旅客若想住在普吉島的卡馬拉沙灘,那麼普吉島洲際飯店度假村 (SHA Extra Plus)將會是一個便捷的選擇。著名的景點卡馬拉海灘、幻多奇樂園和新呷海灘均可步行很短距離到達。從飯店到Elvis Rock & Roll Bar Kamala遊覽很方便,Saltwater Dreaming Surf School和White Sun Bar也均在附近。客房內的所有設施都是經過精心的考慮和安排,包括雨傘、房內保險箱和空調,滿足您入住需求的同時又能增添家的溫馨感。電熱水壺和瓶裝水可供使用,便捷的客房設施定能讓您倍感舒適。除此之外,配備有拖鞋、24小時熱水和浴缸的浴室是您消除一天疲勞的好地方。酒吧給旅客提供了一個舒適的環境,可供休憩。旅客想要在自己的房間邊聽音樂邊享受美食,只需呼叫送餐服務。飯店周邊的美食也等待著您的探索,角落餐廳(西餐)會供應一流的推薦美味泰式蛋包粉,Sunset Grill(燒烤)和Pan Bistro(東南亞菜)也會讓您大吃一驚,定會對兩家的烤牛裡脊和芒果糯米飯讚不絕口。相信按摩室周到的服務和室外泳池一流的設施,會讓您擁有別樣的體驗。飯店配備有會議廳和商務中心,可供旅客使用。便捷的旅遊票務預訂服務,讓旅客能享受一個無憂無慮的旅居體驗。
坐落於卡馬拉沙灘的泰國普吉島卡馬拉村飯店(Thai Kamala Beach Front ),會讓您在普吉島 擁有別樣的體驗,開展一段難忘的旅行。旅客們會發現綠洲水療館-暹羅皇室館 (Kamala站)、卡馬拉海灘和綠洲水療館-綠松石海灣館(Kamala站)距離飯店都不遠。從飯店高層可以很輕鬆的看到蘇林海灘的風光,班淘海灘也在附近。飯店內的西餐廳供應特色菜餚,來滿足旅客的需求。在空閒的時候,去酒吧喝杯飲品放鬆一下是不錯的選擇。如果旅客想在自己的房間舒適的用餐,飯店可提供客房服務。飯店設有按摩室,確保您下榻期間愉快、愜意。24小時開放的櫃檯服務可為您隨時提供訊息,以幫助您探索這個魅力之都。
I had to go puket in the weekend I stayed in kemala puket hotel. l very happy in service of the hotel staff they had lot Tourist attractions in puket that recommended. They had activated for costumer To create fun staying in a hotel But it costs a small fee. But any the room in hotel is beautiful and The view is beautiful. Very calm no noise to disturb. For me I thought It’s worth it to had a comfortable rest. In the good place. There are more in hotel is had a free breakfast in the morning At the price paid,I thought it’s very reasonable to paid. I recommend it to those who love peace and feel comfortable. I want to do activities. There is a delicious food here that is very suitable for you. I guarantee that if you have already, you will definitely go back 100%. But most of the time, if you go to rest, it is recommended during the summer because if it is another season, it will not have a good atmosphere like me, especially in the rainy season, it may make your activities to do may not be recommended. The best is summer.
We stayed in a beautiful 4 bed villa Cupacine Villa C with stunning views for one week, starting December 22nd. The property was spotless and well-suited to our group of six adults, a three-year-old, and a baby. Beds and Comfort: While the beds were generally very firm, two were uncomfortably hard, making it difficult to sleep on the first night. Upon closer inspection, we noticed these two beds lacked toppers, unlike the others. Once we reported this on day two, the concierge promptly provided new toppers, resolving the issue. Noise Issues: The downstairs bedrooms initially suffered from excessive noise. On day three, we reported this to the concierge, and engineers identified the source as the pool pump. While the issue was resolved within two days, some residual noise from the air conditioning compressors remained, as situated with pool pump close to the downstairs bedrooms, which was mildly disruptive at night. Cleaning Supplies: There were no cleaning supplies in the villa. When our three-year-old was sick on the bathroom floor, we had only toilet paper to clean up the mess. After contacting the concierge, they sent over a mop and bucket but requested it back the next day. While daily housekeeping was excellent, it would be helpful to provide basic cleaning supplies for emergencies or to help guests maintain the villa. Similarly, when our baby was sick another evening, the concierge quickly provided fresh bedsheets, resolving the situation efficiently. Safety Concern with Bedroom Locks: Each bedroom can be locked from the inside with a simple twist knob. On our last night, our three-year-old accidentally locked himself inside, causing concern when he stopped responding to the babysitter. We contacted the concierge for assistance, but in the meantime, we discovered that one of the sliding doors to the room wasn’t secure, allowing us to enter. We found him asleep on the bed. While the concierge arrived within 15 mins, they didn’t have the right key. They later provided a key in case it happened again. Families with young children should request a key that can unlock any room in advance. Kitchen Equipment: The kitchen was minimally equipped and not child-friendly. We had to purchase basic items like dishwashing liquid, dishwasher tablets, a coffee plunger, and a blender. Outdoor Area: The outdoor seating area was lovely, but some of the cushion covers were torn and showed noticeable wear and tear. Construction Noise: There was a construction site nearby that occasionally caused significant noise. Service and Concierge: The concierge team was very responsive to all our requests and concerns. For example, they helped us resolve the bed topper issue, noise complaints, and provided fresh sheets quickly when needed. On our first day, we ordered food from the villa’s F&B service, which was satisfactory. For dining out, Silk and Catch were our favorite restaurants. Another local favourite was LILO. Transportation: We used the villa’s shuttl
旅客若想住在普吉島的卡馬拉沙灘,那麼基馬拉度假村 (SHA Extra Plus)將會是一個便捷的選擇。著名的景點Coco Life Tropical Spa、White Orchid和Kamala Muay Thai Gym均可步行很短距離到達。從飯店到普吉島滾球遊覽很方便,Kamala Massage和新呷海灘也均在附近。客房內的所有設施都是經過精心的考慮和安排,包括雨傘、熨衣設備和房內保險箱,滿足您入住需求的同時又能增添家的溫馨感。電熱水壺和咖啡壺/茶壺可供使用,便捷的客房設施定能讓您倍感舒適。除此之外,配備有拖鞋、24小時熱水和浴缸的浴室是您消除一天疲勞的好地方。在餐廳服務方面,飯店西餐廳會提供美食。酒吧給旅客提供了一個舒適的環境,可供休憩。旅客想要在自己的房間邊聽音樂邊享受美食,只需呼叫送餐服務。飯店周邊的美食也等待著您的探索,普吉卡林懸崖餐廳(บ้านริมผา)(東南亞菜)會供應一流的推薦美味BRP Kalim food group,Pan Yaah Thai Restaurant(海鮮)和Thai Smile Restaurant(東南亞菜)也會讓您大吃一驚,定會對黃咖喱蟹和咖喱蝦讚不絕口。飯店種類繁多的休閒設施能為每一位下榻於此的您創造多元化的休閒空間,這其中包括按摩室和室外泳池。飯店配備有商務中心,可供旅客使用。24小時開放的櫃檯服務可為您隨時提供訊息,以幫助您探索這個魅力之都。
My husband and I wanted to enjoy a one-of-a kind wedding and honeymoon, and we found Keemala. We booked well in advance and found that communication with our wedding planner, Gam, was smooth and efficient. She helped arrange transportation to and from the airport, made sure we had a beautiful room, and walked us through our wedding ceremony, and after wedding events. (She even arranged for the bathtub to have flower petals in it!- very romantic!) Everyone was so pleasant and the room couldn't have been more beautiful. The staff is great, the food is amazing, and the view is breathtaking. I would highly recommend this resort. It's absolutely worth the trip.
普吉島悅榕莊(SHA Extra Plus)坐擁清幽靜謐的優越位置,旨在帶您逃離城市的繁雜與喧囂,探尋內心的寧靜與放鬆。從飯店出發,驅車約35分鐘即可抵達普吉國際機場,為您的出行帶去諸多便捷;步行約10分鐘便可輕鬆到達風景如畫的邦道海灘,天然綿柔的細沙、波光粼粼的海洋及清新自然的空氣,宛若將人置身於一個如夢似幻的世外桃源;在陽光燦爛的明媚午後,您可悠閒漫步於蜿蜒綿長的海岸邊,肆意享受慵懶閒適的假日時光。步入飯店內,彷彿進入了一個偌大的熱帶花園中,滿目皆是翠色盎然的迷人景緻,將帶給您貼近自然的住宿新體驗。飯店設有類型豐富的寬敞別墅,以滿足您多樣化的入住需求。掩映於青蔥綠植中的別墅均經過匠心設計,兼具優良的私密性,完美地融入了泰式風格裝飾,以精美的藝術木飾做點綴,配備電視機、DVD播放機、洗浴用品等貼心的設施,並設有伴您安享整晚酣眠的床品。相信令人倍感驚艷的私人泳池定會帶給您無限驚喜。入住期間,飯店將帶給您舌尖上的完美體驗:Banyan Cafe餐廳以柔和的淺色為主色調,搭配米白色的時尚桌椅,在悠閒輕鬆的用餐氛圍下,每日供應營養均衡、健康豐盛的元氣早餐,伴您迎接清晨的陽光,為您即將展開的嶄新一天注入充盈的活力;寬敞明麗的Watercourt餐廳為您創意呈獻誘人海鮮,讓您的舌尖遊走在西方與亞洲經典之間,晚間時分璀璨的燈火閃爍迷姿,佐以芳醇沁人的美酒,伴您盡享浪漫無比的燭光晚餐。閒暇時分,您可前往配備精良運動器械的健身房,享受酣暢淋漓的運動樂趣;或縱身躍入湛藍如玉的室外游泳池放鬆舒遊,沐浴於溫暖明亮的柔和日光下,於池畔酒吧點一杯繽紛可口的雞尾酒,感受微風拂面的輕觸溫柔,沉浸於令人迷醉的曼妙美景;也可在網球場與至親好友進行一場別開生面的趣味友誼賽;亦或體驗舒緩的水療服務,緩解旅途疲倦、重煥活力。此外,飯店還配有會議室及宴會設施,助您各類活動的順利舉辦。
附近有很多小店,餐廳,按摩,也可以督督200bht到Banzaan或Maline 海鮮市場逛逛。
The room has direct access to the swimming pool, so beautiful! There are also 2 large swimming pools with beautiful views of Patong Beach. The hotel's location is also close to Patong Beach, much convenient for everyone.
The breakfast is good and cost-effective.
There are many small restaurants, western restaurants, and massage nearby. You can also take a Tuk-Tuk 200BHT to the Banzaan or Maline seafood market.
Among them, for island hopping tours, the hotel can arrange or impromptu half-day tours to nearby stores. 1,200 baht includes transfer and return to the hotel, which is not expensive.
I will choose to stay here next time I come to Phuket👍🏻
AAmalia AnisRoom is fine. I picked room with sea partial view, but disappointed a bit. Price does not match with the view. Water heater not functioning well. Kettle is leaking.