正在查找The Landing附近的飯店嗎?先看看實際住過的旅客怎麼說。


探索我們在The Landing附近的熱門飯店




4.6/5133 評價


Frankton|距離The Landing1.36km
“Sudima Queenstown Five Mile” -is in Queenstown, right? The name seems pretty clear. It’s shown as being in “Queenstown Central” which is in central Queenstown, right? The name seems pretty clear on that point too. Close to the lake perhaps, looking towards the mountains, near the Queenstown bars and restaurants? WRONG. WRONG. “Queenstown Central” is not in central Queenstown. It’s the name of a shopping centre outside of Frankton, next door to the airport, surrounded by massive carparks, supermarkets, K Mart etc and about 50m off the main State Highway 6A. Hence the “Sudima Queenstown Five Mile”, despite the name, is 7.6 km from Queenstown according to Google maps (or a $50+ taxi ride away, as I can tell you from frequent experience) and about as far away from the experience or the convenience of staying in central Queenstown as you can get. Close to the lake perhaps, looking towards the mountains, near the Queenstown bars and restaurants – in your DREAMS. Having booked in a hurry and taking at face value the name(s) described the reality, we were stuck at this hotel for three nights. On arriving we were given an “underground carpark pass”, meaning that as an elderly couple we had to park 5-10 minutes’ walk away from the hotel in an isolated underground location, walking through deserted carparks late at night or early in the morning. (As we were checking out, we discovered that the receptionist could have simply noted our car registration number and for the duration of our stay we could have parked in the massive carpark immediately outside the hotel door.) We were given Room 223 for our stay, which I found overlooked the massive nearby roundabout on the main State Highway 6A (meaning trucks would be audibly braking at all hours), with a view to K Mart, I went back to the desk and asked for a room away from the Highway. We were moved to Room 214. On entering Room 214, I discovered a woman lying on the bed, semi-undressed, on the telephone. I quickly backed out of the room and went straight down to reception, where I was told, “that’s odd, someone mustn’t have updated the system”. I went back to Room 214, knocked on the door and apologised to the occupants, explaining what had happened. All attempts to find another hotel to stay in were unsuccessful; there were no vacancies at such short notice. We stayed in Room 223, but tried to be out of the hotel as much as humanly possible. I had booked restaurants in Queenstown – full degustation menus with matching wines, for every night we stayed - meaning I couldn’t drive, and we consequently were paying an extra $100-130+ per night to go to dinner and return to the ‘carpark-hotel’. Had the room we stayed in been in a hotel located in central Queenstown then it would have been a pleasant experience, but what we experienced was simply awful. Might the name of both the hotel and the shopping centre mislead people who are booking a stay in Queenstown? I will leave it to you to decide.



正在尋找The Landing附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
4.1/520 評價
絕對令人難以置信的單位!一切都被考慮,單位是寬敞的,位於湖邊的台階。我們不能故障!洗衣機和烘乾機,烘乾架,洗碗機和所有提供液體以及所有mod cons!服務很棒!一個很棒的歡迎籃,通過WhatsApp隨時都可以輕鬆到達。肯定會是我們今後的住宿地!:) 謝謝元素讓我們的假期記憶!
4.5/560 評價
雖然這是一家被評爲豪華酒店的酒店,但有一些功能不能證明這個頭銜是合理的。房間佈置得很好,非常舒適,大多數都有美麗的湖景。然而,有一些事情令人惱火。到達時提供咖啡,然後意識到你必須爲此付出代價,每天要足夠的茶和咖啡,並且總是要要求更多的牛奶。客房服務菜單非常有限,說時不可用。我們不得不訂購一個帶手提包的早早餐,沒有牛奶或酸奶。吃 muesli 幹不好玩!顯然,他們用完了酸奶?我相信,當這些小細節被熨平時,里斯將真正被歸類爲豪華酒店。
皇后鎮卓越公園假日飯店, IHG飯店
4.6/597 評價
8.2到達機場被通知航班取消後,我們就近訂了距離機場最近的Holiday Inn,沒想到收穫了意想不到的驚喜服務👍👍 8.2當天下午值班的馬來西亞籍工作人員很nice(很抱歉沒有問她的姓名),得知我們7人衹訂了兩間房是為了第二天趕早班機過渡,主動聯繫領導申請加床,讓我們兩個家庭花更少的錢,睡得更舒適;另外一位馬來西亞籍工作人員Rachael也很負責,事無鉅細地幫我們查詢滑雪夜場的價格,查詢出租滑雪服較便宜的店鋪,聯繫確認出租車和價格,在得知出租車司機疑似繞路的情況下,主動幫我們聯繫出租車公司溝通,還幫我們拿折扣;更主動交代第二天值班的清遠籍小姐姐morning call,清遠籍小姐姐也很細心地幫我們查看公交到站時間 ,指引我們坐公交到機場(訂不到出租車)👍 每一個細節都透露着酒店工作人員的真誠熱心地為住客着想,感謝你們的付出,我們的航班即使被改簽也依然被你們的細緻服務所温暖着👍這次在皇后鎮被你們酒店圈粉了,再次衷心地表達感謝!
4.7/598 評價
4.6/5133 評價
“Sudima Queenstown Five Mile” -is in Queenstown, right? The name seems pretty clear. It’s shown as being in “Queenstown Central” which is in central Queenstown, right? The name seems pretty clear on that point too. Close to the lake perhaps, looking towards the mountains, near the Queenstown bars and restaurants? WRONG. WRONG. “Queenstown Central” is not in central Queenstown. It’s the name of a shopping centre outside of Frankton, next door to the airport, surrounded by massive carparks, supermarkets, K Mart etc and about 50m off the main State Highway 6A. Hence the “Sudima Queenstown Five Mile”, despite the name, is 7.6 km from Queenstown according to Google maps (or a $50+ taxi ride away, as I can tell you from frequent experience) and about as far away from the experience or the convenience of staying in central Queenstown as you can get. Close to the lake perhaps, looking towards the mountains, near the Queenstown bars and restaurants – in your DREAMS. Having booked in a hurry and taking at face value the name(s) described the reality, we were stuck at this hotel for three nights. On arriving we were given an “underground carpark pass”, meaning that as an elderly couple we had to park 5-10 minutes’ walk away from the hotel in an isolated underground location, walking through deserted carparks late at night or early in the morning. (As we were checking out, we discovered that the receptionist could have simply noted our car registration number and for the duration of our stay we could have parked in the massive carpark immediately outside the hotel door.) We were given Room 223 for our stay, which I found overlooked the massive nearby roundabout on the main State Highway 6A (meaning trucks would be audibly braking at all hours), with a view to K Mart, I went back to the desk and asked for a room away from the Highway. We were moved to Room 214. On entering Room 214, I discovered a woman lying on the bed, semi-undressed, on the telephone. I quickly backed out of the room and went straight down to reception, where I was told, “that’s odd, someone mustn’t have updated the system”. I went back to Room 214, knocked on the door and apologised to the occupants, explaining what had happened. All attempts to find another hotel to stay in were unsuccessful; there were no vacancies at such short notice. We stayed in Room 223, but tried to be out of the hotel as much as humanly possible. I had booked restaurants in Queenstown – full degustation menus with matching wines, for every night we stayed - meaning I couldn’t drive, and we consequently were paying an extra $100-130+ per night to go to dinner and return to the ‘carpark-hotel’. Had the room we stayed in been in a hotel located in central Queenstown then it would have been a pleasant experience, but what we experienced was simply awful. Might the name of both the hotel and the shopping centre mislead people who are booking a stay in Queenstown? I will leave it to you to decide.
4.5/553 評價


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