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瀏覽Opcina Dubrovnik飯店的房客評價

4.7/543 評價
4.3/579 評價
This is a lovely hotel, clean rooms with good supply of hot water & easy to control air-con, clean pool, free pool towels and free safe (no deposit required), pleasant and welcoming staff. Great breakfast with lots of choice. The hotel kindly prepared us a packed breakfast one morning as we had booked an early trip. Also they were quite happy to provide us with an early morning call. Live music is provided several nights a week in the pool area and is good, and not overly loud. Poolside food is excellent and not too pricey. There are vending machines in the hotel so you can get cold drinks and snacks at any time, however they do appear to be a bit temperamental. I was concerned before I arrived after seeing some reports of construction work outside the hotel but in my opinion it has little impact on the hotel. The work is being carried out to the harbour road, so there is some disruption to the view of the boats and beyond from the hotel pool area. However in terms of noise, we experienced none during our stay other than a couple of lorries passing along the road. In terms of access, if you turn left outside the hotel gate, you can easily walk into the town on a well made road and footpath. If you turn right, it is rough underfoot and not suitable for high heeled shoes or pushchairs, but anyone wearing flat shoes and able-bodied is fine (but to be honest, there's little need to turn right). The buses run frequently into Old Dubrovnik (2 euros each way) and the bus stop is about a 10 mins amble up the hill on the roundabout (slightly less if you use the steps on the left after the hotel as it's a short cut). Plenty of restaurants up the hill and across the road to the pedestrian walkway to the beach. Lots of choice.
4.3/57 評價
公寓位於主街附近,如果有人到達皮爾門,那麼在老城區有幾條樓梯可走,這是一大優勢。我們的公寓在一樓,有高高的天花板,一個組合廚房/餐廳/客廳和獨立臥室。它設備齊全,設計有吸引力;我們喜歡舊世界魅力和現代便利的結合。工作人員卡門和馬科都愉快且樂於助人。請注意,這不是酒店,因此他們在晚上沒有在現場,但他們對電子郵件有反應。牀很體面,但對我們喜歡有點軟。空調提供了一些環境噪音,公寓俯着巷子裏的一家餐館,街道的噪音讓我們無法入睡。我懷疑這是整個老城區的老建築和低層公寓的常見問題。早餐在隔壁街的Dalmatino's提供。我們在餐廳的第一個熱早餐美味而豐盛。然而,在第二天,由於航班很早,我們吃了一頓豐盛的早餐。早餐包括果汁盒、水果、切片面包和一包包的nutella、果醬、奶酪和黃油,但沒有餐巾紙或塑料餐具。一個預先製作好的奶酪三明治或者牛角麪包,水果和煮熟的雞蛋,在口味和舒適度上會更好。杜布羅夫尼克很貴。在克羅地亞的兩週內,公寓的每晚價格超過了我們大多數酒店。我們第一次訪問杜布羅夫尼克時,非常靠近所有重要的地標。隨後的訪問中,我會考慮在老城外預訂酒店,以享受更多的便利設施。最必須做的是-一次旅行(Vlaho-Guru Walks),上午8點走牆壁,乘坐纜車欣賞日落,以及在Lokrum島呆一天。太棒了!
4.7/52 評價
從大巴車站打uber 42元 人民幣, 到達民宿入口小巷子,有些台階,當絕對可以接受,房間帶廚房餐具,有餐桌椅,卧室挺舒服的,海景很美。 距離pile門很近,走路5-10分鐘,一路下台階。挺滿意的
4.3/52 評價
4.6/52 評價



平均價格 (平日)NT$5,745
平均價格 (週末)NT$5,938