
4.9/542 評價
4.6/511 評價
4.5/541 評價
蠻舒服的 環境也蠻好的 對面就是個大商場 啥都有 蠻便利的~很方便的一點是 入住就能使用健身房 樓頂還有個風景很好的餐廳 法餐的 晚上的清吧吹吹風 無邊泳池也是很棒!推薦!
4.6/523 評價
Everything was exceptional during my 10-day stay at La Chronique. Location is great, but I want focus on the facilities and staff. The hotel is small and very charming with the feel of early 20th century French colonial design and decor. The quiet rooms and the second-floor lobby all lend to one feeling like they've stepped back in time. Staff could not have been more helpful--super attentive to every need. Towels, linens, pillows all great, and the mattress was very comfortable! Two important tips: 1. The hotel is not wheelchair accessible. The lobby is a walk-up from the street, and once inside you find an elevator to access the three floors above with rooms. So one has to walk those steps each day coming and going. Second, I stayed on the first floor in a room with a balcony, which sounds great until you realize it faces an unattractive building across an alley, is not large (about 10 feet wide and extending out only 2 feet...just enough for a small table and two chairs). Most if not all of the rooms are on the small side, and my queen-size bed had only about 6 inches on either side--not enough to really access that way, I always had to climb in from the foot of the bed. A friend had the adjacent room with a king-sized bed and ample room on both sides--the only difference being that room didn't have a balcony. All the balconies take away from room size, quant as they are, and probably only the third floor was high enough to see out any distance. I never used my balcony due to its small size, limited view, and the fact that that side faces the south so it's hot out there most days. On the plus side, the rooms have full windows across that whole outside wall. PS, the shower is outstanding, as other reviews have mentioned, and there are a couple of great meeting rooms for business or small gatherings.
3.9/517 評價
The hotel is in a quiet side street in the center of one of the 'nicest' areas of Phnom Penh, called BKK1. It is a pleasant boutique hotel with rooms on the ground floor around the pool, the first floor and the second floor. 8 rooms have balconies. Sun rises and hit my room (309) around 6am with 7am being the brightest. The rooms are clean, well kept and have a bright and fresh feel. The staff are excellent - take your time speaking as English can be tricky to understand - even for the English sometimes! The staff will assist you in any way they can. The food is excellent. The pool is in the central courtyard with a huge tree in the middle. It is not a lap pool and it is a great way to chill and relax keeping cool with loungers and parasols around the pool. I have moved into an apartment in Phnom Penh but would go and stay there any time and would advise anyone I now coming over to stay there.
4.2/562 評價
Poor wifi in the corner room of 3rd floor, have to go sit next to the elevator to use Wifi. 整體房間整潔,價格實惠,地點非常中心靠近多個景點和世界各地的美食。這個區畢竟是國家的商業中心。早餐價格比門外廣告上寫的價格高,不太誠實。味道還是可以的。



最低價格TWD 326
最高價格TWD 16,281
平均價格 (平日)TWD 2,394
平均價格 (週末)TWD 2,407



金邊是柬埔寨首都,孕育著豐富又歷史悠久的高棉文化,走訪金黃璀璨的金邊皇宮、充滿歷史與考古文物的國家博物館、神聖典雅的塔山寺、鑲嵌數萬顆鑽石的銀殿等知名景點,深入瞭解柬埔寨的古老歷史,或是前往中央市場和俄羅斯市場買些紀念小物,感受神秘又獨特的金邊魅力。準備來趟金邊旅遊?交給 Trip.com 為您蒐集旅途中的各種玩樂資訊,舉凡交通、住宿、景點等實用攻略一次看,或是瞧瞧有哪些必去的熱門金邊景點與一日遊行程,參考其他旅客真實心得分享,不用擔心踩雷,隨時隨地展開金邊之旅!


透過 Trip.com 預訂飛往金邊國際機場機票,輕鬆比價、查看航班時刻表,從機場到市區的路程可選擇嘟嘟車、計程車、公車(等車時間可能較長)。若預計順便遊玩暹粒,可搭乘長途巴士、渡輪或柬埔寨國內航班往返。景點之間的交通可考慮包車或嘟嘟車,價格相對便宜。




1. 金邊皇宮

2. 國家博物館

3. 中央市場


還沒安排金邊自由行的住宿嗎?不妨透過 Trip.com 搜尋目前仍有空房的金邊飯店,從頂級舒適的五星級飯店、平價商旅泳池飯店青年旅館等應有盡有,輕鬆比價、篩選符合需求的房型,並以超值價格預訂金邊住宿!若預計前往金邊遊玩,建議入住湄公河岸、西索瓦大道旁,離景點近、餐廳也多,旅行更便利。
