;您定能在旅途中找到家的舒適。提供免費無線網絡,方便您與朋友保持聯繫;衛星頻道可滿足您的娛樂需求。配備浴缸或淋浴的私人浴室提供名牌洗護用品和吹風機。便利設施包括電話,以及書桌和茶具/咖啡用具。

TTony H 2019.11.07
您不會指望這會很安靜,但儘管如此-儘管離國內飛機場很近。值得慶幸的是,沒有太多的進出流量,那裡沒有干擾。房間非常乾淨,照顧得很好,餐廳/酒吧在早餐和晚餐時有很多選擇,而且水療中心非常安靜-當我們參觀時,在任何時候衹有2個人,因此感覺非常私密和放鬆。請要求您的居民折扣。 工作人員都很樂於助人並且令人愉快,但您應該提出問題-例如,我們的預訂包括所有食品和飲料的15%折扣,但這不是自動的,我們不得不對此進行詢問,並發現您每天都需要索取代金券。同樣,在我們的預訂中添加早餐也可以,但是幸運的是,我們在抵達當天提出要求,並因此獲得了不錯的折扣。 定期的免費穿梭巴士往返城鎮意味着出城地點不是問題-可以步行,但僅當您喜歡步行時才行。遊覽和旅行將在這裏接送或使用班車接您,並且他們會在接待處發出關於北極光查看條件的通知,並可能簽約旅行。附近的地熱海灘和露天溫泉很容易步行且便宜。 像往常一樣,在雷克雅未克使用每晚的歡樂時光來獲取飲料的物有所值。 總而言之,這是一個非常令人滿意的住宿。
91 則評論
SEK 1,483
希爾頓雷克雅維克諾迪飯店 fóa附近的飯店
希爾頓雷克雅維克諾迪飯店 fóa附近的飯店希爾頓雷克雅維克諾迪飯店 fóa附近的飯店
希爾頓雷克雅維克諾帝卡飯店位於雷克雅維克豪瓦雷提,距離洛加維格大街和Harpa (哈爾帕)不到 5 分鐘車程。 此SPA飯店距離雷克雅維克港口 2.5 英里(4 公里),距離哈爾格林姆教堂 1.8 英里(2.9 公里)。到全方位服務的 SPA 放鬆一下;在這裡,您可以享受按摩。一定要去體驗健身俱樂部和桑拿等度假設施。此飯店還提供免費 WiFi、禮賓服務和禮品店/報攤。您可以去VOX餐廳吃點便餐,也可在這裡的酒吧/酒廊小酌一杯輕鬆一下。還可以選擇待在房間裡,享受 24 小時送餐服務。每天 7:00 至 10:00 提供收費的自助式早餐。特色服務/設施包括商務中心、乾洗/洗衣服務和24 小時櫃檯服務。這家飯店的活動設施包括會議場地和會議室。飯店提供免費自助停車。有 252 間客房提供冰箱;您定能在旅途中找到家的舒適。提供免費有線和無線上網,方便您與朋友保持聯繫;另提供有線頻道,可滿足您的娛樂需求。私人浴室提供免費洗浴用品和吹風機。便利設施包括電話,以及可存放筆記本電腦的保險箱和書桌。

訪客 2023.07.11
128 則評論
SEK 1,732


過去 30 天內最熱銷的fóa附近飯店
弗朗飯店 fóa附近的飯店
87 則評論


雷克雅未克 | 距離fóa0.2KM
斯科雅德佈雷德中央飯店 fóa附近的飯店
111 則評論


雷克雅未克 | 距離fóa0.12KM
"Good Location"
雷伊公寓 fóa附近的飯店
112 則評論


雷克雅未克 | 距離fóa0.22KM
B14 公寓客房飯店 fóa附近的飯店
17 則評論

B14 公寓客房飯店

雷克雅未克 | 距離fóa0.03KM
"Good Location"
中心飯店的Thingholt飯店公寓 fóa附近的飯店
63 則評論


雷克雅未克 | 距離fóa0.1KM
"Good Location"
辛霍爾特中央飯店 fóa附近的飯店
103 則評論


雷克雅未克 | 距離fóa0.08KM
"Good Location"
克洛普中央飯店 fóa附近的飯店
106 則評論


雷克雅未克 | 距離fóa0.18KM
"Good Location"


古爾德斯梅登島飯店 fóa附近的飯店


每晚起價:SEK 1,316
訪客用戶This was my second visit to Iceland, hostel is very nice and comfy. Convenient bus pick-up point to go anywhere you want. Staff was helpful, especially young man whose was first day on Monday when I was checking-in. His enthusaism made me feel very welcome and made our stay feel like a 5 star hotel! See you next year Bus Hostel!!
雷克雅維克巴士旅舍 fóa附近的飯店


每晚起價:SEK 296
訪客Kex… Ugh such a frustrating review to write. I really wanted to like the Kex hostel it has its good points, but overall was the worst hostel stay I have had in Iceland. I’ll give you my very detailed opinion. The Bad… -Lacking in the toilet paper department!!! We were on floor 4 there were several private bathrooms with showers and also separate locker room style bathrooms. At 7:30 AM I ran to the bathroom after finishing my business realized there was no TP! Ugh. Anyway afterwards I looked through the different open stalls with toilets. Only 3 toilets on the whole 4th floor had TP! To me having adequate TP is an essential thing. The bathrooms weren’t restocked until 10AM ish. And we aren’t even in peak tourist season. We mentioned the issue to the staff and they said “just call next time you need something” kinda hard to “just call” when you have already done your business in the bathroom and you need something to wipe with! They need to have staff check the bathrooms more frequently. -The kitchen is sad in the “equipment” department. One of the reasons we stay at hostels is to cook our own food. Maybe they are trying to push buying food from their restaurant. I get that they get a lot of traffic. But the cooking pan selection is -Terrible- nasty old pans that the thrift shop would discard. Janky handles, and interior coating mega gouged out. Don’t come here expecting to cook at least on level 4. -No way to make coffee!!! Again they probably want you to pay for their breakfast. But there is no option to make coffee. No coffee pot, machine, or way to make a filter pour over etc. Don’t bring coffee grounds expecting to make your morning brew. There was an electric kettle, but again no way to make coffee unless you brought instant. -The showers need a good bleach and scrub. The walls had black mold growing on them. Considering the fact that Kex was our most expensive hostel in Iceland (we paid 20,906 for a private double, with linens, and shared bathrooms…or $153 US) compare Kex to the Svjarborg in Stykkisholmer $90 US or Halfdan HI Hostel $63 US ( in both we had a private double & shared bath) but both were awesome and had a fully equipped kitchen with decent quality pots, options to make coffee, and plenty of toilet paper. I understand that being in the city we can expect to pay more. BUT I expect that price to include: -enough toilet paper -a means to make coffee -decent cookware. The good… -The location is great. Easy walking distance to the main shops/streets. And the ocean right across the highway. -Awesome “vibe” cool decor, lots of couches/lounge areas. -Entertaining/Social. In the evening there was group song trivia in the main area, and in another a live band. -Our room a private double with shared bathroom was large, and we slept well. (Note: I have never stayed in a “quiet” hostel so I always travel with a sleep soundtrack on my phone and a melatonin) -The staff was all polite In conclusion, I have traveled on 4 contine
客可思青年旅館 fóa附近的飯店


每晚起價:SEK 237
奧德松市中心飯店 fóa附近的飯店


每晚起價:SEK 1,471
訪客I recently stayed at Hotel Holt in Reykjavík and unfortunately, it didn't live up to my expectations. Despite being clean, the hotel looked very different from the pictures and felt extremely dated. It had more of a horror hotel vibe than the quirky atmosphere I was hoping for. Considering the price of nearly €300 per night for a 4-star hotel, I expected certain basic amenities that were missing. Firstly, there were no blackout curtains, so it was uncomfortably bright throughout the night - the sun does not set in Iceland. Secondly, the lack of proper ventilation made the room extremely hot, and even though I didn't expect air conditioning, a fully openable window or a fan would have been appreciated. Additionally, the absence of a fridge in the room was surprising for a 4* hotel. The quality of the pillows was subpar and cheap, providing little comfort. On top of that, I experienced noisy staff early in the morning. At 6 am, two staff members were engaged in a loud conversation outside our room, making it feel as if they were right there with us. Overall, my experience at Hotel Holt was a disappointment. I had expected more from a 4-star hotel, especially considering the price I paid.
霍爾特飯店 fóa附近的飯店


每晚起價:SEK 1,557
訪客We stayed for 3 nights b&b in April. We arrived early and our allocated rooms weren't all ready but the reception staff amended our room so that we could check in. We also received a room upgrade to a balcony room on the top floor. The room was spacious, good size bathroom and comfortable bed. There was plenty of wardrobe space but no drawers to store smaller items. There was just one issue with the rooms on the top floor, which was they were very hot. Even with the radiators turned off, the staff advised that the heat from the lower rooms rise and can make them warm. There are just 2 small top windows so didn't allow much cooler air to circulate. There was a good selection at breakfast with English and continental breakfast options, tea, coffee, water and fresh fruit juices. The restaurant food was also good and comparable prices to in Reykjavik centre. Good service from the breakfast and restaurant/ bar staff. We used the spa on one of the days and enjoyed this. There are seperate saunas in the male and female changing rooms, with joint hot tub (not jacuzzi), warm small pool and small cold plunge pool. There are seating areas in the pool area with drink service. Towels and robes are provided. The hotel is located outside of Reykjavik centre and about 30 mins walk into the centre. There are a few supermarkets locally, we didn't find any within a short walking distance but there might be some around. The hotel benefits from free parking right outside and we didn't have an issue with the space being full. This was a good location for us as a base to explore the island. The hotel was clean and well equipped to meet our needs. The only issue was the heat in the bedrooms, but apart from that we had an enjoyable stay.
島嶼飯店–水療及健康飯店 fóa附近的飯店


每晚起價:SEK 1,341
訪客Check-in was pretty smooth. I was allocated the room just above the main entrance as such, it can be quite noisy whenever people get in or out of the hostel with the door slamming and some vibration felt! The bathroom and wc are fairly clean and tidy. Very cosy common area to mingle and make new friends. Kitchen has all the basic necessity. I especially like the small area right outside my room where i can have a light meal and nice view of the surroundings. Bought the unlimited bus rides ticket via the Klappid app for travel within the Reykjavik capital city and bus svc 12 is just few steps away. If time permits, you can even walk to the coastal area for sight-seeing. Overall, i am very satisfied with my 8 nights stay at Laekur hostel!
勒庫爾旅舍 fóa附近的飯店


每晚起價:SEK 374
他們沒有接待處,是自助入住。您前一天收到一封帶有門碼和說明的電子郵件。電子郵件建議您可以將行李存放在安全的房間。早上9.00下船的時候很棒 但是下午3點辦理入住 一定要給酒店打電話 因爲行李房密碼沒有包含在他們的郵件裏 牀很舒服 房間很乾淨 比我想象的要大但是衛生間太小了,門關上很難坐上廁所,不可能站在浴室裏把自己從淋浴中幹。臥室區域需要有一面鏡子進行梳妝,因爲浴室裏一次只有一間房間。步行距離內有兩家價格合理的餐館(冰島價格)。
阿斯卡飯店 fóa附近的飯店


每晚起價:SEK 1,157
AAti960飯店位於雷克雅未克,地理位置優越,房間和浴室寬敞乾淨,地板上舖有鑲木地板。 改造工程正在進行中,以改善環境。 早餐可以接受,客房工作人員非常友好和樂於助人。
22山飯店 fóa附近的飯店


每晚起價:SEK 966
極光旅館 fóa附近的飯店


每晚起價:SEK 959


我該如何在 Trip.com 上預訂飯店?

在 Trip.com 上預訂飯店,只要在頁面上輸入目的地、出遊日期和旅客人數即可。接著瀏覽有空房的飯店,再選取您想預訂的飯店。依系統提示來輸入您的付款資訊並完成預訂。

如何在 Trip.com 找到飯店優惠?

Trip.com 提供多種方式,讓您輕鬆找出價格實惠的飯店。您可以設定自己偏好的價格範圍,即可篩選並縮小飯店搜尋結果;或是依照價格來排序飯店,先查看最便宜的選項。

我能在 Trip.com 何處找到飯店優惠?

Trip.com 全年提供多樣的飯店折扣及優惠活動。您可以在我們的優惠頁面輕鬆找到這些特殊折扣。此外,如果您是我們忠誠度計畫的會員,只要登入自己的帳號就能在飯店列表頁面上找到獨家折扣。



Trip.com 上有幾間飯店?

在 Trip.com 有超過 230 個國家或地區的 5,000,000 多家飯店。還沒想到要預訂哪家飯店?瀏覽我們的網站就知道!

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這取決於飯店政策及取消日期。請到相關飯店頁面查看政策部分。若要取消或變更預訂,請先登入您的 Trip.com 帳號、找到「所有訂單」,再依照說明完成即可。

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您可以前往 Trip.com 的「顧客服務中心」,聯繫 Trip.com 的 24 小時全年無休客服,再提交申請即可。根據您所在位置,也可以透過電話或聊天服務來聯繫客服人員。