旅客若想住在普吉島的卡塔海灘,那麼普吉島遨舍飯店將會是一個便捷的選擇。著名的景點Mojito With Love Kata Beach、Namwhan Bar和Home Massage均可步行很短距離到達。從飯店到安達按摩館遊覽很方便,Karma Thai Traditional Massage和卡特諾 也均在附近。客房內的所有設施都是經過精心的考慮和安排,包括熨衣設備、房內保險箱和空調,滿足您入住需求的同時又能增添家的溫馨感。有飲水需求的旅客,飯店還為您提供了電熱水壺和瓶裝水。除此之外,配備有24小時熱水和吹風機的浴室是您消除一天疲勞的好地方。在餐廳服務方面,飯店西餐廳會提供美食。酒吧給旅客提供了一個舒適的環境,可供休憩。旅客想要在自己的房間邊聽音樂邊享受美食,只需呼叫送餐服務。飯店周邊的美食也等待著您的探索,Baan Noy Restaurant(Baan Noy Restaurant)(海鮮)會供應一流的推薦美味咖啡雞,Mom Tri's Kitchen(西餐)和大象咖啡餐廳(東南亞菜)也會讓您大吃一驚,定會對泰式炒麵和冬陰功讚不絕口。對於顧客來說,可以在室內泳池和健身室享受鍛鍊的樂趣。飯店配備有會議廳和商務中心,可供旅客使用。為了方便旅客,飯店會提供接機服務。
在該地區觀光很容易,普吉澳洲人潛水店、甜檸檬草按摩和International Green Mint Massage都在飯店附近。飯店對客房的裝飾十分考究,每間設施齊全的客房都配備有房內保險箱和空調。有飲水需求的旅客,飯店還為您提供了電熱水壺和瓶裝水。除此之外,配備有拖鞋和吹風機的浴室是您消除一天疲勞的好地方。閒暇時間在飯店的酒吧喝上一杯,必定是您休憩放鬆的好選擇。除此之外,周邊餐飲種類繁多。Leo & Mas Ristorante Italiano e Pizzeria(其他西餐)供應一流的推薦美味-芝士海鮮披薩,Da Maurizio Bar Ristorante(ดา เมาริซิโอ ริสโตรันเต)(義大利菜)提供的自製黑松露意麵備受好評,Pan Yaah Thai Restaurant(泰國菜)的黃咖喱炒雞肉飯也是來這裡遊玩不容錯過的美味。房客既能在 健身室揮灑汗水,也可以在SPA放鬆身心。飯店開放旅遊票務專櫃,方便需要訂票的旅客。
Хороший свежий отель. Непритязательные завтраки. Номера чистые, если необходимо убраться, то ставьте табличку у двери в положение ”Уборка”. Если нужны виды хоть какие-то в сторону моря на Патонге, то берите номера с видом на море/город и от 4 этажа и выше. На 6 этаже (крыше) находится маленький бар и бассейн, тренажёрный зал в районе 15кв.м кто пользуется ими вообще не понятно. Только если при отпуске свыше 14д, и то не факт. Это считается 4 линией, до ночного рынка где море еды уличной около 800м. Рядом с отелем есть магазин 7/11, прачечная, простые кафе, обменники. Кушали в основном на рынке или ближе к 2-3 линии. Отель не для семей с детьми и пожилых. У кого болят ноги он тоже не для вас. Не понимаю людей, которые берут сознательно этот отель, и пишут отзывы что он на горе и постоянно в гору. Вам и в обычной жизни трудно угодить. Либо физкультура, либо байк берёте и все отлично. Прозрачный туалет душ, это даже прикольно 👍 есть шторка. Если вы едите вдвоём МЖ, то что друг у друга вы не видели 😂 что могло бы вас смущать. Кондиционер есть, дует нормально. Балкон маленький, сушки отдельно нет, ее просто некуда поставить на балконе, так как места заняты стульями и столиком. Если вам не понравилось, то скорее всего вы не умеете выбирать отель под себя и вам кто-то его выбрал, не рассказав нюансы.
WYNDHAM GRAND NAI HARN BEACH PHUKET is a five-star hotel that is perfect for families with toddlers and children. The hotel is located in a quiet and beautiful area, with a nice lake nearby and a big playground for children. The hotel staff is excellent, providing care and service that is second to none. The hotel is designed with families in mind, and it shows in every aspect of the hotel. The rooms are spacious and comfortable, with plenty of room for families to spread out and relax. The beds are comfortable, and the linens are soft and luxurious. The rooms are also equipped with all the amenities that families need, including a refrigerator, water boiler, and coffee maker. One of the best things about WYNDHAM GRAND NAI HARN BEACH PHUKET is the staff. The staff is friendly, helpful, and always willing to go the extra mile to make sure that families have a great stay. They are especially attentive to the needs of toddlers and children, making sure that they are comfortable and happy throughout their stay. The hotel also has a great restaurant that serves delicious food. The menu is varied, with something for everyone, including children. The restaurant is also very accommodating to families, with high chairs and booster seats available for toddlers and children. The hotel has a beautiful outdoor area that is perfect for families. There is a nice playground for children, with swings and other fun equipment. Located near the lake there is a huge playground, which is a great place for families to relax and enjoy the beautiful, relaxing and soothing scenery. The hotel also has a great dual pool that is perfect for families. The water temperature in the pool is just right, so families can enjoy swimming for hours and hours. There is also a great spa in the hotel, which my wife really appreciated, relaxing after a long day of sightseeing and shopping. One of the best things about WYNDHAM GRAND NAI HARN BEACH PHUKET is the location. The hotel is located in a quiet and beautiful area, away from the hustle and bustle of other parts of Phuket. This makes it a great place for families to relax and unwind. The hotel is also located near many great attractions, including Big Bhudda, parks, and other family-friendly activities. Overall, WYNDHAM GRAND NAI HARN BEACH PHUKET is an excellent hotel for families with toddlers and children. The hotel is designed with families in mind, and it shows in every aspect of the hotel. The staff is excellent, providing care and service that is second to none. The location is quiet and beautiful, with a nice lake nearby and a big playground for children. If you are looking for a great hotel for your next family vacation, WYNDHAM GRAND NAI HARN BEACH PHUKET is definitely worth considering. This is our second visit, and we are already making plans for revisiting.
普吉島悅榕莊(SHA Extra Plus)坐擁清幽靜謐的優越位置,旨在帶您逃離城市的繁雜與喧囂,探尋內心的寧靜與放鬆。從飯店出發,驅車約35分鐘即可抵達普吉國際機場,為您的出行帶去諸多便捷;步行約10分鐘便可輕鬆到達風景如畫的邦道海灘,天然綿柔的細沙、波光粼粼的海洋及清新自然的空氣,宛若將人置身於一個如夢似幻的世外桃源;在陽光燦爛的明媚午後,您可悠閒漫步於蜿蜒綿長的海岸邊,肆意享受慵懶閒適的假日時光。步入飯店內,彷彿進入了一個偌大的熱帶花園中,滿目皆是翠色盎然的迷人景緻,將帶給您貼近自然的住宿新體驗。飯店設有類型豐富的寬敞別墅,以滿足您多樣化的入住需求。掩映於青蔥綠植中的別墅均經過匠心設計,兼具優良的私密性,完美地融入了泰式風格裝飾,以精美的藝術木飾做點綴,配備電視機、DVD播放機、洗浴用品等貼心的設施,並設有伴您安享整晚酣眠的床品。相信令人倍感驚艷的私人泳池定會帶給您無限驚喜。入住期間,飯店將帶給您舌尖上的完美體驗:Banyan Cafe餐廳以柔和的淺色為主色調,搭配米白色的時尚桌椅,在悠閒輕鬆的用餐氛圍下,每日供應營養均衡、健康豐盛的元氣早餐,伴您迎接清晨的陽光,為您即將展開的嶄新一天注入充盈的活力;寬敞明麗的Watercourt餐廳為您創意呈獻誘人海鮮,讓您的舌尖遊走在西方與亞洲經典之間,晚間時分璀璨的燈火閃爍迷姿,佐以芳醇沁人的美酒,伴您盡享浪漫無比的燭光晚餐。閒暇時分,您可前往配備精良運動器械的健身房,享受酣暢淋漓的運動樂趣;或縱身躍入湛藍如玉的室外游泳池放鬆舒遊,沐浴於溫暖明亮的柔和日光下,於池畔酒吧點一杯繽紛可口的雞尾酒,感受微風拂面的輕觸溫柔,沉浸於令人迷醉的曼妙美景;也可在網球場與至親好友進行一場別開生面的趣味友誼賽;亦或體驗舒緩的水療服務,緩解旅途疲倦、重煥活力。此外,飯店還配有會議室及宴會設施,助您各類活動的順利舉辦。
Naka Island is magical. This has been an aspirational Marriott redemption for me for over a decade, and finally staying on our honeymoon exceeding all expectations. The staff here is truly exceptional and takes the experience one step beyond. Boom at breakfast, Bank at happy hour, Mew at sunset, etc. everyone we encountered was professional, engaging, and just so friendly. You can really tell this property treats their staff like a family, and they all get along so to deliver a cohesive guest experience. Things that were truly standout: - villa 47 view was unbelievable and has ruined all future hotel views for us :) - Housekeeping staff was intuitive and exceptional (recognizing we had towels on floor as mats in front of the sinks, next day every standing place had a bath mat in place; villa kept pristine overall - daily gardening/pool, turndown, etc) - Afternoon gong begins happy hour for yummy drinks at rum chapel, Bank comes literally running out to take orders at the beach at 1pm daily with a smile - Z Bar staff felt like a homecoming each night, so friendly and fun to chat with and great drinks (Mew, Tuya, Daisy, the whole staff including trainees were so great noticing your preferences on snacks, drinks, etc) - Kris the rooms director was like a second hand GM, so engaging with everyone and fun to chat to - David the GM is obviously so attentive to the whole place… we saw him walking the property every morning at 7am making sure everything just so Once in a lifetime stay that we already want to repeat. Bravo!
訪訪客Great hotel , great restaurant and above all a very friendly staff. Value for money for their services, cleaning and location. I believe that is a great choice for a luxury hotel that is located only some minutes walk from the Main Street and the beach. Definitely highly recommended and I will choose it again if I ever visit Phuket again
訪訪客用戶This review is about the cafe not the hotel. The cafe had a coffee drink called 'dirty' now this drink has coffee and a ball of ice cream in it. Taste is wonderful. However, the service was atrocious to say the least. When you order this drink, the staff will tell you it takes from 15 to 20 minutes to prepare...sure no problem. but after half and hour no sign of the drink. Ask the staff, they check and does not come to me but signals it will take another 10. Now what kind of service is this. I just crossed my hands and walked away. The staff immediately came and said 10 more minutes, Told her I had to take the tender back to my ship. I really pity the owner of this place, it was empty, with 2 tables occupied only. If they cant get it right or maybe it is their 'Sabai' attitude. It does leave a sour taste in your mouth.