正在查找Sumiyoshi Bridge附近的飯店嗎?先看看實際住過的旅客怎麼說。


探索我們在Sumiyoshi Bridge附近的熱門飯店






4.5/578 評價


道頓堀 大阪|距離Sumiyoshi Bridge0.49km
I booked this hotel because of the location and mainly because of their funky statue in the front entrance. I was able to check in my room before the check in time which was great. They offered a lot of freebies which I love, but you do have to be back at hotel by a certain time to take advantage of their offerings. They provide free bike rentals, but it was hard to use it since the streets are a bit busy and a lot of things are walkable already. They also provide free pocket wifi to use during your stay. They also have free cup noodles, sake, beer and ice cream every night. I believe it starts at 5-9pm. They have event night to, something for the kids to do and they have kimono night as well do you can save on kimono rentals. I like how they have a scale so you can weigh your luggages. Unlike most hotel rooms where it’s more of a square or rectangle space, I kinda of think the shape of my room reminds me of the letter M. It’s definitely a workable space and is big enough to lay out 2 middle size luggages. the bathroom was a bit small and I’m 5’2. If you’re 6 ft, I think you’ll struggle to stand up in the bathtub because I felt my head wasn’t far from the ceiling. They are an ecofriendly hotel. I stayed for about 3 nights and they cleaned my room once. They do offer water and towels every night. I did notice one strand of hair at the corner of the bed, which wasn’t mine since I didn’t even use the bed yet. Other than that, the room was overall clean. They had 2 windows in my room so I was able to get fresh air. They have a very old air purifier in the room as well. I like how they have a lot of hooks so you can hang your clothes to air dry. They also have this string you can extend in your bathroom so you can hang clothes to dry there as well. The bed wasn’t overly soft nor hard and the rooms were quite. The staff didn’t greet us as much, but they were helpful if you need help or ask them questions. before you leave make sure you give them a post on IG, you’ll get s prize doing it.



正在尋找Sumiyoshi Bridge附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
4.2/533 評價
지하철 역이랑 5분에서 10분 거리에 있어서 이동하기에도 굉장히 편한 위치에 있습니다. 또 걸어서 5분정도 가면 바로 도톤보리라서 굉장히 좋았습니다. 시설도 아주 깔끔하고 푹 잘 수 있었습니다. 한국어 안내 책자나 영어 안내 책자도 체크인 할 때 제공해줘서 일본어 모르셔도 괜찮습니다. 직원분들도 아주 책했습니다.
3.8/551 評價
Riverside Namba
4/51 評價
Arita heights namba 205
3.7/51 評價
清潔度和設施都很好,但我再也不會住在那裡了! ! 我覺得適合長期住宿,因為是公寓類型,所以有廚房。 位置太差了。由於對這裡不太熟悉,所以被難波站步行○分鐘的消息所吸引,就預約了,但實在是太不方便了。 而且,對日本人來說,只有顯而易見的事情,但注意事項卻如此之多,令人痛苦。
4.2/558 評價
我和我的女兒來到這裡。 我要休息了,沒有任何不便~ 由於經常走路和購物,我的腳有點疼。 不過就算打車也是10,000韓元左右,去哪都方便。 不方便的是上午11點到下午6點只有一個經理 沒有之前和之後 我什至不能打電話 但我沒有任何联系。 退房的時候沒有人,所以我就來了。 反正對於日本來說,房間很大,有沙發,可以舒服的休息。
4.3/5129 評價
Not bad but not great either. Despite it's name this is far from a ”hotel” - it's more an Airbnb. Check in is done virtually, there is no staff on site. There's is no room service at all. Easy to get to from the closest Station, there is an alleyway to the right of the hotel (facing the hotel entrance). The room itself was much smaller than expected, there's was barely any room to open even one suitcase let alone three. The toilet and bathroom are separated which we liked. We used the small kitchen area once but was nice to have the option. There's a washing machine inside the bathroom area. There is air con unit in the shower which has a clothes drying function which worked really well. There's not much around the area. Most days we walked to Dontonburi area which is about 15-20min on foot. There was a balcony but it faced directly into the buildings behind. The area has some small workshops so was a bit noisy in the early morning. We probably wouldn't stay again, the space didn't make up for the lack of services




大阪是日本第二大城市,這裡休閒娛樂活動眾多、保有現代潮流與歷史風韻,同時也是美食雲集之處,一年四季都有不少文化祭典,像是擁有超過千年歷史的大阪天神祭、充滿熱情氛圍的天神天滿阿波舞、夏季代表性的浪花淀川煙火大會等,吸引不少遊客前往大阪自由行。準備來趟大阪旅遊?交給 Trip.com 為您蒐集旅途中的各種玩樂資訊,舉凡交通、住宿、景點等實用攻略一次看,或是瞧瞧有哪些必去的熱門大阪景點與一日遊行程,隨時隨地輕鬆展開大阪之旅!


透過 Trip.com 預訂飛往大阪機票,輕鬆比價、查看關西國際機場、大阪國際機場航班時刻表。大阪當地交通大致分為地鐵、私鐵、 JR 和巴士四種。私鐵、 JR 涵蓋範圍廣至京都、神戶、奈良、姬路等地。市內搭地鐵基本四通八達,最受旅客歡迎的有大阪周遊券跟大阪地鐵巴士一日券,兩者均可無限次搭乘地鐵及巴士全線。周遊券價錢較高,可免費入場逾40個景點,不少餐廳、商店和熱門旅遊景點(例如大阪海遊館)亦提供優惠。旅遊服務中心、車站以及一些大阪飯店有發售,現場購買即可。若想前往多處大阪景點的話,強力推薦選擇大阪周遊券。


大阪年底至2月冬季寒涼乾燥,平均低於10度,偶有白雪飄飛美景。 3月至5月溫差大,由10至20度不等,繁花盛放,舒爽宜人,尤其是初春的櫻花特別迷人。6月踏入梅雨時分,回升至20度以上。梅雨季一過,正式進入潮濕炎熱的夏季,迎接日本傳統的夏日祭。到了9至11月,秋高氣爽,隨處可見唯美的銀杏或楓葉,是大阪旅遊最佳時間。


1. 日本環球影城
大阪旅遊必去景點!最有代表性的哈利波特、進擊的巨人、小小兵園區等,眾多刺激好玩的遊樂設施、4D 影院與精彩遊行等著您!強烈建議事先購買快速通關券,省去大排長龍的等待時間。

2. 大阪城

3. 心齋橋


還沒安排大阪自由行的住宿嗎?不妨透過 Trip.com 搜尋目前仍有空房的大阪飯店,從頂級舒適的五星級飯店、知名連鎖飯店品牌到高CP值的平價民宿或青年旅館等應有盡有,輕鬆比價、篩選符合需求的房型,並以超值價格預訂大阪住宿!若預計前往大阪周邊城市遊玩,建議入住交通便利的地區,例如鐵路、公車路線附近,旅行更便利省時。


1. 美津之


2. 蟹道樂


3. 章魚燒道樂 Wanaka

章魚燒道樂 Wanaka 主打蔥鹽、醬油、辛辣三種經典口味。鎮店之寶章魚燒仙貝口感外酥脆內軟嫩,鮮甜可口。

4. 四天王拉麵


5. 牛カツもと村

