正在查找Palo Alto Players附近的飯店嗎?先看看實際住過的旅客怎麼說。


探索我們在Palo Alto Players附近的熱門飯店




4.6/577 評價


帕羅奧圖|距離Palo Alto Players1.6km
THE GOOD: The hotel was recently renovated, rooms are nicely renovated with beautiful bathrooms. A nice size fitness center and a small but nice pool area. THE BAD: Wifi was absolutely horrible, there was ZERO wi-fi service in the lobby, restaurant or pool area. The Wi-fit would connect for 2 - 3 seconds then drop. When I asked the attended at the café if I could use the Westin Meeting wi-fi I was told no, they don’t have the password. In my room every so often the wi-fi would drop and it would take 20 – 30 minutes to reconnect!!! Furthermore, the power outlet at the desk was dead, there was also no power near the bed to plug in your laptop! Sadly, the food and beverage offerings at this hotel are on par with a Holiday Inn Express. There is no full-service restaurant, just a grab and go café which serves mediocre food. There is a limited breakfast buffet in the morning with poor quality food. On both mornings of my stay the scrambled eggs were a rubbery mess, the breakfast potatoes lacked flavor. The only item that seemed decent to eat were the fresh berries and bread. The quality of the food from room service/grab and go was also upsetting. If you want a full-service dinning experience, you are told to walk over to the Sheraton…. really? BTW: I was told the hotel kitchen is also located at the Sheraton, food is not cooked onsite at the Westin. Hospitality at the hotel is hit and miss. The front desk seems pleasant, but staff were very hesitant to go the extra mile to please… they lacked the hospitality soft skills I have experienced at other hotels of the same caliber. Café staff is very unhelpful, not very friendly, I receive a far better guest experience at my local In-N-Out Burger. In the end if you are expecting an upscale hotel experience in the Palo Alto / Stanford area the Westin disappoints. For the price I would expect a memorable experience, one where you would hate to leave and could not wait to return. During my stay I was looking forward to leaving, I really felt like it was a waste of $$$ and time staying here. When I left, I felt like I had just stayed at a Holiday Inn express with upscale rooms. Hotel should be rebranded... it's not an upscale full service hotel that is about hospitality with a mindset of wellness.



正在尋找Palo Alto Players附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
3.8/579 評價
非常不錯的一次入住體驗,首先周圍環境很舒適,是Palo Alto的中心,但不是舊金山那種大城市,稱之為downtown,有一條主幹道,漂亮繁華。斯坦福大學就在旁邊,我每天去校園跑步。比住在舊金山市區要舒服太多了。早餐很不錯。房間舒適安靜。唯一的缺點是房間很小,但這個我不是很介意。
4.2/557 評價
斯坦福大學和市區的位置無與倫比。餐館和酒吧距離酒店僅幾步之遙。房間很乾凈,明亮,有吸引力。我們喜歡可操作的窗戶和百葉窗。這家酒店非常迷人和舒適。感覺就像我們在一家歐洲精品酒店中一樣。沒有很多風吹草動,但是那裡維護得很好並且很舒適。 。 。您也將獲得免費早餐!肯定會再呆在那裡。
4.3/5111 評價
對於經營這家酒店的那些了不起的人,我無法說足夠的好話。我連續幾天在帕洛阿爾託接受醫療預約,需要一個房間,可滿足我某些感冒緩解/預防(室外進入房間,以及個別空調單位)。我和羅傑談過,他不僅證實了禪酒店的協議和特色,還告訴我,鎮上有很多人因醫療問題而來(斯坦福醫院和其他大型醫療設施就在附近),所以那裏的工作人員非常小心。在我們訪問前幾天,我發電子郵件要求採取其他措施,前台代理人豪爾赫(Jorge)承認了我的請求。我們到達,辦理了入住,注意到我的請求得到了尊重,並進行了安靜、舒適的訪問。第二天晚上我回到家時,有兩封來自豪爾赫的短信,一封來自羅傑的短信,他前一天(在我到達之前)很早就打電話來詢問我的信用卡信息,但不知怎麼的,我的信用卡信息沒有登錄到他們的系統。他們被賣光了,需要我確認付款,但長話短說,直到我回來後我才收到這些信息。他們完全有權取消約會,但沒。他們給了我懷疑的好處,也給了我爲有醫療需求的人服務的承諾。我一直在淚眼地寫着這些。如此的正派和善良!我今天打電話感謝他們時,Jorge告訴我,如果他們不得不取消預訂,他們就會在他們的附屬酒店爲我找到住宿。我從未從任何其他酒店體驗過這種水平的客戶服務和護理。所以再次感謝您,羅傑、豪爾赫和Zen酒店Palo Alto。我一定會再次入住Zen(並確保您提前獲得所需的所有信息!)
4.2/5136 評價
價廉物美的酒店,畢竟在米國少有住到低於一千的星級連鎖酒店,還包括早餐,我表示滿意。check in的時候如果前台在忙還可以選遠程的,工作人員也比較耐心。
3.3/564 評價
早餐非常簡單 座位衹有一個茶几和沙發 有停車場 房間有味道 可能是捂味兒 衛生間毛巾上有頭髮 可能是因為便宜吧 入住體驗不好 但是相比當地其他住處 確實便宜
4.6/574 評價
