重慶江北希爾頓惠庭飯店位於重慶江北區商業中心地帶,毗鄰重慶商圈觀音橋、冉家壩、沙坪壩三峽廣場等大型休閒娛樂區域,購物、用餐極為便利。緊靠輕軌5號線,飯店至重慶江北國際機場約30分鐘車程、至重慶北站約20分鐘車程,觀音步行街橋約15分鐘車程,距沙坪壩三峽廣場約15分鐘車程。飯店精心設計的豪華客房,其中包括靈動房、靈動豪華房及全能套房。重慶江北希爾頓惠庭飯店是您旅居生活中理想的家!飯店設置有綠洲大廳,靈感用餐區,健身房&洗衣區,商務會議區&多功能區,以及24小時開放的心選小鋪和自助飲吧,靈活的空間內恰到好處地配置了多種居家設施,讓賓客得以保持原本的生活方式,像在家一般輕鬆自在,感受“樂居由你Free to be you”的旅居體驗。飯店擁有面積300平米的多功能廳,可容納200人舉辦會議或同時用餐;其採用高檔清馨的裝潢;另外還有大小各異的會議室,滿足您不同規模的需要,可為您打造專屬的聚會場所。
GGenOhlsonThree stops away from the airport on line 3 (dark blue), this cute little apartment is suited perfectly for a day or two in the area. The building complex is conveniently situated right next to Huaxing subway stop, exit 1.
The building is called 'Huakai Youth City', but it's not a youth hostel specifically. It's a regular apartment building with families and people of all ages living there, so don't think you're screened off staying there on account of age.
The apartment itself is very clean with freshly laundered bedding and a small balcony that looks out onto the tree-lined street. A small kitchen has a couple of basics to supplement groceries bought. There is a supermarket directly under the apartment complex that could supplement any/all that you're missing. There are also a bunch of other amenities in the area including multiple pharmacies and a shopping mall.
The caretaker was very sweet and took a bunch of time out of his day to escort me personally down to the police station to register my passport in the area. Waited with me, accompanied me through the whole process and then took me all the way back. This would only apply if you're a foreigner.
The language barrier isn't an issue if you have a translation app set up or you could just add the person on Wechat and message translate.