

3.9/525 評價
The stay at the hotel was charming. Upon arrival we exchanged our room for a beach villa for a modest fee. The breakfasts were adapted to local customs, but given that we were probably the only Europeans in the hotel, this is completely understandable. But we always had enough to eat. The other dishes were also very tasty. We took a taxi to the beach not far from the hotel, a beautiful clean beach where we were alone. We wanted to take a trip to Da Lat, which the very nice receptionist willingly arranged for us, the full-day trip with an English-speaking driver at a great price was amazing. We can only recommend this hotel. Markéta & Honza
4.7/5102 評價
The resort is all extensive that you do not even need to leave the resort. The location itself is great if you want to have a quiter retreat, away from the bustling of Mui Ne. It takes about 15 - 20 minutes drive to central Mui Ne. Though, everything is here and you can spend days without going out. Every morning, I am awaken by the birds chirping and sounds of the crickets instead of the hustling and bustling of the city or traffic so this is good. I find that the staff were extremely helpful, breakfast was great and the guest relation officers who are always ever-willing to provide some insights. Their tours are somewhat comparable to outside prices (especially for a personalised one as compared to shared tours). There is a lift directly opposite to my room, and I could hear people drunkenly walking to the lift or talking while waiting for it. The resort has predominently European tourists who at times could be rowdy and difficult as they kept cutting me when I wanted to check-in disallowing the receptionist to focus on me. Nevertheless, the treatment provided by the staff are the same. I only have one major issue where I had booked a massage and the masseuse waited in the room for me to undress instead of allowing me time to prepare myself which is the norm. There were also no drinks (as per normal customs) provided after the massage for a resort that is of such high luxury.
4.2/549 評價
Khuôn viên đẹp phù hợp chụp hình sống ảo, sát biển không gian mát mẻ. Bảo vệ nhiệt tình. Cần cải thiện nội thất và trang thiết bị hiện đại, sang trọng hơn
4.7/597 評價
很不錯,酒店很多韓國人,酒店預訂嘟嘟車去四個景點也非常方便,早餐適合西餐比較多 環境好的不得了,適合拍照,門口沙灘也很漂亮 美中不足就是雙床的床太小了,酒店沒有晚餐自助餐
3.9/516 評價
我的家人是 Sealinks 的客戶超過 10 年。我們在這裡度過了很多愉快的假期。美味的食物和飲料,美妙的觀光。特別是游泳池對我女兒來說非常有趣。我們確實希望有越來越多的前往 Phan Thiet 和 Sealink 的旅行
4.4/520 評價
我喜歡這家酒店的環保程度。將典型的洗髮水和沐浴露塑料瓶替換為陶罐和玻璃罐,不存在的塑料吸管被金屬吸管和可生物降解的宣紙吸管所取代。 房間的位置和位置都令人讚歎,海灘和游泳池就在您家門口,很難在兩者之間進行選擇。海灘/游泳池和餐廳的服務令人讚歎,食物也很棒,客房服務中的甜美女士們也是如此。白天的接待人員有點休息,但是晚上和晚上的接待人員真的很有幫助。 我一定會再次回到這家酒店。



最低價格TWD 895
最高價格TWD 41,505
平均價格 (週末)TWD 4,957
平均價格 (平日)TWD 4,419



藩切是個位於越南南部的漁業小鎮,擁有綿延遼闊的美麗沙灘、引人入勝的宗教氛圍、眾多道地海鮮美食,吸引許多觀光客前來朝聖。準備來趟藩切旅遊?交給 Trip.com 為您蒐集旅途中的各種玩樂資訊,舉凡交通、住宿、景點等實用攻略一次看,或是瞧瞧有哪些必去的熱門藩切景點與一日遊行程,隨時隨地輕鬆展開藩切之旅!


透過 Trip.com 預訂飛往胡志明市機票,再從胡志明市轉乘巴士約4小時抵達藩切。藩切當地交通可選擇計程車,方便又便宜。




1. 仙女溪

2. 紅沙丘


還沒安排藩切自由行的住宿嗎?不妨透過 Trip.com 搜尋目前仍有空房的藩切飯店,從頂級舒適的五星級飯店、知名連鎖飯店品牌到高CP值的平價民宿或青年旅館等應有盡有,輕鬆比價、篩選符合需求的房型,並以超值價格預訂藩切住宿!若預計前往藩切周邊城市遊玩,建議入住交通便利的地區,例如巴士路線附近,旅行更便利省時。
